Is marijuana legal in some countries?

in health •  7 years ago  (edited)

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Yes it certainly is.

Currently, it's on the way to full legalization here in Canada.

Whether or not that is a good thing will remain to be seen.

I'm not pro-or anti anything as I truly believe that each and every person, is going to do whatever it is they are going to do in this life, regardless of whether or not it is "legal".

I know many that used to smoke recreationally, who now, no longer smoke.

I know some who would never have touched THC products that now do, even before it has been legalized completely.

Many of them were placed on Ritalin or SSri medications and have used these products to get off the prescription drugs that were, in the end, making them miserable and degrading their biology.

Will the economic boost from the "legalized" recreational use of marijuana products do anything for us as a society here in Canada?

Only time will tell.

Personally, I will be getting a medical Rx for mine each and every time I decide I may want to have it in my life.

For the last three months, I have not used any because I have just not had the desire to.

But, changes in season change how our energy levels adjust and I may need a non-toxic dopamine boost from time to time.

So there is an answer from a Canadian who has been watching this process happen over the last few years and thinking it will be a good thing for many who, may have avoided it's use for medical reasons based on the fact that it was not "legal".

Maybe my own mother will break out a toke of indica and see if it will help with her ongoing insomnia.

Humanity is an ever learning-through-hindsight species and I am glad to be part of a time where we are being able to try things for ourselves and make up our own minds.

E-GO 2018

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In Holland it is also legal. Belgium they will not punish you to use it...

Once upon a time, I had a friend that was an artist from holland that used to pay for my advises on the use of anabolics by bringing me presents from his home country to where I had met him at the local gym in Portugal. Some of my favorite gifts came in small plastic packages. #lighthollandhash

In Portugal it has been decriminalized for a very long time, like 15 years or something. I think that the answer to this "war on drugs" is just to legalize everything, educate people, and just let them decide for themselves.

I lived in Portugal for three years... 99-2003. From the height of the heroine epidemic to right when the euro hit the streets and they began the process of cleaning up the addiction crisis. It's a working model, and it's speaks to how long it takes for we humans to make any progress as it's just now that many people even know these facts. Eu gosto moito do Portugal e Tehno moito amigos e amigas Ali .

To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

It is decidedly so

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