Make Alkaline Water to Fight Indigestion, Fatigue and Cancer

in health •  8 years ago 

Alkaline Water.jpg

Is alkaline water healthy? Every healthy body needs alkalinity to be that way. Most people are acidic from stress, pollutants and unhealthy diet.

Why is this vital? More acidity is more fatigue, indigestion, illnesses, weight gain.

Also, if we are too acidic, healthy cells are toxic and even create cancer.

How does alkaline water work?

pH scale is from 0 to 14. 0 is extreme acidity and 14 most alkaline, so middle healthy is 7 or neutral.

We need optimal value of 7.4.

Many systems and organs have various pH. Saliva is 6.5-7.0 so acidity here is needed for digestion. Skin is 5, but a 2006 study of International journal of cosmetic science said it needs to be 4.5 to fight more bacteria on skin.

pH in digestive tracts is 1.5 to 7.0 and this depends on what we eat.

Why is alkalinity vital?

For a century we know that foods make our pH and healthy. Dr. Otto Warburg, Nobel winner for physiology and medicine discovered that 90 to 95% of cancers are from acidic environment and cancer dies in alkalinity of 7.35 pH.

Ever since, studies said many pH values of drinks and foods make acid or alkaline health.

Warburg said a century ago that acidosis makes cancer and heart issues, osteoporosis, diabetes and every chronic illness.

How to see if you are too acidic?

There are 2 simple ways to see this. With pH paper for saliva test or if you have these issues:


Muscle pain and cramps after short walks

Running out of breaths

No catching air

If pH level is down, we naturally regulate this by capture of excess acids in organs like liver, kidneys, lungs to get optimal pH 7.35-7.45

These acid items attack healthy cells and make them toxic and sick.

With time, if not cured, these cells make metastases and grow rapid to other organs.

Too acidic diet

The biggest cause for acidosis is modern diet of sugars, fast foods, alcohol and caffeine. Pesticides, additives, growth hormones all make acidity.

To fight this, make alkaline water.

We are 70% water and if the water we drink is alkaline, you reach homeostasis

How is this water made?

You need:

1 lemon organic
2 l clean water
Spoonful Himalayan salt
A glass jar (never plastic)


Fill the jar with water, slice the lemon, toss it in whole. Add the salt and cover the jar. This sits at room temp. for 24 hours tops.

After this time, have 3 glasses while hungry. Always do this in the morning before you eat anything.

Also have the water all day long and you will have more energy, clear skin, alertness and stamina.

This with healthy diet too, and no fast foods, no sugars and additives will make you healthy.

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thanks for information!

good job

Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for sharing, great post :)