5 Reasons to Drink Milk

in health •  6 years ago 


Cause 1: strong bones and teeth
One of the most important macroelements for the life of the body is calcium. It is involved in the process of blood clotting, affects the contraction of muscles, regulates the secretion of hormones and neurotransmitters. But its main mission is the health of bones and teeth.

Milk is rich in calcium. 100 ml of milk contains 120 mg of this mineral. In this drink, calcium is in the form most assimilated to humans. Two glasses of milk a day - it's almost half the daily rate of calcium.

That is why milk is recommended for children and adolescents. The skeleton is actively growing, bone tissue is dynamically renewed - you need a lot of calcium. In adulthood, regular consumption of milk reduces the risk of osteoporosis. Also due to calcium milk prevents caries.

Cause 2: Strong immunity
For the correct absorption of calcium, the body needs vitamin D. It increases the absorption of calcium by stomach cells by 30-40%, and also helps in its absorption by the kidneys.


It is also involved in the synthesis of certain hormones and cells. So, vitamin D affects the area of ​​the bone marrow, which produces monocytes - cells that strengthen immunity.

The easiest way to get vitamin D is to luxuriate under the sun. The body synthesizes it under the influence of ultraviolet. However, in most of our country, solar activity in winter and in the off-season is so low that the body produces almost no vitamin D.

There is not so much vitamin D in the milk, but it is enough that calcium is well absorbed, and immunity is increased. In addition, milk is produced, additionally enriched with vitamin D.

Reason 3: Mood Improvement
So, vitamin D is involved in the production of certain hormones. In particular, serotonin. It's a hormone of happiness. It directly affects mood, appetite and sleep. Interruptions in the production of serotonin lead to a feeling of fatigue and even depression. Perhaps, therefore, it becomes so warm and cozy from a glass of milk with cookies.

Cause 4: prevention of cancer
According to some reports, vitamin D may play a role in the growth of cells that prevent malignant neoplasms of the large intestine. Researchers also attribute this to the lack of natural sunlight.

There is an opinion that calcium and lactose, contained in dairy products, can prevent ovarian cancer in women.

It is impossible to say exactly how true these hypotheses are. But the fact that scientists are serious about milk is indisputable.

Cause 5: muscle growth
There is quite a lot of protein in milk. Milk protein is 80% composed of casein and 20% whey protein and has beneficial properties of both.


Protein is the main building material for muscles. It is no accident that many athletes drink it after training. During physical activity, the protein in the muscle tissue is destroyed - it needs replenishment for recovery.

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Although there are many studies that do not recommend drinking the lair. There is still a complete and unavailable food. Thank you dear @enigma84 for this information

Yes agree, I'm tired of all this propaganda saying milk and dairy is bad for you.

Milk and cheese are incredible sources of energy.

My daughter is 2 and I think she drinks too much milk but after reading your article I feel more knowledgeable

Excellent article. I congratulate you for that

Great post. I had no idea Milk improved mood and could prevent cancer. Thanks for sharing....I'll be following you.