Say NO to transgenic GMO's!

in health •  7 years ago  (edited)


The practice of creating GMO’s is something that has been done traditionally by farmers for a very long time. Although, today it has become a topic of controversy in our society, with pro-GMO advocates supporting it and anti-GMO advocates trying to get rid of it. So, the big question is: Why?

It is no secret that GMO’s have been with us for a very long time in agriculture, but these GMO’s were produced by the traditional methods of selective cross-breeding, producing hybrids. Some common hybrids we eat today that are descended from these are bananas, strawberries, cabbages, wheat, corn, carrots, potatoes, etc. But the actual concern of anti-GMO advocates is not this kind of GMO’s, it is transgenic GMO’s which are those artificially engineered living organisms with genes that cross varying biological kingdoms, consumption of which the adverse effects have been minimally researched and even been avoided to talk about because the big co-operations ‘care for your health and well-being’!

The grip of the Transgenics industry

The Transgenics industry currently dominates the areas of agriculture, pharmaceuticals, food production, clothing and sanitary products. Being backed by money-crazed globalists, it’s no surprise they have taken up root in most countries and control the greater part of well…industrialization! Literally almost everything we use is made by these evil crooks.

maxresdefault (1).jpgHow do transgenics affect you?

Where do I start?

On the physical side,

An experiment was carried out in a lab were a group of rats were fed GMO corn from birth, By the time they were adults, they had all developed horrifying tumors which turned out to be caused by glyphosate and Roundup which are chemical compounds all too common in GMO produce and 70% of the females were said to die early!

Harm to Other Organisms

One of the biggest objections to genetically modified foods is their great potential for harm, not only to humans who eat the products but also to other organisms that may consume the crops. Honestly, Can you imagine that Monsanto in all their wisdom came up with one of the most innovative chemical poisoning techniques known to man! Self-producing pesticide seeds which self-destruct after the first generation, forcing farmers to rebuy every year! Some genetically modified foods, contain genes that increase resistance to certain antibiotics. If this property were to be transferred to a person eating the food, antibiotics might not have the usual effects against infections.

Cross Contamination

The cross contamination of nearby plants with pollen from genetically modified crops could transfer certain genes from one plant type to another, reports biologist Deborah Whitman. Separation of growing fields and creating male sterile plants that don’t produce pollen can prevent cross contamination between similar species growing in nearby fields. This has already happened in the U.S. when a type of maize approved for feed use appeared in maize grown for human use, the World Health Organization states.

Increased Resistance to Pesticides

Increased resistance to pesticides has already occurred in mosquitoes that developed resistance to the pesticide DDT. Insects could also develop resistance to the pesticides produced by genetically modified plants, making it more difficult to control infestation and insect damage rather than less difficult over time!

Allergenic Effects

Introducing genetic material from one plant to another may result in the introduction of allergenic material from one species into another. Because certain proteins cause more allergic reactions than others, people with severe allergies know what foods to avoid. If genes from those foods are introduced into others without appropriate labeling to warn those with allergies, allergic reactions could occur. The introduction of genetic material from Brazil nuts into soybeans was shelved for this reason, Whitman states.

On a more subtle level,

Genetics are a very tricky business. Breeding out specific genes and introducing others is extremely risky. One mistake and you could cause a great deal of damage to the organism as a whole, leading to aberrations, abnormalities etc. Genes are not purely physical, but also have a corresponding aspect in the more subtle planes. All plants and even animals have certain virtues (spiritual qualities/attributes) attached to them. So, when you breed out a particular gene or set of genes in a plant for example. You have deleted part of its virtues and power, thereby throwing its energy fields out of balance and malforming it into something else! This is bound to have an adverse effect on any other living organism who consumes it, man or animal. By causing distortions too in the bodies. Not to mention the decrease in nutritional value. As the old saying goes, ‘You are what you eat’ and this is very true in the sense that the nutrients gained from food we consume are the building blocks of our physical body, what we eat is what partly is used to make our genes. You know, this is a big part of the reason why we are having so many problems with our bodies nowadays.

So, with all this, how do we deal with this scourge of Humanity?

Boycott the malicious runts! When we stop lending our power to these evil co-operations that don’t give a flying hoot about our well-being by seizing to buy anything from them whatsoever, we will see them die a natural death and be free of their tyranny in other sectors. Find organic companies and organic markets and patronize them instead. The power is in your hands and the choice is yours.

I hope I have been able to give all of you more insight into and a new perspective on this topic. I it is honestly high time Humanity quits being the fool and take our lives and our planet back. This is your body and your own personal health/well-being we are talking about here, never take them for granted because your body IS the most valuable physical possession you can ever have. Until my next post, take care and stay safe!

Light and Void

pic source: Google images

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Loads of information. Many thanks. Love it. @eluemina Followed

Thank you very much! @gamzeuzun I appreciate it. Followed you as well. Cheers.

Wow @eluemina. What an amazing article you wrote. GMOs are so prevalent and people don't know what they are eating now a days. Your article was very extensive and informative. Thank-you for your quality work. Have a wonderful day! :D

Exactly! So glad to see you enjoyed it. I wish you the same. :)

What a wonderful article. GMOs are a menace in today society. we must do our very best as a group to get rid of them for good

I cannot agree more. Thank you! @manofmiracles