Diseases with benefits? Know five of them that do have them

in health •  7 years ago 

-It is unthinkable that any disease can bring some kind of benefits not only the person who suffers but for all around. However, there are five diseases that bring incredible benefits to the body.

Here we present what these diseases are, you will be surprised:

It is harder to believe that a disease can have benefits. The dictionary defines it as a health alteration that can be more or less serious, but always related to harm and damage, more precisely, as a harmful anomaly that can affect an institution or a community.

From an early age we adopted this concept and the idea of ​​illness suggests pain, grief, discomfort and anguish, especially when it comes to deadly or very risky diseases, with which people tend to lose hope and to sink into depression. But there would be no evil without good and curiously, many diseases cause certain results in the body that besides being totally unexpected, some may even consider beneficial, join me in this journey to know 5 diseases with surprising and unimaginable benefits.

  1. Huntington's disease: it protects you from cancer

Huntington's disease is a type of neuropsychiatric and genetic disorder that lacks a cure. It is characterized by the constant degradation of certain areas of the brain, which seriously deteriorates nerve cells and, over time, results in serious consequences, causing the reduction of cognitive functions and psychiatric disorders, among other things.

On the other hand, recent scientific studies carried out in Sweden by a group of doctors showed that, in a way, Huntington's disease protects against cancer. The study has been developing for 40 years and more than 1500 patients participated in it, presenting figures much lower than healthy people in terms of the risk of cancer. Huntington's disease is one of the most terrible of its kind and the vast majority of patients who are diagnosed with malignancy commit suicide. It is a really regrettable situation and anyone could ask what is worse. The truth is that this disease greatly reduces the chances of getting cancer, one of the cruelest diseases in recent history.

  1. Drepanocytic anemia: it protects you from malaria

Sickle cell anemia, better known as sickle cell anemia, is the most common form of disease in sickle cells and also the most serious. This disease affects the hemoglobin in the blood and shapes the sickle-shaped red blood cells, thus having a much shorter lifespan.

Interestingly, it was noted that the molecules mutated by this type of anemia defend the victims of the parasites that cause malaria. Although this was known a long time ago, the true reasons were not known until relatively recently, more precisely, until in 2011, a group of researchers from the Gulbenkian Institute of Ciência, in Portugal, managed to explain how the parasites of malaria are unable to affect cells that have already been affected by sickle cell disease and taking into account that anemia is a much less dangerous disease than malaria, it is very interesting.

  1. Bad of Urbach Wiethe: it makes you lose the fear of everything

Can you imagine not feeling afraid? For the so-called evil of Urbach Wiethe is an extremely rare disease in which the curious result is the total loss of fear. Very little is really known about the disease, but it is characterized by causing a complex thickening in the skin and brain tissues, in addition to damaging the amygdala in the brain.

As a result of bilateral damage to the cerebral tonsils, patients show intense alterations in cognitive processes, having major changes at the psychic and emotional level. One evidence is the total absence of facial expression before stimuli that any healthy subject would cause a strong reaction, from positive to negative expressions, patients with the disease of Urbach Wiethe do not react in any way to stimuli ranging from fear to the exposure to bad odors. Numerous studies have been developed on this disease since the scientists Erich Urbach and Camillo Wiethe discovered it in 1929 and only 300 cases have been identified since then.

  1. Hyperthesia: provides you with an absolute memory

Hyperthesia is another of the strangest diseases that exist, it is a neuropsychological disorder characterized by an extremely effective memory in terms of personal history that consists of an anomalous increase in the ability to evoke. The disorder affects the caudate nucleus and the temporal lobe, two regions of the brain directly related to the control of memory and the information that is stored in the brain. The benefit of the anomaly is more than clear.

  1. Savant syndrome: makes you a genius

And the most peculiar of all is the case of the syndrome of savant, also known as the syndrome of the wise. It is a disease that "affects" patients who already suffer from various mental disabilities, including autism, but which causes a very high development in the capacity of the mind and this contrast is not yet understood by science.

The exceptional patients who suffer from this disorder have a unique capacity for calculation, mathematics, language and many other knowledge, the fact is that over time it also results in lesions in the central nervous system. Although we can not really explain how or why this happens, patients seem to have inexplicably developed knowledge that even they can not explain in a practical or theoretical way, they just know a lot. A clear sign that stupidity is a nefarious and very subjective concept that can often be inapplicable.

¿Really very interesting, do not you think? ¿What other strange diseases like these do you know?

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So a disease have a benefit

Soprit hit the gaim