RE: Candida Cleanse Week 3: What Are We Really Eating? 🍐 🍉 🍇 🍓 🍌

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Candida Cleanse Week 3: What Are We Really Eating? 🍐 🍉 🍇 🍓 🍌

in health •  7 years ago 

Trust me - I know! I get bashed by vegans on the regular. The poor dead animals are high on many people's lists of things to care about. I'm Christian, so I pray in thanks ahead of meals. It's a deal from the bible that supposedly protects me from my sins real and imagined.

No matter what, I cannot dispute the results in my own body - I go from in pain and not able to move to 50% improvement within 30 minutes of eating liver or drinking gelatin dissolved in water.

My son is a vegetarian since birth and I went his direction for many years so I would not have to cook two cuisines. He will not eat anything that seems to have a dead animal in it. Those years were my weakest, most obese, and sickest.

I've heard about the turpentine idea and it is on my list to look into. But here in Thailand, I do not have good sources for anything out of the normal that they eat here.

The vegan food near me is deep fried in gross oil for the most part or heavy in soy which destroys me. So I go for the bbq or steamed meat or fish on a stick which seems to be a better choice for the moment. My ability to get up out of bed and walk across a room is my first priority on a daily basis. Saving the chickens who donated their livers to me is not on my list at all.

I was out in Thai farm country for a few months last winter and got to hear the terrorized screaming as the farms nearby killed their livestock each week before market day. I also grew up partly on a working farm where some of the boys took great joy on wringing the necks of chickens or hanging headless turtles from pegs to bleed out. Later, the whole family ate that food and no one said anything about it after saying grace.

Then here in Thailand, I met a teacher who worked in Uzbekistan for a year. She told our writer's group that if she had not eaten horses, she would have died from starvation as that was all they had out on the steppe. Several of the more sensitive souls in the reading group swore that if they ever did go there - they would be going to die since horse meat would never pass their lips. Maybe that's true, but maybe the desire to survive would kick in.

We all come from somewhere different and we do not all have the same needs or priorities in life. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

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I certainly understand people that eat animals out of necessity. What is causing your health issues that keeps you so ill? I know a lot about chronic types of illness after being on deaths door for many years with mercury poisoning and perhaps I could share some valuable information with you. What really struck me about eating animals and their products was in regards to the transfer of energy. I have been trying to understand energy more and how it effects us, I was told by someone that if an animal dies scared or upset then we consume that energy when we eat their flesh. This was very intriguing to me and I am looking more into it.

Yes, I have heard that too and some places go out of their way to do "humane killing" if there is such a thing. "Natural" farms that do this were pretty common in California when I was there.

I get the idea of the animal's suffering being transferred and buy into it to some degree. I know from my days of being the kid that cleaned the fish that you can kill them with little suffering or a lot of sufferring depending upon your methods.

The biggest trouble I have is Rheumatoid Arthritis that I've had about 20 years. I took all the various drugs for about 12 years and then got off them all and go as natural as I can now and still be able to function. I'm allergic or sensitive to 80% of regular food and the hunt for calories is a real fight for me.

For example - I can't eat most of the food I see here in Thailand since it almost always has nightshades in it. Thai people say, "What do you mean you can't eat eggplant!" My answer "It burns my lips and throat and then I can't keep eating at all."

I have also gone through a number of detox protocols to get rid of the medical testing garbage I was carrying around and that made a huge difference a few years ago. I do dry skin brushing, eat clay and diatomaceous earth and try hard to avoid toxins as best I can.

It's much easier here in Thailand than in the states. When I first got here - my fingernails grew out pink for about 8 months and the old brown stained nails got cut off. Also -the first lady who cut my hair said it was "dead" when I first got here and now she is pleased with my progress after 18 months.

I'd be glad to hear any detox advice. I'm pretty limited in what I can get but I am willing to try :)

Have you ever tested your pH levels? I would be willing to bet you are very acidic if you are having issues with RA. I would highly suggest you read Anthony William first book. There is a whole chapter on RA in there. Even if you don't believe where his information comes from, I can tell you from experience that everything he suggests has worked wonders for me and my son who both suffered greatly from mercury poisoning. At one point I spent two years eating nothing but white rice and chicken broth because everything else caused an allergic reaction - so I totally understand how it feels to have a limited diet. His book is white with a xray chest on the cover. I don't usually recommend books but in your case I think it would help a ton! Or you can listen to some of his stuff online as well:!/episode/the-truth-about-inflammation-

I will definitely check it out. I'm on pretty much the paleo/aip diet now and in several groups for that diet. The average person comes in puffy and inflamed and if they follow the diet, the puffiness and redness disappears in weeks and their gut shrinks dramatically. One group asks you to take a full body side "before" photo just for that reason. This amazing change happens for so many people. I think just getting them off the coloring and flavors makes a big difference in the beginning.

I've done the test strips in the past and I was good or only slightly acidic. I'm pretty sure I can find them here and will try again. You never know with the huge changes I've had with my food. Thanks for the ideas and I will definitely listen to the podcast, but I'm not buying books! I am trying to reduce my possessions since I travel now. Books are just too much :)

I totally understand! I actually don't buy physical books anymore either, I just buy it for a few dollars on amazon and then read it on my Kindle for Amazon app on my PC ;-)

Yes, in the digital age there is no place for books when traveling. Heavy and taking up space. It's can be a real pain for a traveler. As you know Sharon, I agree with your eating strategies. I eat in a similar way and have battle candida on and off for years. I found some great super foods along my travels. Just did a fantastic post on Pomelo. Have you tried this on yet? Talk soon. Wishing you the best! -Dan

I have tried it and I like it. Reminds me of grapefruit :)