Home Cure For Amebiasis

in health •  3 years ago 


What is amebiasis?

Amebiasis is the interstinal disease caused by amoeba.

It is prevalent where people use pit latrines.The disease can stay in a human body for a long time without being detected.This probably makes amebiasis to become a very dangerous disease.Unless properly managed it can become very dangerous and even fatal.However the disease can be managed with no or minimum expenses from the sufferer.

Disease which does not easily show signs is hard to manage. Amebiasis has signs which resemble that of malaria and typhoid fever. It includes aching of joints, fever and running of a high temperature. Since the amoeba eat up the intestines, the victim may pass liquid urine that resembles crushed innerds.

How expensive is Amebiasis?

This disease can become too expensive to the one affected .Much resources may be used to manage the disease.Unless one is careful much time and medication may be used to cure this disease.With the simple management of the disease that is provided here you can end up smiling without seeing the door of a hospital.The finances thus saved may be used for other necessities.School fees can be cleared.One can build another house.Or better still one can take his family for a long desired trip.How much excitement can these bring to your family?

Worries that accompany a sick relative will also be curbed.Trips to the hospital to visit a sick relative will also be a thing of the past.Happiness and joy will settle down in your family and things will be far much than better.What more do you need in your family?

The cure

It is advisable for one to have laboratory tests to ensure one has amebiasis before one can embark on curing the disease. The tests will reveal the worms in the body and one needs to take the prescribed medication.


One needs to go to the supermarket and shop for three sizable papaya. One can cure amebiasis by simply using pawpaw seeds.Pawpaw or papaya is a juicy sweet fruit that after extracting the seeds,the fruit may be used as a pudding for the family.The method of treatment is very simple.One needs three sizable juicy fruits of the papaya.Wash one of the fruits and keep the two in the fridge.Slice the fruit and remove the seeds which you keep in a separate container.With your blender,crush the seeds into pulp.
Add a glass of water to the mixture,sieve and drink the sieved juice in the morning.Make sure you keep the dregs.Add a glass of water to them in the afternoon,sieve and drink the sieved water.Keep the dregs so as to repeat the exercise in the evening.You can throw away the dregs now.
On the second day you are supposed to repeat the exercise with the second papaya.Make sure you take a glass of the sieved water three times a day.
On the third day,repeat with the third papaya.That procedure is foolproof.It has been tested and proved to be the best yet simple method of treating amebiasis at home.As you cure the disease,the family is also being treated to very nice pudding of vitamins.What more do you expect from this marvelous treatment.It is just like a gem dropped by an angel from heaven.
After the treatment,go for medical observation.The doctor should affirm that you are cured.I am sure you will find this information valuable.

After medication it is necessary for one to do a laboratory test to ensure they are negative of amebiasis. After one month one may repeat the taking of the papaya seed juice.

Home remedies and herbal medicine becoming a revolution

Home remedies have become revolutionary as they have risen as an alternative treatment to hospital and lab medicine. Herbal medicine and nutritious treatment becomes the so much needed alternative to the already existing medicine.

Why is this so?

  • Home remedies happen to be cheaper than the other medicine.

With the price of medicine increasing exhobitantly with the coming of each day, many sick people are getting it inaccessible. Many wonder whether to purchase the much needed food or opt for drugs. A person in the underdeveloped countries may opt for death to save food for the other members of the family. Herbal medicine may come out cheaper and end up saving lives.

  • Home remedies are readily available as they come from the already available plants.

Availability of the drugs is also a great necessity. While health facilities and medicine may not be available deep in the remote village life, herbs are easily available as they grow from plants and vegetation found within reach. Continuous use of herbs have made the communities to grow them.

  • Home remedies have no serious side effects

Since herbs happen to be fruits, leaves, roots and the bark of the trees we encounter daily, it is rare to find them with serious side effects. People with diabetes, asthmatics and many other diseases take them with no side effects. One is comfortable taking herbs.

  • Home remedies do not need the handling of a specialist to be administered.

Most of home remedies are natural foods. Most of the food we eat is lacking in nutrients. Most of it is junk food. Most people eat them due to hunger or delicasy. They do not eat them for nutrition. Home remedies are normally food that contain the well in needed nutrients.

How Does Papaya Enter The Arena?

These reasons are the ones that make this cure for amebiasis to be the much needed revolution in the world. The fruit in which you extract the seeds from can be used as a pudding.It is also known for the following benefits.Papaya can treat cancer and other gastro treatments.

It can also revitalize the body. It contains vitaminC, copper, vitaminA, magnesium, pottasium, fiber, and folate among others. These are needed by the body.

Other Fantastic Health Uses Of Papaya Seeds

Papaya seeds can be eaten.

  • You can eat them whole.

  • You can grind and use the powder to season food just like pepper.

  • You can mix them into vinaigrette dressing.

  • Papaya seeds can cure liver cirrhosis.

  • It can fight Bacterial infections and treating of food poisoning.

  • It can be used in combating Candida Yeast Overgrowth.

  • It is used in treating viral infections like dengue fever.

  • Papaya contains high levels of Oleic and palmitic acids which protect and detocify against cancer.

  • Papaya seeds dissolve protective biofilm and fibrin that covers parasites and their eggs.

  • Priteolytic enzyme papain is contained in papaya seeds and breaks down undigested protein waste from your body.

  • Papaya seeds according to the Japanese and Chinese has chemicals which strengthen the liver.

  • The seeds contain flavonoids which prevent germs from causing infections and also protect the kidneys.

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