My Wim Hof Journey Week 5 Day 19 Mein Wim Hof Kurs Tagebuch Woche 5 Tag 19

in health •  7 years ago  (edited)


I got off the bus from Penang about an hour agoand I am back in Thailand again with a fresh 60 day tourist visa.

It is pretty late already so I just did the breathing.

Tomorrow I will start with week 6 but today I did not feel like watching a video

Round 1 : 1min 01.24sec
Round 2 : 1 min 07.27sec
Round 3 : 1 min 11.67sec
Round 4 : 1 min 09.39sec

For new readers I want to explain what I am actually doing here: The Wim Hof Method consists of 3 pillars

  • breathing : you breathe in very deeply and exhale. But you dont exhale all the air so you kind of "charge" yourself. You do 30-40 breathe cycles and then exhale all the air out in your lunge and withhold your breath as long as possible.

  • cold exposure: you start taking showers or jump into an ice bath and the lenght is increasing as you progress through the course

  • some physical excercise : mostly some Yoga but also push-ups. What is special about the push-ups is, that you do one breahting round before them and also exhale, so you do the push ups with an empty lung.

The pictures usually show Wim Hof himself.

breahte motherfucka

Vor etwa einer Stunde bin ich wieder in Thailand angekommen mit einem neuem 60 Tage Visum.

Es ist schon rcht spät und ich hatte keine Lust mehr mir noch das Video für Woche 6 anzuschauen weshalb ich erst morgen mit Woche 6 anfange.

Runde 1 : 1min 0.124sek
Runde 2 : 1min 07.27sek
Runde 3 : 1min 11.67sek
Runde 4 : 1min 09.39sek


Für neue Leser möchte ich kurz zusammenfassen um was es hier überhaupt geht: Die Wim Hof Methode setzt sich aus 3 Pfeilern zusammen.

  • Atmung : Man atmet tief ein aber nicht ganz wieder aus. So "lädt man sich auf". Dies macht man 30-40 Atemrunden. Bei der letzten atmet man alles aus und hält die Luft solange wie möglich an, also auf leere Lunge.

  • Kälte : Man fängt an mit kurzen kalten Duschen ( 30 Sekunden). Die Zeit verlängert sich je weiter man im Kurs schreitet.

  • Sport : Vor allem sind es ein paar Yoga-Übungen und Liegestütze. Bei den Liegestützen ist anzumerken, das man davor auch eine Runde der Atemübungen macht und die Liegstütze auf leere Lunge durchführt.

Die Bilder zeigen normalerweise nicht mich, sondern Wim Hof.

breathe motherfucka


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The cold picture looks sick

I agree it looks really cool! No pun intended :) In this hot climate to
Jump in a barrel with ice -one word - Badass

that is not me guys. it is wim hof himself. I cant take credit for the picture.

But yes I like it also. I choose pictures of Wim Hof since he looks way cooler doing the things he does as me :-)

Optimal use of breathing with inspiration and exhalation of the most important factors of psychological stability my friend

yes, that is one reason why I like his method so much. At least once a day I focus only on my breaht

that photo is awesome, @flipstar! is it hdr?

what is hdr?

I did not take the picture myself and it shows Wim Hof himself not me unfortnately.

oh, I see. Some cameras have HDR function that basically allows making a more even image, without too bright or too dark areas, and this photo looked a bit like that :)

Du bist zu beneiden! Alles Gute in Thailand!

Wollte kurz Bericht erstatten, dass ich seit dem letzten Kontakt nahezu jeden Tag am Ende der Dusche den Regler komplett auf kalt stelle und es tut mit jedem Mal richtig gut! Die Angst davor ist nahezu komplett weg. Auch wenn der Respekt noch da ist. Ich zähle immer noch 1-2-3 bevor ich mich 15-20 Sekunden da drunter stelle.

Deine Übungen werde ich demnächst angehen.
Danke dir!

Super! Weiter so!

Ich finde es nach den Atemübungen geht es nochmal leichter.

Und das mit dem runter zählen mache ich auch immer noch ;-) vor allem beim Eisbad beim Duschen nicht so sehr da die Dusche selten wirklich kalt ist, da es in Thailand halt nie wirklich kalt ist :-)

Ich find es richtig cool, dass du auch immer noch runter zählst :D

I've been wanting to take his online class, but have not made it a priority. Reading this has inspired me!

Do it. It is worth every cent imo :-)

If you still hesitate there is an app, I think it is called inner fire which supposedly is like a light version of the course.

Oh wow, thanks for the tip! I'm going to go for it, an app is easy!

you are welcome:-)

let me know if you like it. might be good for on the go or so

I'll definitely let you know how it is!

Beep beep. Hi @summerskin!
You have used tip! in your comment - that`s my magic word for sending tips ;)
Click here if you wish to learn more!

Hi @flipstar would you like a personalized emoji like my one. It's free to my frequent supporters such as you.

All I need to know is which country flag/flags you want. If more than one then which one will be the one you would like to be shown first etc.

Thats is very nice of you but I dont really like flags.

A freezing one or an ice cube one would be cool though

I had to wait for the ice to freeze. I took this photo personally. Is it okay?

Flipstar ice cube GIF.gif

sure :-) thx man

Hi Flipstar I've spent hours googling an ice cube and haven't found a suitable free one to use. It would be a great help if you sent me one that you liked and I will do the rest.

but my penis wants hotness not coldness ? :/


your penis has no saying in this

Guter Fortschritt. Ich habe es geschafft, wieder mit den kalten Duschen anzufangen nach längerer Pause. Glücklicherweise ging es total leicht. Das scheint sich der Körper gemerkt zu haben. 👍

Ja ich hatte in meinem ersten Anlauf auch ein paar mal Pausen drin aber es ging dann wirklich realtiv einfach wieder reinzukommen.

dang keep it up! I don't think I could ever do that... it weird but I'm legit allergic to the cold. I break out in hives if I get way too cold.

I think if you put your mind to it you could totally do it

ahhh but the hives.. how would I make that go away?

I have looked around in the forum if I can find something about this but unfortunately I couldnt so far.

If I get an answer I will let you know since this is over my expertise.

ahhh no worries! It's a weird thing, people don't believe me because it sounds bizarre to get an allergic reaction from the cold. BUT, I would love to get rid of it if I could. I want to be able to swim in a cold river all day with all the other kiddos! hehe. Well allergy pills work for now. :)


I recently wrote a small trick I used to deal with depression and anxiety, have a look if you want, it's on my blog.. The trick is that when you start noticing yourself going in a chain of thought, you just hold your breath, try it and see

I will have a look later

This post was very informative thank you for sharing
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