G'day Champions,
Today's message answers the Question that I get asked a LOT:
Is Health and Fitness Over 40 just for people over 40?
Short Answer: No.
The follow up Question is usually something like:
Then WHY is the channel/site/blog/page called Health and Fitness Over 40?
Well, I'm glad you asked, because there are several reasons with a lot of gems in the answers, so please read on.
I started focusing on health more and more from a prevention point of view, when I was about 45.
I noticed that I couldn't workout as aggressively and not wake up with stiff muscles and sore joints.
I realised that most illnesses and diseases affecting people over 40 are lifestyle related.
Yes, You can dramatically reduce Your risk of Heart Disease, Stroke, High Blood Pressure, Type 2 Diabetes,
Metabolic Syndrome and many forms of cancer, via making specific, well informed lifestyle decisions.
Don't Believe Me?
The research doesn't lie, and as I searched through the research, I noticed that many of the hacks, techniques and strategies do NOT rely on expensive drugs from Big Pharmaceutical Companies, nor do they rely on Surgery, or Radiation or many of the other techniques provided by mainstream, centralised healthcare.
They rely on empowerment through superior knowledge and education.
What does that mean here in the real world Stu?
It means that there are simple things that we can do in our day to day lives that greatly stack the deck in our favour and dramatically reduce our risk of developing these lifestyle diseases.
Nutrition, Mindset, certain types of Exercise and other specific habits and practices are ALL Key in handing us back Control over our Health, Fitness, Energy, Vitality, Longevity and Happiness.
But because many of these habits, techniques, tips and strategies do not cost (much) money to implement in our day to day lives, they do not provide the massive profits that Big Pharma and mainstream Healthcare relies on to survive in an ever sicker society.
So, here at Health and Fitness Over 40, we have applied guerilla tactics, of scouring the research to find the gold nuggets and share this information with You, to empower You to make better informed Health choices, in a user friendly way.
It doesn't matter if You are 20, 25, 30 or 35 and are greatly overweight, the research tells us that Your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, Heart Disease, High Blood pressure, Stroke, Metabolic syndrome and bowel cancer are all greatly increased.
So don't wait until you are over 40 to sort it out, Get on it NOW!
Also, people over 40 are typically the decision makers when it comes to Health and Nutrition in the family home. So, if You are empowered to make better food choices, or get away from the TV and computer screen and go to the park or beach and take the family, or play and exercise with your kids, or have meaningful conversations that build strong family bonds and emotionally healthy children, then the benefits will filter down to provide better health, not just for Your own family, but for the community as a whole.
And THAT is the greater message and impact that sharing and applying this information can have.
So, our purpose REALLY, is to positively impact the lives, health and well-being of as many people as we can.
But in our opinion, people over 40 have real world experience and smarts, as well as the motivation and impact in their own families and greater community.
By fulfilling our own mission of positively impacting the lives, health and well-being of over 1 million people over 40, the knock on effect positively influences so many more lives.
And by empowering individuals through powerful information and user friendly hacks, techniques and strategies, we give You Control back over Your own Health, Fitness, Vitality, Longevity and Happiness and take back the power from Big Pharma and profit centred treatment practices, kind of a Decentralised form of Health care.
By putting this information HERE on the blockchain, it's available for EVERYONE to share.
Like our motto says:
Applied Knowledge is the Best Health Care Money Can't Buy.
And THAT is today's message.
Stay awesome and have a powerful day.
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All of the research, discussion and information is presented for information purposes only, to increase knowledge and awareness related to risk factors associated with various lifestyle related diseases and/or illnesses. Use of the information provided is at the sole choice and risk of the reader and should not be adopted without first consulting your health professional.
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