Triceps - Exercise Daily 044

in health •  7 years ago 

Today's Feature Exercise is a Skull Crusher and we will be using a Cable Machine to help Isolate your Triceps.

Watch the Video Demonstration Below for all the How to so you can Safely Perform this Exercise

Trainer Tips

  • Set the Pulley to the Lowest Position and Attach a Rope
  • Lie on a Bench with your Head at the Pulley
  • Keep your Elbows Stacked Over your Shoulders, There Should Not Be Any Movement at your Shoulders During this Exercise
  • If you Feel Stress in your Lower Back Place your Feet on the Bench

I Hope you Enjoyed this Post and Feel Motivated and Inspired to Add this Triceps Exercise to Your Next Workout.
It Would Be an Honor to Join you on your Journey to Better Health and I Would Love to Hear What Some of Your Personal Goals are and Also Offer My Assistance Anywhere I Can!

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Thanks for sharing. I would really want to try this out, except access to well equipped gyms isn't available in my area

Darn, That's Unfortunate as it is a Really Great Exercise. I Have Posted Other Excellent Exercises in this Series that Require Very Basic or No Equipment at all. Perhaps I will Keep you in Mind for Future Posts to Offer You Some More Options :)

You definitely should!

I Will! In The Meantime you can Scroll Through Some of My Earlier Posts for Some Exercises to try :)

Great work, thanks for sharing.

Have a great day and stay blessed.