Question: What is a Histamine Intolerance?

in health •  7 years ago 

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Answer: A negative reaction in one’s body, which is usually delayed, to a food, beverage, food additive, or compound found in foods that produces a change or symptoms- such as abdominal pain and spasms, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, headaches, skin rash and more in one or more organs but is not considered a real food allergy. Non-allergenic Histamine Intolerance is usually when the food you eat isn’t properly digested or processed by your intestines.

Food intolerance is just as limiting to the foods you want to enjoy as a food allergy without the risk or death or the need for an ‘epi’ pen. The fact that your inability to process the food you inject has nothing to do with your immune system unlike the food allergy.


A food allergy produces the IgE antibodies against the food which isn’t present with food intolerance. An intolerance could be because of a missing chemical or enzyme needed to digest a particular food, such as hereditary fructose intolerance. Things like salicylate sensitivity occur naturally with different chemicals in foods.

Because of these intolerances eating ones favorite foods and be an unpleasant experience as on dreads the end result. This experience is often caused by elevated levels of histamine in the food itself. And for some the end results often keep people away no matter how much they love the food- the discomfort is not worth it.


Until Histame came that was the only option, it is the very first product to decrease the actual histamine levels that cause the uncomfortable after effects of food intolerance by putting back into your body a digestive enzyme called Diamine Oxidase (DAO). Histame has proven itself over and over clinically to be able to regulate the histamine levels in your body. You can once again say hello to wine, cheese, pizza and bananas!

A product like Histame offers a biogenic component you can find in most processed foods and while going through the GI tract the diamine oxidase is able to break down the histamine (amine: or nitrogen, is from the removal of carbon and oxygen from an amino acid known as histidine). Without Histame, the histamines can continue to cause the same discomforts you get from immune based allergies.

Always go to your doctor and discuss your food discomforts to make sure you have food/histamine intolerance and not an allergy as an allergy can cause serious illness or even death if not properly taken care of. Histame can only help with food intolerances like lactose intolerance, gluten and nut intolerance or even carbohydrate intolerances.


Photos are public domain.

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Enlightening and excellent article, thanks. I will link a friend of mine to this as she suffers from histamine related issues,. Well done and thank you!