The six seeds you spit out are the gold of the fruit and vegetable world

in health •  6 years ago 

Have you ever eaten a fruit where you found it troublesome to spit seeds and simply swallowed them with the meat?

Generally speaking, the small seeds mixed in the flesh can be eaten, such as watermelon seeds, grape seeds, kiwi seeds and so on. Not only that, they have health benefits you might not expect.

Eat fruit and vegetable never throw up seed you, after all what ate more than others? The Times of life invites leading experts to help you understand how to eat "seeds" in fruits and vegetables.

Six types of seeds have high nutritional value

Winter melon seeds help prevent cardiovascular disease

Winter melon seeds contain unsaturated fatty acids such as linoleic acid, which can effectively reduce the content of fat and cholesterol in the blood and have certain effects on the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

When cooking winter melon, you can dig out the seeds, dry them and fry them. In addition, you can mix the seeds with the belt and drink them off.

Watermelon seeds clear the lungs and reduce phlegm

Sweet and smooth taste of watermelon seeds can clear the lungs, moisten the intestines, reduce phlegm and quench thirst, and have auxiliary curative effect on cough, sputum and hemoptysis.

Watermelon seed is rich in grease, have the effect that calms stomach, ventilated, accordingly, when have no appetite or constipation, might as well eat a few watermelon seed.

Watermelon seeds can be individually starched with a cooking machine, boiled with honey, or directly juiced with watermelon pulp.

Pumpkin seeds help prevent prostate cancer

The seeds contain zinc and a special kind of sterol, two nutrients that reduce the risk of prostate disease.

In addition, pumpkin seeds contain linoleic acid and vegetable protein, which can regulate blood glucose and blood lipids.

Pumpkin seeds can be placed in cold dishes, rice or bread, and eaten stir-fried.

Grape seeds help slow down the aging process

Resveratrol in grape seed has strong anti-oxidation, anti-cancer, anti-cardiovascular disease, anti-radiation, anti-inflammation and bacteriostasis effects. It also contains a lot of tannins and flavonoids, which have anti-oxidation effect and can delay the aging.

Grape seeds are easy to be eaten directly, resulting in numbness of the tongue. A more feasible way to eat grape seeds is to smash them with a hammer or the back of a knife and throw them into liquor to drink.

Pomegranate seeds help protect the joints

Polyphenols and flavonoids in pomegranate seeds can help protect the skin against free radical damage, help prevent wrinkles from forming too soon, and help reduce the effects of age spots.
Eating more pomegranate seeds also helps protect the joints, where nutrients promote the secretion of joint lubricating fluid.

Pomegranate seeds can be eaten directly, and people with poor dental and gastrointestinal functions can make juice from them.

Kiwi seeds help reduce blood fat
Test shows that, from the kiwi fruit seed extract to the kiwi fruit seed oil is rich in flavonoids, selenium and other trace elements in bioactive substances, including linoleic acid, linolenic acid and other unsaturated fatty acids accounted for more than 75%. Therefore, kiwi seeds can help reduce blood lipids and soften blood vessels.

Kiwi seeds are so small and encased in a hard shell that they can't be digested by swallowing them. It is best to chew kiwi seeds more and chew them thoroughly.

People with diarrhea eat less seed fruit

High dietary fiber content in seeds of fruit, can accelerate intestinal peristalsis, reduce food waste through time, promoting defecation, could lead to a more severe diarrhea, try to avoid or right amount to eat this kind of fruit.

Common seed fruits are kiwi fruit, dragon fruit, mulberries, persimmon, strawberry, thyme fruit.
People with sensitive gastrointestinal tract and easy diarrhea can eat 3 to 5 strawberries, 1 kiwi, or half of dragon fruit every time.

People who are prone to diarrhea are best able to eat less and have more meals. Fruit is an extra meal at 9 am and 3 PM to avoid diarrhea. Some vegetables with more fiber, such as leeks and celery, should also be eaten as little as possible.

If you are constipated, these fruits and vegetables can be eaten safely.


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