I've been suffering from a rare neurological disorder called Cluster Headache for around 10 years now.
Cluster headaches are an uncommon, severe form of primary neurovascular headaches. They are characterized by multiple severe unilateral attacks that come without warning throughout the day and night. Attacks usually wake up sufferers 1-2 hours after going to sleep with this unbearable, agonizing pain.
Cluster headaches cause severely excruciating pain, may not respond to medication, and are dubbed as “suicide headaches” because some individuals who get them are in such tremendous discomfort that they may contemplate ending their life. They are regarded by many experts as the most painful condition known to mankind, even mothers who have the disorder claim that the pain is more agonizing than giving birth. They can have a severely disabling and negative influence on various aspects of living and general well-being, yet cluster headaches are neglected by the Big Pharma industry.
It's sad that this condition doesn't get the required attention for research to develop the right treatment and medication specifically dedicated for the disorder.
Drugs for headache, and migraine don’t work, this isn’t a migraine and it shouldn’t be treated like one. I have seen multiple physicians and neurologist, and none were helpful, some haven’t even heard about it. Some would treat me like I’m an addict who’s trying to get a fix or some narcotic painkillers as I would explain the severity of the excruciating, unbearable, agonizing, and disabling pain.
My dream is to have a place, like a research center dedicated for cluster headache research and development, with experts and sufferers working together to find the right treatment for this or maybe a cure. I imagine this place would also act as a support group where sufferers and their supportive loved ones are welcome
Building awareness is critical to gaining acceptance of any rare disorder, and with a name like Cluster Headache, we can all relate to this life changing disorder being minimized by family, friends, co-workers, and even healthcare workers.
In fact, public awareness is also key to gaining momentum for better treatment options and hopefully, the keys to getting on with life pain free.