Emancipated Human on Jeff Berwick’s Anarchast on Kratom

in health •  7 years ago  (edited)

Emancipated Human on Jeff Berwick’s Anarchast on Kratom

This is the 3rd time in 5 years that Jeff Berwick invites me to join his show @Anarchast. Really humbling experience for sure. This time, we talked about #Kratom and it is not a mistake or spam. Mitragyna Speciosa is under attack by the powers that were…

The Sackler family “the OxyContin Clan” has been lobbying heavily to the FDA to get Kratom turned into a schedule one substance so they can claim a monopoly on it, as they have with the opioid family that are legal in the states. Read more about them HERE

To me, this is a huge slap on the face… taking the power to control your pain and only making it legal through their means at a very steep price. Criminals for sure!

Kratom is a plant that has helped thousands of people and I have been fortunate enough to bring this plant to several hundreds. I have helped people get off of heroin, oxycodin, and other harmful opioid addictive substances with Kratom. This is not substituting one substance for another, this is really helping people cleanse their bodies and minds from the harmful effects of the drugs they were taking. Also, people have told me it’s helped them with focus, energy, and the blues. Nothing short from a miracle plant with higher pain killing properties than Cannabis… that’s saying a lot!

Jeff always shares about the benefits of his health journey and Kratom has been a heavy component of that. He uses my liquid extract on his coffee enemas for better health and… I started doing the same. What a difference!

I hope you like this and please, let me know about your experiences with this wonderful plant. If you want to get some really good quality Kratom, please visit my site HERE. I only get the best!

Also on our website: https://emancipatedhuman.com/jeff-berwicks-anarchast-kratom/

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Hey, buddy, I'm voting for you. You do the same thing, thank you.

Really insane how they can get a monopoly on that. Typical usa...

super crazy.

Congratulations, very fortunate!

Thanks a lot!

Great video, thank you for sharing. Kratom should be sold in every drug store over the counter. The Oxy-Clan should not be allowed to make it a schedule 1 drug.

Thanks, @hippiebutter! I appreciate your sentiment.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

I am glad you think so! Thanks!

Is great
enjoy with @jeffberwick, amazing person.

i love the guy

steemit is a good platfarm everyday see a great new personality @emancipatedhuman

it really is! i am grateful for it.

I'm following back and I'm sharing the content of followers organically. My account for following back is:@followback

Geri Takibe Geri Takip Yapıyorum ve takip edenlerin içeriklerini, organik olarak paylaşıyorum. Geri Takip İçin Hesabım: @followback

Thanks, @followback!

I met Jeff when he came to Chile. Pleasant gentleman.

Wow. This is so awesome. I really enjoyed this video of how the pharmaceutical industry really works because this is how I feel about it.
I try to stay away from synthetical medicine and I have got rid out of it from my medicine cabinet and replaced it all with plant based doTERRA essential oils which have amazing health benefits and which just keep on surprising me with the power and how fast and accurate they are.
Now again, like you mentioned the pharmaceutical industry is right on our backs and as a wellness advocate I can't say that these oils cure or heal or words like cancer or diseases because pharmaceutical industry will shot down doTERRA, which really shows how afraid and how they try to control everyone and what kind of criminals they really are.

I have never heard of Kratom, so this was something new and awesome that I have learned today and will definitely have to look into it since I love plant-based, natural healing and overall wellbeing.
Thank you @emancipatedhuman

thanks, @joalvarez. the state of affairs is a bit fucked up but we can certainly always stand firm and hold our ground to prevent further mistreatment. i appreciate your comment and i am following you now.

You are right, we can stand firm and hold our ground and spread the word as much as we can with others.

Thank you so much for your support and following me and I am of course following you since I really enjoy your content.

No entiendo mucho sobre el tema, pero es interesante lo que ley

Gracias, @marizam

Freedom is non-negotiable.

damn straight

No entiendo mucho sobre el tema, pero es interesante lo que ley

What a noble deed ,, but you have the spirit and ready to face everything that will make you cornered ,, keep my spirit always support you in my prayer, @emancipatedhuman

thank you @abieikram! <3

Your wlcm sir