Isolation Tank and Meditation

in health •  7 years ago 

Bring your meditation to a whole new level and experience. Try an isolation tank or aka float tank, which includes 1,000 lbs or more of Epsom salt.

In complete darkness with the water set exactly to match your body temperature at 98.6 degrees. Your body is fully buoyant, allowing you to float effortlessly. Enjoy the feeling as if floating through space with absolutely zero distraction in a sound proof tank. It's described as a womb-like experience.

My amazing wife @martylynn bought me a float tank experience to be used in Wilmington, NC. It will be my first time, so I'll write a blog to report how it went.


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I'm excited for you to try it!

It takes time to get used to, but the experience becomes a very healing experience.
If I could buy one for pleasure, I'd do that in a heartbeat!

Have fun & enjoy the relaxation!

That's cool that you have personal experience. And yes, I agree with buying one.. I would love to have my own and especially to not have to share the water after someone else :-) The only problem is they are very pricey $$! Thanks for reading!

Wonderful .. Take care of the wife .. And thank you for the publication @jeff747

Thank you!

Perfect way to spend some time isolated from surrounding world, all the noise the rush. Experiencing time completely stopped,
Would definitely like to try it.
Just wondering is the chick included when you purchase one?

Definitely a good solution to escape the chaos. I think the chick does come included with free shipping.. :-) I also think that is why my wife won't let me buy one.

Mine wouldn't be to impressed with the latest purchase LOL
But I can recommend it if friend need one in case of emergency :)

so lucky you are to have a lovely wife who takes care of you 😍

Yes I am. Thanks for reading!

OMG nice experience! it true when you inside of his tank can watch forms and colors?

That is awesome that you have tried.. I'm really looking forward to it. Thanks for reading.

Good and very very happy

I did that a few times, it such a mental thing. I found a lot about myself and broke lots of things down while in it. Major focus.