Air Bubble causes the Death of Man!

in health •  7 years ago  (edited)

Yes this is right that an air bubble in human Blood (circulatory fluid) will cause the death of Man.When an Air bubble enter the Blood (circulatory fluid) it is more dangerous than poison.When this air bubble stuck to any blood capillary of brain it causes the brain hemorrhage.If this air bubble block any artery near the heart like an blood clot it will lead to heart Attack and unfortunately to death.When this reaches the lungs capillaries it clogs at alveoli (A smallest functional unit of Lungs from where the exchange of gases occurs to external environment) it stops exchange of Oxygen and causes trouble in respiration but if it prolonged it ends at death.

How this Air bubble enter the Blood?

This is the main question which arises into brain.

1-Through Injection:

Yes this is the main cause of air bubble into blood when an inexperienced Dr. inject you some medicine (liquid) it will enter the blood.It is common observation that every Dr. Press the injection in the air to some extent so that 3 to 4 drops of liquid will fall.Yes they do this because when they feed the injection there were some air left in the needle of injection but when they press it in the air its needle will completely filled with Liquid and there were 0% chances of Air to enter Blood.

2-During Drip:

This cause is mostly the same as injection. When Physician Drip you a blood bottle or water bottle They opened the roller of tube and waste few drops of Blood or water to prevent this air bubble entry.

3-Left the Fresh wound Openly:

This cause has 5% chances of this Air.But this is not obvious. When someone hurts and bleeding starts from the wound our primitive attempt is to stop the blood any way. And we press the bleeding wound to stop it but sometimes small air enter between our hand and wound and due to press pressure it will enter the blood and have drastic effect.

4-During Dialysis:

So be avoid of these things because an air bubble is the running poison in the body and it will lead to death anytime.

Your life is more precious than any thing.

Have a nice day!
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