On Being Able to Provide For My Family

in health •  7 years ago 


Prior to developing Multiple Sclerosis I was a hard working family man. I was brought up by a single mother who instilled in us children a very strong work ethos of providing for the family. I never had a very well paid job, but I put in the work and the hours to make sure my family were provided for. At one point I spent around 5 years doing five or six twelve hour night shifts a week to be able to provide for a wife and two kids.

The rapid onset of my condition in 1999 placed a huge strain on my relationship and we divorced not long after. In six months I had gone from a hard working family man to a single disabled person. This brought about an enormous shift in my self worth as a person and a sense of my uselessness to anybody. I survived on government handouts and the love and support of my immediate family. Depression is an integral part of the condition when dealing with MS and I am not ashamed to say that although I have a handle on it today, it was not always so. If you allow it, depression will drag you down in an inescapable spiral, and it had me in its grip for a while.

Around fourteen years ago my MS had improved to a point where I could start doing some work. I joined my brother in his construction firm and put myself through college in order to train as an electrician. It felt great being able to at least support myself again. I enjoyed the challenge of a new career and started to feel that maybe I was over the worse of what my health would throw at me.

I then had the good fortune of meeting the love of my life. Already a mother of two, she of course accepted I had two children from my marriage. I was upfront about my condition and she was totally accepting of it, even though she didn't quite understand it. Not many do. We quickly created a life together and within a year we had a son. The joy of being once more in a family that I could provide for cannot be underestimated.

Unfortunately, Multiple Sclerosis had not forgotten me, no matter how much I tried to pretend it had been a temporary blip. Slowly the old symptoms returned, I was ever more tired and in pain and I eventually had to seek medical help. I had an MRI scan and sure enough, the lesions on my brain and spinal column had increased.

It was no longer safe for me, or others, to do manual work. I had to give up riding my motorcycle because of trouble with balance and distance judgement, and that was a great loss of freedom. Without blinking, my girlfriend took up part time work, learned to drive to be able to transport us anywhere and totally supported me emotionally and financially. Of course, with children in tow we were forced to take government handouts.

During this time, she was pressing me for another child. At first I refused - I already had three sons by this point and the odds were that there was a good chance I might have a daughter. Although I always longed for my own little princess, there is a slightly higher chance of a female offspring developing Multiple Sclerosis if one of her parents have it. Eventually, I gave in and lo and behold, six years ago our daughter was born.

In the thirteen years we have been together, my health has never bothered my girlfriend. She supports me, understands when I am in pain, when I need space but - more importantly - when I need a kick in the butt to focus on the great things we share in our lives together as a family. She keeps me grounded.

Despite how wonderful she has always been, because of my ingrained sense of needing to provide for my family, my self worth has not been all that high. However, last year I discovered this wonderful place. I wasn't sure what to make of it at first but I just knew I could make something. Slowly, I grew my account, my following and eventually my earnings. If we needed something, I had access to crypto. If a bill came in we couldn't pay for through our usual means, I had the funds to cover it. Christmas last year was the first since we have been together that we didn't have to get into debt. January is usually a tough time for us as we have two children both born in that month. This year Steem covered Christmas and their two birthdays.

My girlfriend's daughter is 22 and a single mother. She supports herself and her son by working part time in school as a teaching assistant. Part of her role involves a lot of study and official documentation regarding child safety, privacy etc. Until recently, if she needed access to a PC for any work, she used mine. The time has come however when she needs her own laptop in order to do work at home. Not being very tech savvy, she asked my opinion on what she needs and how much it will cost.

She has been saving up for several months. Her income isn't huge so it would have taken her a while to save up, cutting down on expenses elsewhere. It felt absolutely brilliant to be able to say to her - I got this. I found a laptop more than suitable for her office work and placed an order a few days ago on Amazon, spending some of my SBD earned here. It arrived today.


No, I am not showing off to say 'Hey, look what I bought now'. I am extending my gratitude to this community for supporting me, my blog and posts to be able to let me do this. As a disabled person the sheer joy it gives me to be able to contribute is indescribable. Although I am in the midst of another MS flare up, thanks to Steem I can still support my family, feeling like an asset rather than a burden. And for that, I am eternally grateful.

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Its a two way street mate and you have given so much more than you have ever recieved Muxxy.

There are very few here that can say they have given more in such a short space of time. You deserve everything you've gotten so far and more my friend.

I've lost count of the amount of times I've chatted to you in DM when I've needed an ear and you've never once let me down.

It's great to read that you have regained the sense of self worth since finding this place and to see a little bit more into 'Muxxy World' I may have to write a serious piss take story about you one day with that title!

Seriously though mate, you are a legend and I'm so pleased Steemit has rewarded you for that.
Steem on Muxxy.

You are always there for me when I need an ear dude, that's what mates do. Thanks for your kind words.

Wow, what a truly wonderful post! I have deep gratitude for everything you're doing on here @gmuxx. The contributions your making are huge. And the fact that you're getting to help your family in return is the magic that this platform offers. Fantastic post!

Thank you Doug. Much appreciated.

There is so much here that I can relate to. Your words touch people, and make the world a better place. Thank you for sharing this.

Moved to tears, @gmuxx, reading this... Happy tears, tears of awe and compassion for your suffering and your triumph. Your girlfriend (and her daughter) are lucky to have you, as you are them. Steemit, too, is certainly fortunate to have a stellar human being like you on board to teach by example and share your considerable skills/talent.

I wish you continued success, my friend; may your heart be free of worry and your body free of pain (as much as possible). I am deeply grateful to you—for your trust, in laying your heart bare this way...

We're richer for knowing your story. Thank you, for the Inspiration!


Thank you very much. Awesome to know my words can have such a profound effect on someone.

It's not just your words, my friend, it's your life example. Much Love.

You must always remember that stories such as yours give a lot of broken people hope of finding love, leaving the past behind.
Your Family is lucky to have as are you to have them :)

Thank you for your lovely comment.

I wish I could more than simply upvote this. Thank you for sharing, it has touched me profoundly, personally living with and in a family with physical disability. Although every person is different, and disability rarely compare, the experience and the mindset one can strive for are very similar. I'm very happy to have gotten to know you here, and on TWB.

Upvotes are nice, but it's nicer when people read the contents of your post and reply with such awesome comments. Thank you. So happy to have met you at The Block.

Your story is beautiful and you are brave to tell it. I love Steemit so much and really and truly believe in the difference it can make in everyone's lives.

I know you work hard in your discords, at being a witness and at being truly awesome. You deserve this success!

Upvoted 100% because I believe in you :) ✨✨✨

Thank you very much for your lovely words Mewmew. It's support from people like you that have made it all possible.

This Muxx. I too know the blow of losing an income and feeling a burden on friends and family. Your struggle is far worse than mine in many ways. Especially because you have kids. You don't only have a spouse and animals. I am so glad I am not a parent for so many reasons. I admire you for the positive outlook you are able to maintain despite all of it. You aren't trying to brag. You're being grateful. But if you'd been trying to brag, it would have been okay too. You wouldn't have been bragging about the thing. You'd have been bragging about contributing to supporting you family despite being as disabled as you are. You'd have been bragging about how much you put into this community despite your handicaps.

This was both inspiring and difficult to read. I also have an autoimmune disorder (Myasthenia gravis). It's been difficult and I admire you for being able to keep on Steeming. I've had to stop after only a month last year as my flare-ups required frequent hospital trips. Even now, as I try to start all over again, my flare-ups hinder me. It's inspiring how much you've triumphed over your health condition as well as the broken relationship. I hope someday to be able to walk the same flowery path you've carved for yourself. Your family is very fortunate to have you. Cheers to more blessings!

Thank you for your reply.

This is not all me, there is a team of other community members without whom I could not do half of what I do and who's support I rely on.

Sorry to hear of your health troubles, I hope they get better soon.

That's good to hear! Hopefully, I can find where I belong to. It's hard to keep drifting and looking for a community to settle in. But it's even harder to set down roots when I'm on and off Steemit a lot. I'm hoping 2018 will be different.

There are things I would normally say about your ex in less civil conversation, so instead I will say that your optimism empowers us all through your actions and words, and that I am very happy to read that you have been able to afford some degrees of freedom in a harsh and random world, and perhaps more importantly found someone who cares about you in the way that you deserve to be cared for.

This was hard for me to read. My mom has MS which has been coming out of remission for the past year. When she was diagnosed 14 years ago, her marriage ended, but that was actually a blessing, though of course unbelievably hard at the time. She was quite sick for awhile and then got better for awhile... Now the lesions are growing and her pain, weakness, tingling, depression, and brainfog has all come back. She just officially left her job working in mental health and went on disability. It's again a really hard time for her, but she has a few friends close by and we talk almost daily on the phone. She calls me to vent and I'm happy to listen.
I have been active on steemit a little more than a month, and I've been blown away by the sense of community I have encountered. I keep encouraging my mom to join up and share her stories, she has so many and I think her work in mental health and other important areas would be really appreciated by many people here. I think she wouldn't feel as alone and helpless. Hopefully one of these days she will take me up on my offer of teaching her what I've learned about Steemit so far.
Its so great that you were able to help your daughter in law with your earnings.
Generosity is definately abundant on here from what I've observed.
Take care @gmuxx, I hope this episode passes soon <3

My heart goes out to her. Her situation sounds very much like my experience. I am sure she appreciates being able to vent to you, sometimes that's enough.

Let me know if you do manage to convince her to join Steem. It has given me a whole new lease of life. Hopefully it can do the same for your mom.

Thank you for your comment.

Thank you for your kind response.
I will point her in your direction when she joins, I really feel like it will help her so I'm going to keep at encouraging her :)
Take care <3

I love this, Muxxy! I'm so glad you're here on Steem with us, and that you're able to support your family this way. <3

Thank you.

Iron sharpens iron. There are so many uplifting aspect to your story. Thanks for sharing.

I feel the pain of not being able to ride. I have been in 3 motorcycle wrecks in the last 12 years. Though I get back on I have gone spells not being able to ride. It dampens my soul.

Being self employed Christmas time is always a struggle. People don't spend money on their bikes this time of year. But with the crypto I had earned all year. STEEM, BTC LTC and others. I was able to enjoy Christmas without being stressed about how I was gonna pay for it. That is worth its weight in gold.

Your story is inspiring and one the many success stories of crypto that seem to permeate this platform.

May you continue to fight and live and love and be blessed, and bless those around you. That is the best feeling of all.


Thank you. The loss of freedom to ride still tugs at me so I totally understand.

Problem solved. We just need about 5,000 SBD C'mon steemit fam. You got this!


Oh awesome!

You're resilience and drive should be a reminder to everyone of how your circumstances can change dramatically when you are willing to see opportunity and accept it into your life.

It's beautiful that you not only have a loving family at home who supports you, but that you've also been able to build a family here who are just as willing to support you.

I'm so happy for you that you're at a place now where you don't have to struggle week-to-week and month-to-month financially. And the fact that you try to share this path with others and help them grow as well is inspiring in itself.

Thanks for sharing this @gmuxx, it's great to get to know you better, and I hope to return the sharing at some time.

Thank you for your words. Every day I am blown away by this community.

I think it's a nice sense of pride to do that.
I have OCD and a very annoying case of social anxiety which makes finding work difficult; I'm also involved in that law suit against the people that were embezzling the Social Assistance im supposed to recieve. So earning potential is limited for me.
Last Friday, and I thank steemit and you guys greatly for it; I was able to transfer and pay nearly 2400 Canadian dollars worth of bills. Paid back my brother, sisters car insurance so she could get to work, gave my mom money to get by till her pension day. I also put 1000 on the propane bill.
I went from being just there to contributing.
It's a loooong way from paying if the legal bills... but it's Hope. And just pride.
Side note. I use you as an example when trying to convince friends and family to join.

That is awesome, being able to contribute. The best feeling in the world. I am humbled and touched by your words. Thank you.

Thank you for sharing your story it is humbling and incredible. It just makes me admire you just as much as I already did. You are one of the people on Steemit I have always followed and looked up to. Much success with your health and your family and Steemit. I brought the exact same laptop with crypto steem when my old one stopped working back in July, this hp is working just fine, so I can relate Steemit has changed my life as well, due to an illness I can not work outside of the home. Therefore Steemit has been a dream come true. I will continue to follow you and enter some of your contest sometimes. Keep on Steemitn @gmuxx.

Thank you for your humbling comment

Inspirational post, thank you for sharing your story!

Keep on keeping on. I don't know if this will come across the right way, but you create more value here on steemit, by helping others, and being a great mentor, and witness, then you would at any other "real" job. O yeah and can't figure all your hard work at the writers block, ocd, and with muxxybot.

Awesome to know more about the man behind the adorable bot I love called @muxxybot, the more I learn the more I admire him!

Thank you for your post, I am really inspired to hear that steemit is helping you to manage financially, I hope it might do the same for me. I also have chronic health issues, mine began more recently than you. I am lucky enough to only have to support myself as I don't have any children, on the other hand it is sometimes lonely being ill and alone. I am very pleased to hear that you have such a supportive girlfriend, and I am really glad that you are finding ways of making money that don't involve physical labour. Well done to you, I am looking forward to more of your posts

Whao. This is one of the most moving things I've read all my life. Thank you for being so strong; to even consider going to work again, that's nothing short of super heroism ! I sincerely wish you more health. Know that your piece has touched a life today. Thank you.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

That's awesome @gmuxx. Its great to read about the outcome of being able to work on Steemit. It's also great to hear about how Steemit has helped you to contribute. I'm extremely impressed with what you do on the platform and what you have accomplished. Your family should likewise be very proud.

Wow This is touching
Im glad this platform has touched many lives positively.
It changed mine aswell...

I love this story. <3

nods with respect to @gmuxx

No, I am not showing off to say 'Hey, look what I bought now'

I'm not seeing this post as such. I'm seeing this as something that most of us on here already know and see as something that maybe we'll get to one day (for those of us still working our way there XD) and something that we can show to people who still don't believe in this magical internet money :)

Hope your flareup is short-lived!


It is wonderful to give Upvote according to the contents of the commnet

nobody likes to feel a burden, in fact something similar happened to me, always helped at home but now the salary I earn does not allow me to do so and if it generates consequences in my mood. Enjoy your achievements
