Awesome Life-Saving Cancer Data-Sheet

in health •  7 years ago 

"The secret of business is to know something that nobody else knows."

  • Aristotle Onassis

CANCER: 'The Forbidden Cure'

"You take the good things from every different discipline, use what works, and you throw the rest away.” - Bruce Lee

Plato's Allegory of the Cave (after Socrates was executed in 399 BC for contradicting the deceptive leaders):

"Most human beings, Plato wrote, live in a dark cave. They are tied to a pole facing the wall. There is a light in the distance, which puppetteers use to cast shadows on the wall, thus controlling the attention and manipulating the thought patterns of the prisoners, who take these shadows for reality. A few dedicated souls commit to follow their heart and intuition, and with great difficulty and effort manage to break the chains and crawl out into the beating sun, experiencing an amazing new world of wonder and opportunity. Ecstatic at their new discovery of what life can really be, these few make a decision. They must at any cost return to the depths of the cave, and rescue their unhappy fellows from the sad fate. As they return, they declare the good news: there is incredible light and life outside the desolate cave; they have an amazing destiny- they don't have to spend your precious life helplessly all chained down watching shadows and playing empty games that distract them from true value and purpose! But to their amazement, they are met with incredible resistance! They are mocked and even attacked, for their story sounds like nonsense to the people, who feel their imaginary crutches threatened. The overwhelming majority prefer to stay tied to their poles, addicted to the rancid scraps they are fed, mistaking the puppetteers’ shadows on the wall for the only real Truth."

"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds."
-Albert Einstein

"..If some simple and inexpensive replacement for Chemotherapy for the treatment of cancer were found tomorrow, all US medical schools would teeter on the verge of bankruptcy, so integral a part of their hospital revenues is oncology, the medical specialty of cancer treatment". (-Healing of Cancer, Pg. 8)

“Well, at least you'll get some down time to heal up before the chemo. Of course, that sounds kind of like in The Princess Bride when they heal Westley up before they torture him.” ― Abigail Barnette ('The Girlfriend')

Cancer Facts:

Approx. 70% of an Oncologist's (Cancer Doctor) typical revenue comes from the profit off of chemotherapy drug. "The significant amount of our revenue comes from the profit, if you will, that we make from selling the drugs," (-Dr. Peter Eisenberg, a private physician who specializes in cancer treatment) “..Oncologists make most of their income by buying drugs wholesale and selling them to patients at marked up prices.” (-Rehema Ellis, NBC News) [Note: nothing new- every oncologist knows this, they just forgot to tell you]

Cancer Death Statistics: Year 1900 (1 out of 20 people died of cancer); in 1970 (1/10 people); in yr 2000 (1/3 people); and it’s gotten even worse - and since that's not bad enough, the World Health Organization (WHO) predicted a further 50% INCREASE by 2020 (See:

Over 75% Cancer Doctors claim they would refuse cancer therapy for themselves and family (Polls of 118 'Cancer Expert' Doctors; study by McGill Cancer Center)

The US Medical Establishment, after a century of full access to the all the (1) latest research, the (2) best facilities, tens of millions of (3) case studies, and (4) hundreds of BILLIONS in funding, their results are: 8.2 MILLION deaths from cancer occurred world-wide in 2012 ALONE. Why? Cancer is the largest pillar of Big Pharma's multi-trillion dollar industry, and their INCREDIBLE profits would plummet to ZERO the INSTANT the public became aware of endlessly cheaper, far less time-consuming, natural ways of curing cancer (of which there are MANY, see below), all without the horrible side-effects associated with chemo. You’d have to be insane to think they’d come up with a cure.

Less than 5% of dollars spent on cancer research is spent on research on how to stop the SPREAD OF CANCER. [Note: everyone in ‘alternative medicine’, ‘naturopathy’, etc. already knows how to stop the spread - after a century of extreme tax-funding the establishment hasn’t even posted a simple cancer-prevention fact-sheet - they’re owned by the same bankers that own the GMO producers, McDonald’s, your Government, etc.]

"Ask and ye shall receive. Seek and ye shall find. Excellent formula. But there’s a flip-side: finding is reserved for the seekers!" -Jim Rohn

According to a massive study by Clinical Oncology, the Premiere Cancer Journal, Chemotherapy has a 2.3% success rate in Australia, and a 2.1% success rate in the USA [Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol). 2004 Dec; 16(8):549-60.] This is understood by many famous practitioners;

"He witnessed a multitude of cancer patients treated with the poison die horrific deaths, many of them meeting their fate much earlier than other patients who chose no treatment at all... Dr. Jones exposed a fact that the conventional cancer industry doesn't want the world to know about its multi-billion-dollar cash cow. "People who refused treatment lived for an average of 12 and a half years," stated Dr. Jones about his study's findings ...Those who accepted other kinds of treatment (chemo, surgery, etc.) lived on an average of only 3 years." - Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences (Journal)

Medical Error Officially Considered #3 Cause of Death in United States, at just over a quarter of a million deaths per year [National Center for Health Statistics (Washington Post)] [these official numbers exclude the fact that if the patient dies from (mostly correctly-prescribed) medicine, the Doctor often reports it as the fault of the patient, claiming (s)he must've overdosed (because Doc could be sued, lose license, or even be jailed if he admits guilt). Someone who isn't careful protecting you when you're alive certainly won't justify you when you're dead – just imagine what the real number of ‘Medical Errors’ are..]

Note: Even if the results of chemo were actually inspiring, the price-gouging that the industry is openly engaged in, taking advantage of scared and weak individuals for huge profits would still be disgusting and criminal. Scared people are extremely easy to influence, so when it's a matter of life-and-death, the cost is often put in second place or even almost ignored in decision-making, so thanks to this psychological loop-hole, the money your family’s spent their lives earning can quickly go down the drain for nothing.

“Chemo drugs help, at most, 1 in 20 of the people they are given to.” (John Cairns of Harvard University; in 'Scientific American')

CHEMOTHERAPY and other Sick Jokes:

CHEMOTHERAPY is CARCINOGENIC (CANCER-CAUSING)!! And this is a well-known fact; Many chemotherapy drugs actually have CANCER listed as a side-effect! They think you’re dumber than a cactus: If spilt on any body part, chemo quickly burns through the skin: immediate and vigorous washing of the area, often followed by an immediate visit to the ER are recommended. Yet they tell you to INJEST this battery-acid sybling.

Chemotherapy now costs about one HUNDRED TIMES what it did 50 years ago (average monthly cost has gone from $100 to about $10,000). As technology and access to resources increase, one would expect price to plummet; but the Multi-National Pharmaceutical Corporations base most decision-making on short-term profits, and the rest of it on (you guessed it!) long-term profits. As junk food continues to increase sales off the 'consumers' and America's health rots, history's most hated Congress (an actual 9% approval rating!) has turned a deaf ear to the public outcry against excessive abuse, and Government-controlled Hospitals threaten, demonize and often go so far as to viciously prosecute Doctors of conscience who are willing to save the ‘patient’ while losing the juicy customer.

The US Medical Establishment has (again) made it ILLEGAL for a Doctor to suggest ANY treatment of cancer outside of the Cancer Religion’s un-Holy Trinity: Chemo, Radiation and Surgery

2004 combined global Cancer Sales: $550 Billion [ALL fortune 500 companies COMBINED profits in 2014 (10 years later) = $820 Billion];

Some were made to believe that they were cured by chemotherapy (a Doctor told someone they had cancer and then they didn’t die yet/within the ‘expected’ short time-frame the Doc pulled right out of his assessment), However:

1) 'Doing nothing' has a much higher success rate of 'curing' cancer than chemo: "He witnessed a multitude of cancer patients treated with the poison die horrific deaths, many of them meeting their fate much earlier than other patients who chose no treatment at all... Dr. Jones exposed a fact that the conventional cancer industry doesn't want the world to know about its multi-billion-dollar cash cow. "People who refused treatment lived for an average of 12 and a half years," stated Dr. Jones about his study's findings” (Journal: Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences), "...Those who accepted other kinds of treatment (chemo, surgery, etc.) lived on an average of only 3 years." (as cited by - great site)

2) Chemotherapy normally leaves the entire body permanently damaged (depending on the extent of chemo taken); users will often suffer a major detriment in quality and length if life;

[Note: Upon investigation we found that Doctors cannot give any half-relevant statistics supporting most of their claims which their profession recites quite uniformly as unquestionable fact - and they are often quite offended when you (their well-paying boss) have the audacity to not blindly trust them - and for good reason: they have $500,000 in student loan debt and don’t want to admit they’ve been royally screwed]

"A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves." – Edward R. Murrow

Word-wide Big Pharma sales over one-year period: $1,072,000,000,000 (over 1 TRILLION and rising); North America accounts for 48.7% of total sales. Note: ALL fortune 500 companies COMBINED profits (in 2014) = $820 Billion; (See: )

THE FDA Crime Syndicate

“ 1992, Congress put the fox in the chicken coop. It passed the Prescription Drug User Fee Act, which authorizes drug companies to pay “user fees” to the FDA for each brand-name drug considered for approval... the user fee act put the FDA on the payroll of the industry it regulates.” (Dr. Marcia Angell, former Editor-in-Chief of the New England Journal of Medicine) (Note: in Britain itself, the almost comically corrupt 1939 Cancer Act made it illegal to discuss the possibility that cancer can be cured!!)

“The tendency of the intellectual community to go along like a herd in support of state power, private power*, is just overwhelming. Intellectuals like to think of themselves as dissident, critical, courageous, standing up against state power; absolutely untrue - you look at the historical record, that’s a small fringe, and they’re usually punished. The mainstream tends to be what was once called a ‘Herd of Indepentent Minds’ marching in support of state power.” -Noam Chomsky (MIT Professor; World Speaker) *see: Military-Industrial Complex

The FDA claims the following are SAFE for CONSUMPTION: Pesticides, GMOs, bisephinol-A (BPA), aspartame, fluoride, SSRI antidepressants, MSG, radiation, chemical preservatives, artificial flavors, mercury in fish, cow pus and BGH in milk, chemotherapy for BABIES, etc. (These are the truly ‘sick’ people);

The FDA claims the following is HIGHLY DANGEROUS: FRESH MILK (happily consumed by far less-advanced AND YET far healthier and less chronically depressed societies FOR THE PAST 5,000+ YEARS) To protect you from yourself, the FDA must monopolize distribution, increasing their power, increasing your cost, and decimating milk’s health value via ‘ultra-pasteurization’.

Big Pharma spends billions marketing their drugs each year, and their FDA-enforced Government Monopoly claims that the treatment of chemotherapy has significantly improved after so many decades of intensive research because now a person is considered a 'survivor' of chemo if they live 5 years after treatment, even if they drop dead the next day!! Other statistical manipulation includes the fact that skin cancer and other benign cancers that don't usually kill, are now added to the study sample!!! (see: )

FDA (and other US-Gov) Contamination Levels: Michael Taylor (Monsanto Position: Vice President, FDA Position: Deputy Commissioner), Margaret Miller (Monsanto: Chem-Lab Supervisor, FDA: Department Director); Roger Beachy (Monsanto: Director of Danforth Center, USDA: Director NIFA); Hillary Clinton (Rose Law Firm, Monsanto Counsil; Presidential Candidate); “Hi, my name is Michael Taylor and I'm the head of Monsanto. We poison everything you consume. Hi I'm Michael Taylor, deputy commissioner of the FDA. I'll protect you from assholes like myself!” (on Funny Poster)

Obama claimed in 2007 he would make sure GMO food was labeled (hint: he lied); Throughout Europe and even in RED CHINA (outrageously low health standards), GMO food is labeled: “9 out of 10 Americans would like GMO foods to be labeled, so at least you'd know they're frankenfoods. But they said it'd hurt sales- so SHUT UP and eat your F***ing mutant chili!” -Bill Maher (

“Almost every country in history has had a huge problem with bribery. The US is one of the only Governments in history to have actually legalized it. Problem solved for the wrong team.”

Important Concepts:

p.1) In this era of unbridled fraud and deception, the idea that Doctors, Scientists, etc. are somehow impervious to greed and indoctrination is a particularly bizarre religious/cultish belief held only by the highly unwitting; and we all know how well cult leaders often treat their ‘useful idiots’. As all trailblazers experienced first-hand, you will find that some people you are trying to help with this info are hard to reach because they have a dog in the fight; maybe they had a family member who took chemo (or they themselves are) and eventually died (as usual), and don't want to believe there could have been a better way- think of how bad it might feel; But there are millions of people who’ve cured cancer without the conventional self-destructive methods, and these ‘flukes’ are no secret to most cancer doctors, but they are trained (often ordered) to disregard these cases as outliers - when outliers are often the only things worth studying. Most medical patients suffer from ‘Stockholm’s Syndrome’ and will defend their (often unwitting) ‘abusers’ sometimes to the death (literally). In turn, the Doctors will adamantly defend the system that traps them into being glorified acid dealers - albeit for slightly more coherent reasons. These people will desperately try to prove a foregone conclusion - maybe someone was falsely diagnosed with cancer. Remember if facts do not break people, love and persistence will. Love comes with persistence, and persistence is a pre-requisite for love; I’m not saying that I love, I’m saying that all you do without love has zero value)

p.2) From this information, with a good 5-year-old’s deduction skills one could quickly calculate that some ‘fighting Cancer’ DON'T HAVE IT! That's right, Doctors, X-ray technicians, oncologists sometimes misread (accidentally or perhaps otherwise) the results, as there is almost always a huge financial incentive to assume a cancer look-alike is in fact Cancer; they sometimes believe it's not Cancer but “just to be safe” I'll say it is, and make big bucks as a minor technicality. This is no secret: For Example, If you really like someone you'll automatically (A) overlook - or even not see - many and even serious flaws, WHEREAS if you hate someone you'll unconsciously (B) often assume the worst and twist their words- so as to always arrive at your foregone conclusion of that person’s perfidiousness; SO IT IS when you put a Doctor in such a dangerous position, where his Income, his years of hard ‘Study’(learning and usually forgetting tons of convoluted nearly-worthless crap), often Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars spent on ‘education’ , his resulting extreme self-perpetuating Idoctrination, his Perks, his Respect as a 'Doctor', his Legal Safety Net (he will not only lose his system’s automatically-provided high-end lawyers, but will be attacked by the same), and his own internal ego, and his desire for comfort, fear of peer pressure and typical fear of change are all desperately lined up to give you the less-than-useless POISON of chemo. 

“There comes a time when the operation of ‘The Machine’ becomes so odious - makes you so sick at heart - that you can't take part; you can't even passively take part! And you just have to throw yourself upon the gears and on the levers – and all the apparatus, and you have to make it stop! And let them know, the people who own it, that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!” -Mario Savio

"A Hospital is a BUSINESS! If all a Doctor's patients are healthy, he is broke." -Dr Leonard Coldwell (Famous, best-selling author, sold over 55 Million books)


Over 45k people say this drink treated their cancer ( Patients are instructed not to eat any solid food for 42 days; instead, vegetables are turned into a juice. (Raw honey or stevia and/or ice can be added for taste if necessary, DO NOT add normal (mineral-empty with harmful additives) honey or sugar or corn syrup):

1 Beet [europeans used beets to treat cancer. Provides nutrients and oxygen (to equip body to fight) beets remove carcinogenic toxins from the liver, kidneys and lymphatic system.]

1 Carrot [carrots contain tumor-fighting compounds polyacetylenes (reduced tumor growth in Newcastle University study) and falcarinol (alone reduces rat tumors by 1/3rd)]

Celery (in a 2013 study it killed up to 86% lung cancer cells because of 'apigenin')

Potato (suppresses reproduction of lymphoma, liver, stomach, cervical, colon and prostate cancer cells. Also causes apoptosis (Death) of the cells.)

Radish (detoxes the body and provides it with plenty of vitamin C and anthocyanins. VitC KILLS cancer cells outright, while anthocyanins possess antioxidant effects that fight free radicals and protect DNA from damage.

NOTE: There are MANY cheap ways to compliment this cure, and increase already extremely high success rate, and reduce cure time. Make sure all vitamin/mineral supplements are naturally derived (non-synthetic). Eat raw, eat organic, do short but high-intensity exercise (even dancing to your favorite music is game, taking 2 minute breaks or so). For any questions or free help, contact us: / [email protected] / [email protected]

Disclaimer: “This material is not legally defined as ‘Medical Advice’; if you want ‘Medical Advice’ please follow the US Department of Health’s recommendation, and seek out your local State-Certified Hyper-Expensive Medical PhD (P.usher of H.ardcore D.rugs). Thank you.”


Top Most Respected Doctor World-Wide:

Best-selling Cancer Doctor (sold over 52,000,000 books) Explains Cure (over 4 Million Views):

DEVIL’s DETAILS (So-called ‘Depopulation’ and the Medical Industry):

Well-Planned Un-Parenthood:


The ‘Gates’ of Hell:

FUNNY (But Relevant): Glorified Drug-Dealers:

Prozac, Ritalin, etc:

“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." - George Orwell

BIG PHARMA: Can you help us make a killing off of sick people?

FDA (Fatal Drug Approvers): Yes we can -cer!

"What you give in life you get to keep. What you fail to give you lose forever."

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