Children with Cancer

in health •  8 years ago  (edited)

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Banda Aceh - The Governor of Aceh, Dr. H. Irwandi Yusuf, M Sc, received a visit of children with cancer who had been accompanied by the Children Cancer Care Community (C-Four Aceh) mentoring community of cancer children under the care of Ratna Eliza, Governor, Wednesday (8/23/2017).

"Assalamu'alaikum," Irwandi said eagerly. But the face of the number one person in Aceh was immediately changed, when he saw the children of cancer patients who had gathered in his office.


Do not want to make the atmosphere wistful, the Governor directly approached and greeted the cancer patient with his typical smile. He wiped one by one the faces and heads of the boys.

"This is Sultan and Salwani Pak, from Celala Aceh Tengah. They are both the ones you refer to Zainoel Abidin Hospital, "said Ratna Eliza, as the Governor approached the Sultan, an eye cancer boy, and Salwani, a cancer patient in the head.

According to Ratna, during these two boys are having trouble getting referral letters to RSUZA. "Alhamdulillah, after the Governor has intervened, the two boys are already in Banda Aceh and will soon get medical treatment," said Ratna satisfied.
The governor then asked about the condition and occasionally tossed jokes to make the cancer-afflicted children laugh or just make them smile a bit.

"Must stay strong and do not be afraid," said the Governor to encourage the Sultan, who will soon undergo treatment at RSUZA.

Sewing Machine and Cost of Free Pesantren
In the meeting, Irwandi also gave a direct shock to Ernawati, a girl who had cancer of the oral cavity who is currently sitting in the 2nd grade of Vocational School approached the Governor and expressed her wish to have a sewing machine.
"Padup saboh sewing machine nyan (what is the price of one unit sewing machine?)" Asked the Governor.
"Approximately Rp2 million Pak Gub," said one of the board of C-Four Aceh short.
Although had asked the ownership of the account, but the governor immediately reached into his pants pockets and langsuung give money amounting to Rp 2 million to Erna.

"Please be accompanied and immediately bought, so Erna can immediately use the sewing machine," said the Governor to the C-Four volunteers.

Not only Erna who got a surprise, Hayatunnufus, a girl with leukemia or blood cell cancer origin Idi Rayeuk, also got a spontaneous shock from Bang Wandi. Ratna the nanny had expressed Hayatunnufus desire to enter the pesantren. But because they still have to follow the continuous handling, then Ratna suggested that the boy is enrolled to the nearest boarding school.
"Yes, just sign up to a boarding school near here. Inshafuddin Pesantren. I will bear all the monthly expenses, "said Bang Wandi spontaneously.

In the next few days, C-Four will also accompany Hafrizani. The 9-month-old boy has heart problems since birth and has to be treated at Dr Cipto mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta.


Meanwhile, Ratna Eliza said this visit was a visit to Silaturrahmi and expressed his gratitude for the help and attention given by the Governor to the children of cancer who had been cared for by the C-Four.

"This is the first visit to thank as some days ago the Governor's father directly intervened and gave a recommendation for referral for two children with cancer from Celala. During this time the two boys are very difficult to get a referral. But after receiving recomendation Pak Irwandi, now they are already in C-Four, "said Ratna. (Ngah)

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