Man Crippled by Flu Shot and "Life Ruined Forever" Speaks Out About His Experience with the Vaccine Court

in health •  7 years ago  (edited)

one handicapped man head in hands in silhouette studio on white background

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Health Impact News may be the only news source currently publishing the quarterly Department of Justice (DOJ) reports on settlements for vaccine injuries and deaths in the Vaccine Court.

After publishing the most recent report, U.S. Government Continues to Pay Out Millions to Victims Injured by the Flu Shot, one man who was crippled by the flu shot in 2013 spoke out on social media regarding his experience in trying to get compensation from the Vaccine Court:

Pay Outs are not as high as many people think.....

I thank you for your interest in learning about this. My vaccine injury happened in July 2013 - flu vaccine- I almost died and spent 3 weeks in the ICU and was temporarily paralyzed and my legs and arms were swollen 3 times their normal size. CDC doctors visited me every day and diagnosed me with serum sickness- a violent reaction to the toxins in the vaccine. I spent 2013 - 2015 in and out of the hospitals and ER and had 3 emergency surgeries and had physical therapy to learn to walk again twice.

I have irreversible damage to my joints and bones and am permanently disabled with inflammatory arthritis and degenerative bone disease; and live every day with excruciating debilitating chronic pain and chronic liver and kidney disease.

My case is close to being settled in the vaccine injury court...

Their initial offer for ruining my once healthy active outdoorsy lifestyle to being in a wheelchair and using a walker on my good days in the summer months ...

They offered me ....

Are you sitting down?


Because of my age ..

The older you are the less you are awarded.

Young girls who have been paralyzed by the HPV vaccines- awards can be between 200,000 to one 13 year old girl’s family was awarded 11.8 million in 2017! But she is a quadruple paraplegic!

When I feel hopeless about my life being ruined forever I see these other cases that are worse!

Media will never talk about it because they’re owned by Big Pharma!

I will never jog 3 miles a day again, or hike or play tennis or volleyball or ride jet skis or travel or simply walk up or down stairs again! NEVER again!

I just want my life back-

If there was a vaccine to undo the damage that they did to me - I would trade their $45,000 settlement offer to be ME again.

Brett Maxwell explained how it was CDC doctors themselves, the same government agency that tells the public vaccines are safe and effective and that everyone should be vaccinated, that diagnosed his injury as a result of the toxins in the flu vaccine:

The CDC doctors diagnosed me with serum sickness (a violent reaction to the toxins in the vaccine) when I was in the ICU for over 2 weeks in 2013.

I remember my last night in the hospital a CDC doctor flew in from Toronto and visited me in my room at midnight!

She like all the others had their white lab coats with their badges — and every time I asked for a business card — they replied — we don’t carry business cards or we don’t give out business cards.

She did say my serum sickness may last several months or years or forever ..... they didn’t really know and that she hoped for the best for me ......

The diagnosis for serum sickness is in my hospital records too ...

Brett Maxwell went on to explain how difficult it has been for him to receive treatment and help for his handicap, since the official position of the medical system is that vaccines are safe and do not cause harm:
Kaiser Permanente just put that CDC diagnoses in my medical records which was all we had for the vaccine injury court. My attorney paid for her Rheumatologist Expert to prove that my arthritis and degenerative bone disease was caused by the flu vaccine. He has given statements many times before in the vaccine injury court and my attorney had gotten good results.

Kaiser Permanente to this day refuses to admit to any guilt or that the vaccine has permanently disabled me. It took me 2 years to get them to get me a handicap placards and license plate for my car. It took 3 years to get disability! It wasn’t until 2015 when I finally got a wheelchair, a walker with a seat and 2 walking canes.

I just got Medicare in September 2017! They still have my Medicare insurance messed up with a late enrollment fine- I call every single month to Kaiser Permanente Customer Service - call usually takes an hour and they claim it’s been fixed. The next month same deduction happens and another letter is generated - same nightmare over again now for 4 months in a row! I went to the business office and they said they cannot help me - I must call the customer service number and ask for the Medicare Department - which is what I have been doing for 4 months in a row!

The entire system is a joke and it’s severely broke!

The Vaccine Court - No Accountability


Brett did not hold back when expressing his experience with the Vaccine Court:

The court is just running through these cases and dismissing as many as possible or filing for endless extensions!

Why? How?

Because they CAN!

There’s NO check and balance system!

Big Pharma runs this country!

Our government is CORRUPT to its CORE !

Oppose Mandatory Vaccinations! Support the National Vaccine Information Center


There are many vaccine-crippled people and parents of vaccine-injured children in the U.S. who would like to see the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 repealed and its resulting National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (The Vaccine Court) abolished, so that pharmaceutical companies manufacturing vaccines could be held accountable for their products.

But the chances of that happening are probably almost ZERO today, given that the pharmaceutical companies are deemed "too big to fail." Their products cannot survive in a truly free market.

The best thing you can do to protect yourself, your loved ones, and others from the potentially damaging effects of vaccines is to oppose legislation nationwide that seeks to remove informed consent to vaccines, and mandate vaccines for everyone regardless of the consequences.

The National Vaccine Information Center, under the leadership of Barbara Loe Fisher, is America's Vaccine Watchdog today, as they have representatives and members in all 50 states watching local legislators and health agencies who try to take away our freedom to refuse vaccines.

They have been around since the inception of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act in 1986, opposing the U.S. Government's oppressive vaccine policy.


You can sign up for their portal to get updates in your state here.

Very seldom will you find me encouraging anyone to support a 501c3 charity in the U.S., especially in regards to health matters, as most of them are either rife with corruption or front groups supporting the very thing you might think you are fighting against. (Topic for another day, another article....)

But I wholeheartedly encourage you to support the NVIC, as I support them financially also. They are America's Vaccine Watchdog, and without their efforts we would probably have far fewer freedoms left to oppose vaccines today.

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I suspect Mark is not going to have the energy to keep repeating himself, so I want to SEE if there is a chance to help you bury this and move on with the work at hand.

You seem to be in defensive mode, and have taken things very personally. Most of your points below have been answered, and I will concisely repeat them so so they are crystal clear and I hope you will then undestand why you are being met with resistance right now.

First and foremost, you have not been attacked, or censored, or criticised. As @canadian-coconut said in her Very first comment, these flags will be removed once you can confirm your are actually the organisation you speak of. Linda was not asking for your personal ID, but was simply protecting your organisation from being misrepresented, as well as Steemit from plagerism abuse. Canadian-coconut immediately checked out the sitation, and very promptly, and discoverd that you are indeed who you say you are. She then removed ALL the flags and gave you a sincere applogy, more than once. Yes, FP made a mistake, and have admitted that. Im sure you can appreciate that sometimes we jump to the wrong conclusions about things.

"I am editor of Health Impact News and I am new to Steemit. How can we learn more about the members who run this group?"
Steemit is a unique ecosystem that has many guidlines and ways to act. There is a LOT to understand, and it takes time to figure it all out. If you want to learn more about Steemit, and work WITH people who support the same cause, then i would suggest that you lower your shield and just forgive a simple mistake that can happen very easily when the timing is off.

I totally understand privacy concerns, but when some group solicits donations and spends those donations a certain way, one should not be attacked for asking questions.

I answered this question before Mark even starting conversing with you, very politely and you were not attacked at all! I also gave you to a link to ALL the funds that have been received, as well as links to posts about how this money will be used, Despite that, you have not recognised this and are still asking the same questions. What more can we give you then access to the FP banking ledger!?

And while we may not understand everything about Steemit yet, it was our understanding it was a peer-to-peer social platform without centralized authority dictating to the community.

You are correct. There is no centralised power, or authority, but there are people with more power than others. IF someone had wanted to support you and upvote they could have, and all hidden or flagged comments would have been cancelled out. That could have happened, if you had support of people on Steemit, but that didnt not happen. It is through the organic nature of the entire community that a balance is established. Anyone can upvote or downvote as they see fit, that is why Steemit is not centraliszed. There is not one voice dictating how things run here, Community consensus dictates it.

We clearly posted a link in our profile to our main news page where anyone could contact us, fully identifying who we were, which is more than I can say for "you" (plural).

You were simply asked to identify your organisation, nothing more. Adding a link for someone to come and find you was helpful, and in the end led to you being contacted and verified. I believe it took less than a few hours! That process is important, and flagging you right away was a bit hasty, but as i have explained was a mistake due to bad timing.. and apologies have been made. Canadian coconut has NO need to identify if SHE is part of family protection because we ALL know she is! Even You know this, so why are you insisting on her identifying herself? Canadian-coconut and Mark are well known and respected here, we dont need any more proof that they represent family protection. Do you see the difference? For the last time then, She did Not seek to identify you personally but was simply ensuring you were genuinely representing your organisation. These things happen on Steemit, and very recently too.. so what she has done is something you should be thanking her for.. (i.e protecting your organisation from being misrepresented on Steemit)

There are two roads from here.. and the one that is going to bring you both most success and fullfillment is to now bury this and start over! Please get in touch with Mark and talk with him. It may be a difficult conversation to start with, but i have a feeling that IF you can make the effort to communicate and hear each others voices it will really help you to start a productive relationship. Let's do this for the cause guys!

Hi! I am a robot. I just upvoted you! I found similar content that readers might be interested in:

That is the same article that someone plagiarized and reposted without our permission.

No I think cheetah means that you copied and pasted it from an external website, which is why we suspected that you were not legit..

Again, a little research would have solved this problem

Really? So Cheetah automatically upvotes content copied from external sources and rewards plagiarism? We waited over 3 weeks to be verified on Steemit and did as much research as we could, but it is obvious we are going to get no help from your group, only condemnation. And just how does this help your cause Mark??

Cheetah is a bot that finds copy and paste posts. Even if it's your work it is still copied from an external website.

The Steemit community tends to shy away from copy jobs and generally rewards content that's original to steemit.

I would love to help you but you have basically called my cause a scam! Which is obviously going to get an adverse reaction. We had reason to suspect you were not the real healthimpactnews and I believe most people here would come to the same conclusion from all the cheetah comments on your posts, coupled with the fact that you never did an introduction post.

Anyway I have the feeling this will fall on deaf ears.

Good luck!

Hey Mark, I never once used the term "scam." People can read and figure that out for themselves. I asked honest questions and was attacked for doing so. If you are collecting donations and making claims about spending such donations, you should not be offended by people asking about who the people are collecting those donations and how they are distributed. Why does that bother you?

As for us and our mission and purpose, I think it is clear. We want to expose this problem to as many people as possible, so yes, we will cross post here as well. Sorry you only support your own people and your own cause. We may be new to Steemit, but we have been doing this for many years now.

I said you have basically called us a scam, and AGAIN we flagged you for suspected plagiarism, not for asking us a question. we never saw your question before flagging you
