Over 106 Litres in 61 days. 73 days and 127 Litres by the time of posting this. That's how much food I have consumed since the start of this project. I have to say that the last weeks have been more hard from a psychological point of view. In the beginning of the project, I was very excited. Everything was new and I noticed a lot of differences in my body as well in my mental being whilst on the new diet. But as time passes by things simmer in, become part of the daily routine and the excitement turns into well, less excitement. And it is not that I'm down or depressed or anything like that. It's just that I realise that changing your diet
drastically has less of an impact than I initially imagined. I expected something to happen that is sort of hard to translate into language. But I guess it has to do with diving into a new situation. Something I need to do in general to enjoy my life. I think that's also the main reason why I started using Steemit.
Still trying to figure out what a good and stylish bottle would be. Suggestions are more then welcome!
Being Bored
So I guess I'm just slightly bored with this diet. And that does make a lot of sense. There is not much to do in terms of food. Another thing that I did not really talk about in the video is that I noticed that people around me stopped calling me, or asking if I want to hang. I'm not that much into barhopping and I don't do much of out of house dining, but still, there is definitely a decrease in social interaction. The other day I was talking with my girlfriend about this and she told me that often she assumed that I might not be up for going to party or a social get-together where alcohol is served. "You probably won't like that since you're not drinking". And she has a point. But at the same time, I already noticed that I don't need the alcohol to be able to socialise with people. Before I started the Future Foods diet I did an experiment where I replaced booze with Club Mate and the results in terms of buzz where pretty much the same. The major difference was that I remembered everything I did that night and woke up crystal clear the next morning. (took a bit longer to actually fall a sleep, lol). Placebo drunk so to say and this is nothing new. We humans are pretty good in fooling our brain.
Definitely not a placebo moment.
Downwards Curve
I think that my current minor dip in excitement is just a little downwards curve. There is so much that has come on my path the past couple of weeks that the word excitement is perhaps not really the right choice of words. I think that I'm just on the verge of discovering so much incredible topics that I can intertwine into my documentary project. Getting the story out through social media has already proven to be a very good way of meeting like-minded people from all over the world. It's one big gigantic puzzle that slowly but surely starts to become a clear picture. Bear with me!