Master Cleanse...Day 12

in health •  7 years ago 


Life is back to normal - pretty much - except I don't eat and am often rather hungry... I am headed up to Cheyenne, WY this weekend for a birthday party - potluck at which I will not get to eat with everyone. It's an experience.

Today will be my first day of "work" on the diet. I will see how that goes.

The shadow of the outgoing RX ends on Jan 10 - I am aiming at that, at least, for my exit date - hoping for another 7 days after that but not sure if I can pull it off...wondering if I will just HAVE to stop on that date, since I started on the date Mercury went a few other things have started during this shadow and I wonder how drastically they will change... or if they will change... Mercury Rx has a huge effect on me.

Food Addiction

I think this is what God was trying to show me when I prayed about scarfing down the booze-soaked salami and shrimp and roast-beef sliders at that party on December 23...I admitted that I have a "problem" with food ...I eat for flavor - not for health...and I am being shown that I don't have to ... I thought it was my RIGHT!


Humanity's dependence upon animals Earthlings
Truth About Coffee Industry
Dr Robert Morse, ND


But now that I am over 50, I need to think about what the food is actually doing to my body. I am not young anymore! I don't want to go to the doctor. I don't want to get sick. I want to be strong and fit and lean - so I have to say NO!



Even if I have to pray for the strength to do so - I have a little food addiction going on - that's all - I love red meat and cheese but I love animals - so what is it going to be? My taste-buds or my morals? And, in addition, I need to think about my internal organs and what's going on with them...I adore dark black coffee...but my adrenals are exhausted and they control my lymph system - so? And- what's the truth about Coffee and the Environment? Sumatran Elephants and Gorilla's losing their habitat - even if I drink Fair Trade Coffee! And then of course there are the throw-away cups and the Keurigs - what about that? What is more important? That I get to have a food-gasm? or that I never ever have to go to big pharma for anything? And blindly stop participating in the genocide of the lands of brown people and animals? If one suffers, all suffer and we are all connected -As above, So below...

I notice that when I tell people that I am off coffee - it's threatening to them. Oh F Well. I know a way to get off coffee now - this Lemonade Diet - I did not have the headache (much) and when I did, I had a few swallows of coffee. Now I have been off all of it for 12 days...and counting. Wow! I had my first cup of coffee when I was about 9.
I am following the Lemonade Diet to the letter. I am also taking a parasite cleanse as well, diatemaceous earth. I am also getting assistance from this website.
I am doing this cleanse so that I can get off of coffee, meat, & dairy and also kill some gut parasites. I am off coffee now - only took 3 days to lose the headache which was not too bad on this cleanse.

Day 1,
Day 2,
Day 3,
Day 4,
Day 5,
Day 6,
Day 7,
Day 8,
Day 9,
Day 10,
Day 11,

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I struggle with the meat issue as well. I was Vegan for almost a year awhile ago, and when I went back on meat I noticed a surge in wellbeing and energy. I may had a non optimal vegan diet though. Mark Passio says you will fail if you aren't juicing your vegetables.

I currently think vegetarianism is the best alternative since you can get some critical nutrients from eggs and energy from butter. I do recognize that those industries mistreat their animals, but there are ethical options and we can push even the best of those options to improve by voting with our currency.

Here is a question I struggle with:

If it's wrong to slay an animal for food, why is it fine to slay a plant?

Max heindel’s Rosicrutian Cosmo Conception satisfied my questions about animals vs plants for food... a lot for me is regarding how animals are raised. If I was hunting or had a farm myself it would be a different story...cuz then I would have that experience of asking God and the animal for the animal’s life for mine - but I don’t have that option... you felt physically better on meat? I will see how it is for me.

I felt better physically and energetically by a huge amount. I do suspect I could have achieved those same effects (or close) by just adding back in pastured eggs and grass fed butter.

Thank you for the Heindall reference.

It’s available on Passio’s site in one of the podcasts as a pdf

Good luck on your diet during your first day of work! Stay strong. It seems as though you are going into it with a plethora of valid reasons backing you up. Hopefully, it will give you the strength to continue to the end and have your goals come into fruition 😊

I have my lemonade

i never faced any issue with food i can eat everything without getting ill.

this might have to do with your age. I used to be like you too - but now that I am over 50, I am experiencing a lot of things that I never experienced before. I used to be 100 lbs - and very skinny - at 45 suddenly that all changed and I became 160 lbs. (???) and I could not drop it. I also was in menopause - I was still eating the same things but gained a ton of weight. I was not prepared for that. Then the aches and pains started - when I woke up - etc etc - then I started getting charley-horses in my legs - all kinds of weird shit - like then I also started getting those weird hard white pimples on my face and also a hanging skin tag on my eye-lid. I got a line down the center of my index finger nail - which I heard from chinese med means I needed to detox my liver. Then I found myself getting dizzy if I stood up too fast- that's adrenal exhaustion from coffee.. etc etc hence - the fast.

oh that feel really bad and i pray you will recover soon and have healthy life. eat healthy do some jogging and have proper sleep you will be fine and keep in touch with your doc.

the food we eat gives our bodies the energie and materials that we need. If we don't get the right food, our bodies suffer and our health declines.. and thanks four this great informations

hay thanks for your comment @prosteemian - I look forward to finding out what my body needs - vs listening to the mind-control machine...

I was a vegetarian for about 12 years. I started back eating some meat when I went through menopause because I just felt like I needed more protein. I try to only eat clean, humanely raised meat plus some wild game that my son kills. I have noticed that I have had more colds since I started back eating meat so I’m thinking about cutting it out almost entirely again.

interesting! I have never tried it before so I have no idea - but I feel fine eating this lemonade so I wonder... we'll see - once the gut parasites are dead.