5 Reasons Why Nostalgic Feelings Are Good For You (Featuring new author @princewahaj)

in health •  9 years ago 

We all go through Nostalgic thoughts time-to-time but very few of us know about how to make those thoughts working for you and how to make them a great tool for your success. Today, I will be explaining 5 reasons why nostalgic feelings can make you more better than you were before.

Some people see such nostalgic feelings negatively. I would like to make it clear in the very beginning that your involvement in nostalgia in public places might hurt your status. Furthermore, doing it too much even in private can lead to exhaustion and frustration (depends on your personality). With too much, I meant that you spend several hours in a row on nostalgic thoughts. If you're involved in such way, then try to get rid of it. 1-2 hours are more than enough for a normal person.

Image Source: DifferenceBetween

Well, if you'll analyze the benefits, you'll be amazed, and you will consider these as your reasons of your involvement in nostalgic thoughts. Always remember the important criteria "be in acceptable limit". Let us look at those 5 reasons why and how such thoughts can make you a better person.

1- Nostalgia Helps You To Compare Your Past To Present:

Image Source: DeviantArt

With the help of nostalgic feelings, not only you can prepare some great things/solutions in advance but you can also compare your past to present OR present to past. If your past life was great, then you should compare your present life because that way, you'll see if you are improving or losing day by day. Maybe your present life is bad but past was good, then what to do? Simple! Just try to find some similar cases in your past, and if you were successful in similar case in past, then apply the same solution.

If your present life is great than past, then you should still compare your life from present to past, as it will make you happier about your achievements, and motivate you to achieve further goals. You will become a great person of this world.

“Attack the evil that is within yourself, rather than attacking the evil that is in others.” - Confucius

Source: GoodReads

2- Nostalgia Eliminates Loneliness:

Image Source: DailyHealthPost

Nostalgic feelings can really help to eliminate your lonely feelings. In fact, your memories of past are your best companions. When you'll think about past happy events of your life, it will most likely put a smile on your face, and you'll enjoy every single thing you are thinking.

There is a great importance on thinking about "Great things" of past. You know why? if you are lonely and in bad mood, and at that time, if you'll start thinking about some bad times of your past, then you are doing a biggest mistake. If you think about your bad times of past, then it will not only frustrate you, and it might also discourage you.

Things should be arranged based on moods. If you are in good mood, and you are alone, then the best choice is to think about your past mistakes to find a better solution for future, because it will only lead you to great success. That way, you'll find that "Nostalgic thoughts" are your best companions. Remember that action speaks louder than words.

"Nostalgia has been shown to counteract loneliness " - John Tierney

Source: NYTimes

3- Nostalgia Makes You Optimist:

Image Source: CheatSheet

Everyone in this world want to become an optimist but most of them are just "wishing" to become optimistic. If they really want to turn their "wish" into "reality" then they should know that Nostalgic feelings can make them optimist very easily than any other thing. The question might be, how you actually become an optimist with such feelings?

Well, If you know that you will come up with a great solution by giving it some time to think, then you'll never give up in your life. Rather, in your hardest times, you'll have satisfaction because nostalgic feelings creates "Never Give Up" attitude. If you really like nostalgic feelings, then you should know which type of attitude you'll have. Read this famous quote as it is exactly how you behave.

"Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" - Audrey Hepburn

Source: BrainyQuote

4- Nostalgic Makes You Happier:

Image Source: HanksJourney

Every person go through good mood and bad mood. Some people have their great hobbies to turn their mood but some of them are having hard times to find out what actually can turn their bad mood to good mood, right? Did you ever think about nostalgic thoughts that how they can affect your mood in a positive way? Believe me, if you are going through some bad times and bad mood, then nostalgic good thoughts of past can really change your mood in minutes!

For example: "If you are in a bad mood, then you should go in your room, and relax on your bed for a while and think If you had a great time when playing cricket/football with your friends last time, and how greatly you enjoyed with them." I am assuming that you got victory at the end, lol. If you lost in that match, then there is no point to think about such incidents as it will only lead to more frustration and worst feelings.

“Nostalgia makes people feel loved and valued and increases perceptions of social support when people are lonely.” - Routledge

Source: HuffingtonPost

5- Nostalgia Makes You Creative:

Image Source: Tnooz

Some people might wonder on what I am about to write now, but they should be well-informed that I am referencing my sayings with great facts and evidences. It is true that nostalgia makes you creative because it enables you to ponder on your past. When you keep pondering and contemplating your past, you'll see that you will keep getting new ideas time-to-time, and you will be able to explore them.

If you have some future plan, then why don't you connect your future plan with past? If you are going to open some marketing businesses, then contemplate on your past. At which style of marketing you are perfect and what is the most liked thing by others in yourself? Well, I am just trying to explain how you can connect one point to another within your mind and make some creative ideas about your future business plan OR any future plan.

Believe me and if you don't like to just believe, then experiment it yourself that once you start being nostalgic on your future plans, you'll see yourself more relaxed, more entertained and full of great ideas. There is intelligence in every person. The trick is to make them show up. It's all about your courage, and your way of thinking.

"Creativity is putting your imagination to work, and it's produced the most extraordinary results in human culture." - Ken Robinson

Source: BrainyQuote

So, those were 5 reasons how nostalgic thoughts affect you positively and can make you a better person if you start using those feelings for your benefit. It's all about how you use it. Just take an example of knife, you can use the knife to hurt someone but you can also use the same knife to cut Apple in pieces to enjoy the taste of fruit.

I am hopeful that you liked the article and enjoyed reading it. Please consider to follow me at @princewahaj and thank you for your time.

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All those images show the right message. GReat stuff

Quarter of my waking life is drenched in nostalgia :D
Through music! :) - agree on all the points presented!

Here's some super nostalgic sounding music

Remembering the positive experiences of the past ensures I always move forward in a bright light. Thanks for the post! :)

Some good memories can taste very bitter .

I love that feeling. I still remember like it was yesterday-

2 years ago when I first got my dog we were out running in the fall time. We're heading down this trail and I tripped over a big stick and went flying in the air. I was in a full out sprint.
I end up flipping around and landing on my back on soft moss. I didn't get hurt at all but I just laid there and started laughing. And my puppy came up and started licking me in the face. I felt like I was 8 years old again without a care in the world. It felt awesome. :)


Nostalgia is merely a mirror of the past. It is an illusion and functions as a safe place. It can actually be quite dangerous if you get caught up in it.

Does nostalgia truly eliminate loneliness? Sometimes when I feel nostalgic I get emotional, because it makes me feel more lonely...

It does. It depends on what kind of thoughts you're having. If you're thinking about your bad times, then it won't but if you're thinking about good stuff, then it will.

Happy memories make people more optimistic and less anxious about the future

Isn't it possible to feel sadness when reflecting on happy memories, though? I donno, maybe I'm just a downer. =P

I do this all the time, my gf tells me not to... can't wait to show this to her ;)

I've heard tales of people gone insane with nostalgia. They disappear into their own heads, with tears forever in their closed eyes as they think of the past, completely removed from reality.

It really does make me more creative in my glass work, great read!

The findings suggest that recalling happy memories improves your sense of well being.
Nostalgia raises self-esteem, which in turn heightens optimism
Happy memories make people more optimistic and less anxious about the future

i like remembering what happen in my past
when i first go to school
when i fall in love

It may be best to add a caveat to this: nostalgia can make you... Nostalgia has the potential to hold people back if not utilized correctly, but this post is a good tool to start using nostalgia for all positive things in the future, thanks (:

Very Good

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

One thing about nostalgia is that it doesn't just trigger a simple memory of a happier time. The memory brings back with it how you felt, all of the emotions, sometimes even the sounds and smells of the past. It can make you feel the original happiness or contentment or safety all over again. All of that is stored in our brains. Nostalgia frees the memory and experience for us so we can enjoy it all over again. Nice post @dragonslayer.