Marijuana Facts: Cancer Drug Future!

in health •  8 years ago 

Marijuana Facts: Cancer Drugs and Diseases Drugs More in the Future

The fact is not the World Delusion, because only World Elite who has engineered and created all the fantasy in order to get into their brains were minimal science, so the Elite World can always maintain a multi trillion dollar through pharmaceutical industry giants belong to them, in order to remain can control the disease and drugs consumed by every human being wide.

The cannabis plant is very unique because it has the opposite effect. On the one hand, these plants can menyedapkan cooked food. But on the other hand also have a negative effect because it goes in one kind of narcotic.

The situation was in stark contrast to the world konsidi in the Western hemisphere that always puts the research or study. There, people familiar with marijuana as a killer of cancer cells and the legalization of aliases is allowed. Health Minister Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih never expressed his opinion about the legalization of marijuana.

"Any material that he became a drug, it is still allowed. Morphin baseball it's legal, but if he became the drug is not it allowed to be. When everything is finished medicines, ya should. Origin is not legalized for negative things, "he explained.

Marijuana Stop the Spread of Cancer Cells

Sale and use of marijuana is prohibited, proved to be an alternative medicine cancer. A compound in marijuana that was discovered by researchers at California Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco, can be potentially lethal cancer cells. "It took about 20 years for this study, and the results are very encouraging" Ujat Pierre Despres, a researcher at the Huffington Post.

legal cannabis 01 Desprezm a molecular biologist, spend years to study the spread of cancer genes.

Meanwhile, Sean McAllister studying the effects of Cannabidiol, or CBD, which are chemical compounds in marijuana.

Finally, the couple was trying to combine the two studies they have done. Combining CBD with cancer cells in a petri dish.

"We found Cannabidiol has the nature of 'deadly', and this happened in the cancer cells," he continued. Although it has been successful in laboratory test animals. This study can not be applied to humans. Experts are still waiting for permission for clinical trials in humans.

Cannabis Medicine (Medical Marijuana) is not Narcotics

The effects of cannabis on the brain tumor

In some countries this plant is classified as narcotics, though not proven that the wearer becomes addicted, unlike the illicit drugs other types that use synthetic materials or semi-synthetic and damage brain cells, which are already very obvious dangers for the human race.

Among cannabis users, a variety of effects produced, mainly euphoria (elation) are redundant and a loss of concentration to think among some users.

Negative effects in general is that users will become lazy and the brain will slow in thinking.

However, this is still a matter of controversy, because it is not fully agreed upon by some particular group that supports medical marijuana and marijuana in general.

For that reason, marijuana can not be used as a remedy for all human beings, let alone who do not like drunk. Then the scientists will make the hangover effect is lost so that everyone can use them as healers and treatment of various diseases.

**Astroglia (astrocytes) **

The researchers studied how mice reaction to the active component of marijuana and several other chemical elements that are similar. Attention is focused on receptors on brain cells that react to chemicals called cannabinoids, a compound similar to the active component of marijuana, which is Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Brain receptors that react contained in neurons (nerve cells) and astroglia or also called astrocytes.

The researchers engineered mice to conduct experiments. The mice were divided into 3 groups:

1 The first group did not have cannabinoid receptors in the brain
2 The second group only have receptors on neurons (nerve cells)
3 The last group only have receptors on astroglia.

The mice were taught to pass through a maze. Once considered a master of the maze, rats were then given a dose of THC or other compounds similar to cannabinoids to test their ability in remembering the maze.

Groups of mice with cannabinoid receptors on astroglia (group 1) clearly problematic in a given direction. Another group who only have receptors on neurons (group 2) without problems managed to get through the maze.

It shows that THC does not affect memory through the neurons (nerve cells), but through astroglia. The researchers also noticed astroglial cells in the brain slices derived from the hippocampus (part of the brain associated with memory formation).

Once exposed to cannabinoids, astroglia releasing compounds that interfere with the transmission of signals between neurons. This could explain why cannabis can affect memory.

Other effects of marijuana that can be said to be useful is in the treatment of pain, seizures, and several other diseases occurs through neurons.

If the cannabinoid substances can be designed to only affect neurons, the bad influence of cannabis on memory can certainly be avoided and the course of treatment using marijuana for many diseases in the future will be done.

For medicine, Scientists Invent Ganja Not Intoxicating

Cannabis has been known as a medicinal plant and health restorer since thousands of years ago.

Israeli scientists succeeded in creating synthetic forms of marijuana, smell, and taste resemble the original marijuana leaves. The only thing that becomes the differentiator is that synthetic marijuana does not cause the intoxicating effects of cannabis should real. And because it has a smell, shape and taste resemble the original marijuana, this product was successfully deceiving patients.

Tikkun Olam, the company that developed the synthetic marijuana is deliberately not create that effect. Therefore, they do intend to make only similar in shape, but the content is different.

"After trying this synthetic marijuana, many of our patients back and deceived. They thought we gave a kind of placebo on them, "said Tzahi Klein, head of development of Tikkun Olam, as quoted by the Daily Mail, Friday, June 1, 2012.

The usual numbing effect obtained when the person taking cannabis, THC derived from a substance or tetra-hydro-cannabinol contained therein.

Israeli scientists prefer to enhance the effect of substances which are lighter, that cannabidiol, which is often used to alleviate the effects of mental disorders. In Israel, marijuana is classified into class B drugs

In this country, illegal for its citizens to possess and smoke marijuana. The use of this leaf is allowed in Israel for medical purposes. Tikun Olam is one of Israel who grow marijuana for this purpose.

Pancreatic Cancer famous judge from New York managed a full recovery thanks to marijuana

Gustin L. Reichbach

Gustin L. Reichbach, was a prominent judge of New York State Supreme Court, which also is a cancer.

Some time ago, writing in the New York Times about the use of medical marijuana cash confession caused a stir little town which is said never to sleep it.

This story feels need to be raised as an article under consideration; diseases, disorders and disease can happen to anyone, cross-profession or age.

Responding to statements related to his profession lay judge also involvement with crime, in this case the use of marijuana, should be able to eliminate stigma bit bad about marijuana users, which is commonly known to behave badly and unpleasant.

Also out loud (should) argue the law classifies marijuana as a dangerous drug, with no medical value at all.

Comparison of the dangers of alcohol with marijuana.

A statement from Gustin l. Reichbach is saying in an article in the New York Times after receiving the verdict of pancreatic cancer is 3 and a half years ago, when he had just repeated year 62.

Stage 3 cancer doctors expressed simultaneously with the maximum sentence remaining life can only last 6 months alone!

On May 16, 2012, three and a half years after convicted, the judge spoke. Not without risk, of course.

He could lose his job and getting into trouble with the law in force, given the law of his state in which any use of marijuana is illegal.

According to him, there is no longer need to be hidden when in fact, the federal government banned marijuana this wholeheartedly, proved very useful for his cancer.

"My survival has DEMANDED an enormous price, Including months of chemotherapy, radiation hell and brutal surgery."

Any treatment that he lived after diagnosis, however, has extended the age.

Although, she added, the cost, side effects chemoteraphy, and dozens of drugs that only relaxes while the side effects are no less intrusive, such as nausea, loss of appetite and insomnia.

Every drug manufacturer that doctors recommend to relieve the symptoms always leads to the consumption of other drugs to simply relieve the side effects of the drug.

Painkillers for example, always leads to a loss of appetite and constipation.

Also the anti-nausea drug, he said, have resulted in other problems such melangitnya sugar levels in the body's vulnerability.

And so on, and you can imagine nominal money should be provided to just try to maintain mere survival.

After a year of misery treatment, pancreatic cancer Gustin finally lost, although he was aware that the cancer was gone only to undermine his life back.

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Nausea and pain is fidelity always accompany any time after treatment "IV Booster of Chemoteraphy". Even "eat", one of the most enjoyable things in life, now is the war that torment him every day, where every mouthful spoon is a victory.

Also sleeping, one of the most vital aspects to assist in the recovery and entertainment for the daily misery, has now become a very difficult thing to have.

"This is not a law-and-order issue; it's a medical and human rights issue. "

"Inhaling marijuana is the only way for me to relieve nausea, increase appetite and facilitate sleep to come late in the day."

Fortunately some of his friends, who of course could not bear to see the misery the judge willingly (at your own risk) provide access to the availability of medical marijuana.

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I don't like drug
I hate drug

Me neither. Tobacco and alcohol are some of the worst. If I drink cannabis tea is still a drug? Another addictive drug is coffee. I'm trying to quit coffee and drink tea. Oh but tea has caffeine too..another drug. I guess everyone is on drugs.

Thank you've visited and read it

I say go where the cure or relief is. if that is where the cure is, then full steem :) ahead. If you have cancer, then you will be taking drugs of some kind for a cure and/or relief of pain, no way around the drugs. Individuals would at least have the full choice of EVERYTHING that works or doesn't, to make for their own.

ok thanks