6 Deadly Effects of Over Thinking

in health •  6 years ago  (edited)

Believing is a blessing to humanity, which has empowered him to work with thoughts and ideas. Thinking encourages us to reason, judge, settle on choices and frame our conclusion. Lamentably, with the endowment of reasoning, we are likewise troubled with the scourge of over reasoning; which is thought to be one of the deadliest exercises of our brain. It is where a man relentlessly considers contemplations from past or about some occasion that might possibly occur in future. Over reasoning prompts a state of examination loss of motion, which blocks decision making to such a degree, that the required move is never made. The propensity for over-dissecting or over reasoning influences a man sincerely and rationally as well as physically, frequently prompting psychosomatic scatters. This rundown of 6 savage impacts of over reasoning is only the tip of ice shelf, as they are numerous other fundamental issues identified with this hazard which are particular to singular circumstances.


  1. A tunnel with no light in the end:

Over thinking leads you into a dark tunnel which has no light in the end causing emotional pain, guilt and trauma. Often, people who over think ask themselves questions about the past like, “Why did that happen to me?” “Why did I not act differently?” or about future, “What if it happens?” and many more without looking for answers. Often they are questions with a dead end which do not require any answer. Without coming up with an answer or solution, the process can go on and on, like a vicious cycle.

  1. Openings Lost:
    Over scholars think of circumstances in their mind that are either existent or non-existent; making a scene where they are defenseless to confront it or not in charge to oversee it fittingly. They invest more energy pondering the issue, which if handled fittingly would be fathomed in significantly lesser time. The dread made by finished breaking down the circumstance keeps them from making a move. Various open doors are lost due to over reasoning where as a brisk reaction would have prompted achievement. Tragically, openings lost include an inquiry "For what reason did I not follow up on time?" to the over reasoning personality.
  1. Prompts tension and despondency:
    The approaching fate made in the brain of over mastermind will prompt GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder), freeze assaults and despondency. With over breaking down and taking a gander at a circumstance from each conceivable edge that could turn out badly or turned out badly as of now, the individual winds up looking at each individual or circumstance as a risk. Keeping in mind the end goal to beat the uneasiness, dread or gloom they frequently wind up taking asylum in undesirable way of life which will prompt more stress in future.
  1. Over thinkers end up being pessimist and unhappy:
    Earlier it was considered that people who thoroughly think over the problems make better decisions and stay happy. Unfortunately, recent studies have found that over thinking impairs decision making ability, hinders rational thoughts, thwarts problem solving actions, leads to negativity and makes a person unhappy. Over thinkers lose their ability to look at the silver lining in the cloud, and end up as pessimists who see nothing but problems in their lives

  2. Causes Insomnia:
    When you are mulling over something in your mind over and over again, it is difficult to even nod off, leave alone getting relaxed or peaceful sleep. Pondering over one thing leads to another, past events are visualized, the pain suffered in the past is re-experienced and future similar happenings are re-enacted in the mind as a person lays there on the bed. With no one to interpret their thoughts, the drama continues till wee hours in the morning, when sheer tiredness overtakes to bring on sleep. The pattern continues night after night leading to physical and mental disorders associated with chronic insomnia.

1:Entangles life:
Children do not have many complications in their lives, because they have not yet developed ability to over think. Over thinking converts every mole hill into a mountain, which you can never climb. A child will happily skip over the mole hill to move ahead. Over thinking not only complicates life, it steals life itself at times. Thinking can never replace action; hence, no matter how much you worry or think over something, nothing is going to change. As a person is wasting away time thinking things over and over again, life is slowly slipping away.
Youngsters don't have numerous difficulties in their lives, since they have not yet created capacity to over think. Over reasoning proselytes each mole slope into a mountain, which you can never climb. A tyke will cheerfully skirt the mole slope to advance. Over reasoning not just confuses life, it takes life itself on occasion. Thinking can never supplant activity; thus, regardless of the amount you stress or thoroughly consider something, nothing will change. As a man is squandering endlessly time thinking things again and again, life is gradually disappearing.

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