Blog - How I managed to prevent work related stress.

in health •  7 years ago 

And now for a little something a little bit more serious. In between all the decent art related posts, I do like to share things that are on my mind, or what I've experienced, do that others might benefit from it.

oh oh ... stress !

When I was younger and working for my 1st employer, I was very susceptible for feeling responsibility that wasn't really mine to be felt. But I was young and didn't really understand the way of things yet. I would often work late, making sure this or that project would be done on time, often with knots in my stomach when deadline was closing in. This came to a boiling point where I was working through the night, inbetween sleeping beneath a
desk and at one point, suffering such a bad migraine that it affected my vision. I could not see sharp in the center of my vision. It was totally blurred. I vowed that was never going to happen again.


But the damage was already done by then. The overall stress of that workplace seems to have messed with my scalp. I used to have thick hair and lots of it. But because of all the work related stress issues, I have developed some physical issues which 1: thinned out my hair and 2: cause infinite itching on my scalp due to some stress born bacteria. It makes my skin refresh faster than usual and feeds itself with the skinflakes. The resulting itching resulted in me shaving my head so the refreshed skin can fall away so the bacteria has nothing to feed on so the itch lessens.

Words of Wisdom.

Suffice to say, stress is something everyone should avoid. And I somehow managed to do just that at my current job. I am more than confident enough now in my own abilities (13 years later) that if, god forbid, I would not have something finished on time, I can honestly say it's not because of me. Either the project manager didn't plan it right, or the client is asking for more than agreed upon.

A while back we had a quote from the Dalai Lama on the wall that might help anyone of you to prevent work related stress. It captured my thinking perfectly.

If a problem is fixable, if a situation is such that you can do something about it, then there is no need to worry. If it's not fixable, then there is no help in worrying. There is no benefit in worrying whatsoever.
Dalai Lama XIV

And it's true. If the problem can be fixed, than get to it. start fixing instead of mulling over how and why it become a problem. If it cannot be fixed, than it'd out of your hands and there's no need to worry either. That station has come and gone.

My hair is still shaven to this day . Stress induced physicallities have the habbit of sticking around even if the stress itself is gone. All the more reason to start protecting yourself against it.

Selfworth is everything. Respect yourself.

Full STEEM ahead my fellow Steemians - @eqko

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