in health •  7 years ago 


Procrastination, the inability of a mover to move.
Procrastination, a resistance to success.
Procrastination, a hider of a hidden treasure.

I can go on and on and on to liberate naturally what a Procrastination is.

According to,
Procrastination is derived from the Latin word,
"Procrastinare." The prefix "Pro" means Forward while the suffix, "Crastinus," is translated to mean, Next day.

Procrastination is the act or habit of putting off or delaying action requiring immediate attention.

When one carries out less urgent tasks instead of the more urgent one, such an act is considered as procrastination.

Procrastination is a big disease that has eaten deep into our human system.

"Procrastination is the silent dream killer.” -Anonymous ‘

It kills time, opportunities and goals.

For example, when a teacher or a working mother with at least two children at home comes back from work and decides to gossip around or watch television instead of doing house chores and to prepare things ahead of time for the following day, she finds herself rushing those chores at the wee hours of the morning.

The negative side of this action is that the teacher or working class mother might end up attending work that morning very late. This act or habit is bad and needs to be corrected in time before it eats deeper.

“Doing till tomorrow comes with regret.” -Esther Onyekaonwu.


Most times we abandon important tasks for inconsequential ones. At the end of everything, we end up regretting our actions.

Students should submit their assignments ahead of time while delegated tasks should be executed before deadlines.

“Procrastination is the thief of time.”-Edward Young

Procrastination can take hold on any aspect of life such as putting off the need to clean the house or keep appointments.

Procrastination is a killer. It kills effectiveness in one's place of work and destroys academic performance.

It affects one's abilities to become self-sufficient and destroys relationships.

“A year from now you may wish you had started today. ”-Karen Lamb.

Some people have lost their jobs, failed woefully in examinations, suspended from Work and lost money, etcetera.


Causes of Procrastination

  • Fear of failure.

  • Excessive perfectionist mentality.

  • Low energy level.

  • Lack of focus.

  • Working on small tasks because they are easier.

  • Lack of motivation.

  • Distraction.


How to Overcome Procrastination

  • Become more self-aware.

  • Block out distractions.

  • Make yourself a date.

  • Dismiss unnecessary excuses.

  • Get rid of catastrophizing.

  • Forget the past and move on.

images authorities : : 1 , 2 , 3 , 4

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Nearly everything you do is of no importance, but it is important that you do it.

- Mahatma Gandhi

Yes I concur with you on this. Procrastination is a self killer

@zoneboy welcome. We agree ,, smiles

procrastination is a thief of destiny

Thumbs up

Hi @drigweeu Procrastination has never been favourable to many, it rather has destroyed many. Your recommendation on how to overcome it is so realistic.