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We studied this in Psychology class, where you wake up, but your body still thinks its asleep. When the brain doesn't paralyze the body, that's when you have sleep walking. Funny to think in a way, it's almost the opposite of each other.

Ive had that experience a couple of times it real is the most scariest thing thats happened to me but what make me think more
Is this what it would feel like to have locked in sydrome the medical term when some get paralysed and cannot move anything?
imagine what that would be like for the rest of your life

This post is erotic and educational!

Thank you😇

nice post. i had a strange experience very familiar to this. hmmmm

I found that I can induce mild forms of sleep paralysis through extended meditation. If you stay still long enough without moving the relaxation response will kick in and your body will think you dozed off and went to sleep.