Doctor's Corner: The Business of Sickness, and Why We Must Protest Until It’s Stopped

in health •  8 years ago 

Sickness is a great business, and the pharmaceutical industry knows this very well. They would have you to believe they are in the health business, but they are not. They are in the business of sickness. And, judging from a business perspective, it is brilliant, but at the same time, corrupt.

They are not isolated in the business of sickness; many other associates are involved. Young medical students being trained through the medical system are deceitfully indoctrinated as the system’s message is woven into the fabric of students’ training.

Drug companies with their research departments are also involved, and government is also present to supervise and create the sort of treadmill the populous run on: symptomatic treatment, while avoiding cures and prosecuting those who would dare try.

As a society, we are lead to believe that everything is not so bad, and we rationalize this theory by comparing ourselves to those who are worse off. It is an outright lie. We are standing on a precipice of no return, and the outcome will affect everyone on the planet. Things just could not be worse.

View the following statistics. Does this seem not so bad?

  • Chronic Pain: According to the Center for Disease Control, 1 in 3 Americans are in chronic pain with arthritis (pain lasting 3 months or more), and in Canada that number is almost 1 in 5.

  • Mental Illness: In America, 1 in 5 suffers from mental illness. In Canada--including the adolescents—the rate is 1 in 6. A new case of Alzheimer’s is discovered every 68 seconds in the USA, and by 2050 that is estimated to be double: one new case every 33 seconds.

  • Diabetes: Diabetes affects 9.3% of the US population (detected) and a much greater number yet undetected. If current trends continue, 1 in 3 will have diabetes by 2050.

  • Autism: Today, autism affects 1 in 68 children, and according to Dr. Stephanie Seneff, PhD, it will soon be 1 out of 2. Half of the children born will have autism within 15 years. Dr. Seneff has researched biology and technology, and published over 170 scholarly peer-reviewed articles.

  • Cancer: From birth to death, 1 in 2 will die of cancer. Chemotherapy treatment uses 5 year survival statistics. If they were to use 10 year statistics, only 2.1% would have survived; 97.9% would not.

  • Vaccinations: According to the EPA, the average child can tolerate 0.3 micrograms of mercury. A 2 month old infant receiving all 4 scheduled vaccinations (DtaP, Polio, Hib, and Hepatitis B) will have a mercury level of 62.5 micrograms--125 times higher than the EPA “safe level.”

  • Obesity: According to the CBC, nearly half the world's adults will be overweight or obese by 2030, should present trends continue.

  • Prescription Drugs: Prescriptions are one of the leading causes of death in the USA, overtaking car accidents. Canada is not even tracking prescription drug death statistics.
    Still not convinced things are not so bad? Let’s test this theory against the natural medicine.

Drugs are not taxable, but vitamins are.

  • Health care is covered by the state medical system in Canada and through Obamacare in the US. Medical visits are included in healthcare without limits; however, other healing arts are either excluded from the plan or extremely limited.

  • State hospitals offer first aid to treat accidents, drug overdose and symptom control. Naturopathic hospitals treat the core illness, and treatments are either not covered or extremely limited in group plan coverage.

  • Drugs that kill remain on the market with added warnings, whereas natural medicine is unapproved if claims of healing are mentioned or assumed.

  • Pharmaceutical Drugs always come with side effects, while plant based medicine is no longer classified as food in Canada. Instead, it is in a sub-class of drugs, without the luxury of drug style claims or advertising.

  • Medical healers are protected by the state, whereas natural healers are often raided at gun point or even imprisoned.

  • In Canada, only two provinces offer prescribing rights to naturopathic doctors; the other provinces do not. The state oversees it all, even though our (Canada) constitution states that the government doesn’t have the legal authority, except for cases of fraud or adulteration.

  • Disease travels in packs, just like wolves, and so does the treatment. The core issue is never treated, only the symptoms. Symptoms multiply. You may not see them, but they are there nonetheless, and manifest as a result of the drug treatment.
    In reality, it is a downhill slide to extinction. The “miasma” is never addressed; instead, it is under government-approved medical care. The side effects from multiple drugs compound the condition: inflammation leading to chronic pain; anxiety and stress leading to depression, which leads to a nervous breakdown and diabetes, which culminates in Alzheimer’s disease—now often referred to as Type 3 diabetes. For many, the only “out” seems to be suicide.
    As you can now see, the business of sickness works very well together, does it not? You can clearly apply the symptomatic pack mentality to prescription drugs, as well.

  • As more symptoms appear, more drugs are administered, and it is not uncommon to be taking 10 to 15 different drugs that add more illness and suffering; the real kicker is that despite all the peripheral treatment, the core issue remains untreated.
    Under the current medical system, once a chronic illness penetrates your life, you are potentially a dead person. On the rare exception that true healing is achieved, it is viewed as sort of a miracle, though it is only realized when it’s too late. Those controlling the system know it’s not working, but they continue to willfully turn a blind eye, hoping to be perceived as being uninformed.

  • It is greed without guilt or consciousness, power without character, business without ethics--and in a form without function or benefit. The patient becomes like a robot playing the part of a patient--when the patient steps out of line, he or she is shot with the drug cocktail of choice, which is meant to be just enough to keep them coping as the power of the system is restored. Poverty and illness are paralleled as the masters of disease; the rich continue gaining riches, while imprisoning the trusting souls.

* This treadmill approach of the medical system needs to be stopped; our very lives depend on it. The people need to wake up. Civil obedience has placed us in this position, and it’s time to protest and not capitulate. As a society, we must speak out in order to reach the critical mass and expose the lies so that only truth remains. In this truth, you will be set free from the bonds and chains that have you shackled.

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📢Steemit @healthiswealth


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Thanks for the article, goes without saying Cannabis/Hemp is a huge alternative in healing naturally.

Yes, I agree with you about cannabis and hemp as healing alternatives.

  • I own stock in Sannabis a Columbian company healing with CBD oil's.

It's a sad state of affairs for humanity when so much corruption and greed is causing abject pain & death.

We all must band together and protest against drug companies ethics and business practices.

I stay away for pills, vitamins, and meds. the body is a self sustaining eco-system that really does not need much of these stuff. some meds are good through.

smart idea to allow the body to do what it does with good nutrition.

there is a natural substitute to any and all pharmacological medications, one need's only to search.

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I LOVE this post! It speaks the absolute truth, as I have personally experienced. I totally agree with you on every point. I MUST be the change I wish to see in the world! I must be willing to do whatever it takes to save myself, and allow my example to inspire others! Thank you for posting this!!!

It all begins with a wish and desire!

There should be NO medical industry, only medical care.


It's posts like this that should be trending.

I'm going to be doing a post on the American Disease Machine, something that sickens us so it can mange our sicknesses.

This is something that people really need to wake up to.

I hope you upvoted and resteemed this post @michael-kahunka.

You are very correct that this post should be trending, everyone should be aware that their Doctor is a Sell Out!

Big pharma and codex antics are horrendous...anything can be healed naturally