in health •  8 years ago  (edited)

A, long time ago there was no synthetic idea; a, synthetic idea that was not a natural substance comes about because of negative economic inductance; only, because to protect your idea; apparently, you can protect that if its synthetic; so, synthetic substances come to be so quickly in the studies; this, is noted a synthetic cannot be tested against a natural substance; science, becomes fudged at this point; especially, with vaccination; for, who benefits is the bank and corpse making vaccines; and, all who such is made for are at risk; and, thus the dilemma of modern medicine; for, none have any idea about the vaccine cocktail and poison roulette;

if, you are pregnant everyone knows that a great risk is to the child in eutro or who is feeding from the breast; yet, you should know that if a beloved is ill; that, beloved would have been rejected from the trial for only extremely healthy babies might be used; yet, such poison is injected into all afterward; you, should know that in the storage of vaccine and mistake of vaccine manufacture and production; most, don’t consider the pleomorphic condition of colloidal biology; most, in biology are only in a dinosaur world where a lifecolloid isn’t considered in a life cycle; and, so you can see if you look in the open source; look, up that hot lots lead to disaster in vaccine; if, you want to learn about bio weapon; take, a look at how vaccine can be used as an attack using nagalese; in, the polio vaccine sv40 is a contaminant; so, as you are aware

When, synthetics were beginning to be sold by large companies; most, beloved had a suspicion about that; most, asked why would you put something which could never be found in a body; you, have nutrient that becomes depleted from poisons like such synthetics being administered; because, these have a detrimental affect physiologically and cannot be broken down; MSG, and peanut oil can be more hidden on a package insert when you look at what is listed; you, are looking at what is injected by perforating the membranes and administering such synthetic toxin without a natural root; and, the body rejects all such as toxin; ok?

When, a child is young; research, shows the blood brain barrier in boys especially hasn’t formed properly; and, contaminant can have from the the vaccine; attacked, neuro cells and caused necrosis; you, gotta remember you are looking at a cocktail of synergistic poison; no, one can say a vaccine has any efficacy; when, you look into vaccine ingredients you actually have to go beyond the adjuvants and preservative; you, gotta look for substances that have been used in the manufacture of that vaccine; and, also you’ve got to look at the included media production of the vaccine; most, of that could have been apparently removed from the final product; yet, you always find trace quantities; anyways, you can find straight up rock salt too which everyone knows you can’t get nutrition from licking rocks;

This, is well known that dis-ease comes from the inside of the body out; the, idea of being attacked from the outside is full of the bogus germ theory; you, are now looking at lifecolloid that is dysbiotic in the vaccine ingredient; such, put there only as an idea which the synthetic cocktail is supposed to heal you from; yet, you are investigating whole cell protein and broken cell protein envelope called antigen; and, then you are looking at chemical substance that is apparently used to cause immune system to react called adjuvants; then, you got tissue fixatives and preservatives also; poisonous, chemical compounds which are supposed to halt further chemical reaction and block and stop pleomorphism; that, multiplication via aggregation fusion and differentiation [AFD] causes decomposition and putrificaition

Such, goes on despite pasteurization in colloidal biology; numerous, articles exist on the toxic effect of aluminum and thinerosal; this, is observed that beta human chorionic gonadotropin [b-HCG] and estradiol and tween80 are definitely risks for sterilization and other contaminant are also; adjuvants, like aluminum squaline; synthetic, DL-a-tocopherol preservatives often exist like alcohol and glycerin and neomycin; mercury, formaldehyde are only such preservative yet all know is toxic; you’ve, also got detergents like sodium dioxycholate; you, generally got a range of stabilizers and in such you can find bovine material; kidney, cells from dogs fetal aborted material; gelatin, from animal part being boiled down; aspects, from monkeys can be found and methiolate; so, as indicated
Allergy, and anaphylactic shock if you open source; you, can discover how much knowledge is existing; in, how vaccine has caused disease to be induced in animal testing; obviously, this article is a small sampling of the research you can find; yeast, sorbitol soy parasites; latex, human DNA antigen protein; histodine, and glycerine; when, you look at how the measles virus is isolated for a vaccine; this, process would make you sick; but, lets not forget that chicken dna nanoparticle along with polysorbate 80 is only some of the contaminant; other, covert vaccine ingredient include mycoplasma virus from spores of bird neoplasm; simian, foamy virus nanobacteria; pestivirus, spores from rabbit; duck, and leukosis dysbiotic lifecolloid from chicken enzyme inhibitor; staphylococcus aureus lifecolloid; then, you’ve also got cyanide lead tin and often arsenic;
So, there really is no investigation of such a poison cocktail impact; certainly, such poison create deficiency of crucial body vitality; there, is no science at the moment supporting such because none in modern medicine can have yet availed themselves; to, cutting edge insights of colloidal biology and the secrets of the alkaline body; nor, have they looked into jubbs cell rejuvenation
love, jubb david

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What do you want to say? I see a lot of sentences with some pseudo-facts about vaccines? But what's your conclusion?

Just so you know this is written in a style you may not be familiar with yet; and, you may start now. A neuro-physiologist ; helping, you to inner-stand something, OK? One may love; moving, toward intention set by fore brain; as, a less than useful leftover of lower-brain sorting 5X more toward the negative, OK?

Not ok :D

I found you from Gab! I recently got a vaccine bc my bro asked me after his first child was born before visiting. What's the best way to detox from Measles, Mumps, Rhobella?

You do not need to detox from a vaccine. If you didn't get a local reaction or fever you are most likely over the hood of any side effects. Just enjoy life, eat and live healthy - That's worth way more then doing some detoxing. If you believe in certain foods - eat them. But don't let it be sold as a magic pill to you. By taking the shot you did a good job for living healthy ;)

Got it!

Fasting or Bikram yoga. Sweating moving detox to skin even better than live to detox

Great post !!!
Follow me and i will follow you !!!
and lets do the upvote and comments exchange !!!

did all that just now! Thanks @hamet123

check out to learn more about non druggist approach to healing and many more cutting edge subject matter; also follow us here on steemit for future updates @eclipsenow; cheers!

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Considero que las vacunas previenen mas enfermedades que daños, sin embargo existe los casos donde las personas han tenido reacciones adversas o secundarias a las mismas.