Home Remedies

in health •  7 years ago 

I have spent almost all of this year laid up with flu or a heavy cold. I am not sure which. Every day a new symptom.

I have had a few days where I thought I was better only for it to return in full force.

Remedies recommended to me include the classic honey and lemon (not so good for vegans - I tried using maple syrup but I am not sure it is the same. Not that I am wholly vegan anyway, more I didn't have honey); garlic cloves whole (I can't - I tried eating a garlic clove whole once and ended up writhing on the floor in agony for about 30 minutes); onion on the soles of the foot (erk); vapour rub on the foot (nicer, but don't get it in your eyes); chilli (good since I can't taste anything anyway); ginger (that one I like); vocalzone (and then someone else said they are bad and mess up your throat); cinnamon; dry toast (apparently it scrapes your throat and that is good (again - erk)); chicken soup (yet again, okay as long as you are not vegetarian); bear root or osho. A Native American friend had given me bear root tea a while ago so I used that at the start of the illness. It tastes sort of like celery or curry powder. Not unpleasant, just unexpected. It seems to work but I only had enough for one day and after that I was too ill to go out to shop to get more.

I haven't eaten much the last few weeks so I have lost almost 7 pounds. I do not recommend this as a weight loss plan, at all.

20180128_120951.jpgAnyone with any other remedies? Suggestions in comments please. At this stage I will try everything and anything.

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it is hard to recommend something not knowing more about your symptoms. Head cold? Sinus issues? Chest congestion? Barfing, loose stools? so sorry you are under the weather.

Pretty much all of that! It's been a roller coaster.