This article Is being reposted, because this Information Is tremendously Important and can save children's lives. If you are a parent please read the whole of this article and seriously consider whether you should allow vaccines to be given to your children.
Vaccines are the primary vector that Is destroying human civilization across the world. More people seem out of control, angry, have poor mental heath, are crazy and Irrational. Vaccines contain the toxic heavy metals that cause these kinds of changes, In brain chemistry, that result In behavioral changes that lead to violence, Irrationality and Insanity across society. Vaccines are poisoning the minds and bodies of human beings and will lead to the downfall of human society, If we don't stop the evil criminal cabal who are pushing these poisons on the populace. They are devolving the human race Into an animalistic society run by lower cognitive function.
Mike Adams, known as the Health Ranger, the lab science director of ( consumer wellness center ) he's a published scientist and his lab Is ISO accredited, Internationally recognized. He Is the author of the number one best selling science book on a well known Internet shopping site, his book Is called Food Forensics - The hidden toxins lurking In your food and how you can avoid them - He also has two US Patented products, Cesium Eliminator ( captures cesium Isotopes Including Cesium - 137 ) and Heavy Metals Defense, which binds and captures heavy metals during digestion It supports the elimination of Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, arsenic, aluminum, copper and Uranium. I have listed the above Information on Dr Adams to show his high professional credentials and standing, as most of the Information In this article Is courtesy of his rigorous study and work.
Throughout the history of human civilization we've seen the rise and fall, wipe outs of civilizations. Heavy metal contamination has wiped out civilizations In the past and we are now In the process of repeating that today. Like the disaster In Flint, Michigan which polluted the water supply with toxic lead. We are deliberately and Insanely polluting the bodies and minds of children, pregnant women, adults and senior citizens, with the toxic heavy metals that are found In vaccines. These metals Include Aluminum and Mercury, Mercury Is a potent neural toxin, It damages brain cells causing permanent damage. It can and does send people In to seizures and comas, causing long term permanent damage, cognitive dysfunction, cognitive Impairment and mental retardation. Aluminum causes Alzheimer's and Dementia, and If you subcutaneously Inject some one with Aluminum, much of that Aluminum will, of course, enter the blood stream and end up being lodged In neurological tissue In the brain.
Lead ( which Is a heavy element very similar to Mercury ) exposure In childhood Is very clearly linked to lower IQ and lower status In adult life. An Interesting study from Duke University, which came out on March 28th, 2017. This study found that 94% of children who grew up In the age of leaded gasoline, still have lead poisoning over forty years later. The acceptable limit of Lead, In the blood, as a reference value, Is five micro-grams, per deciliter, of blood. What they found In testing 565 people who grew up, as children, during leaded gasoline, 94% of them still have lead In their blood that exceeds the safe upper limit of 5 micro-grams. They also more Importantly found that for each 5 micro-grams, per deciliter, of Lead In the blood a person lost an average of 1.5 IQ points. So people absorbing Lead In the, United States, In the seventy's and earlier had suppressed human cognitive function, the Lead has essentially caused mental retardation. But, unfortunately, that's not the only effect of Lead, another study, published on February 26th, 2005 by the University of Pittsburgh medical center, found that Lead exposure Is most significant cause of violent crime In young people. Lead actually causes violence, and a quote from the researcher of the study, Herbert. L . Needleman, M.D Professor of psychiatry and pediatrics at The University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, where he wrote the following: " When environmental Lead finds Its way In to the developing brain, It disturbs neural mechanisms responsible for regulation of Impulse that can lead to antisocial and criminal behavior. The government needs to do more to eliminate sources of Lead In the environment ".
Isn't It fascinating how you will find many environmentalists and mainstream doctors that warn of heavy metals In the environment, as they should be doing. But when It comes to Aluminum and Mercury In vaccines, their all silent, even though these heavy metals are being Injected directly In to the human body.
What we know from the scientific literature Is that Lead has caused a huge drop In IQ points, a dramatic loss of cognitive function, Increase In mental retardation and an Increase In violence. Within our society today we see huge increases In violence, madness and mental Illness. We also see a tremendous Increase in Alzheimer disease, which we know can be caused by Aluminum. Young people are abandoning logic and reason, screaming, demanding their safe spaces. In one college, In the US, they had to remove the weighing scales, because when students got on the scales they were freaking out and couldn't emotionally handle It. The current generation has been massively poisoned by all the heavy metals In vaccines, which Include Aluminum and Mercury. Mercury being a much heavier metal than Aluminum and poses the same risk as Lead, which Is serious disturbances In neural function.
Scientists and holistic doctors have also recently discovered Nagalase In many different vaccines which spurs tumor growth by suppressing the bodies Immune system. It Is certain that these Nagalase molecules have been deliberately Inserted In to the vaccines to push up the numbers of people developing cancer, significantly Increasing the pharmaceutical Industry's cancer drugs profits.
Many governments are the ones funding the science, as a result when people like Andrew Wakefield, find problems with vaccines, they are quickly silenced or murdered by the Cabal.
There Is lots of evidence In environmental science of just how damaging Mercury Is to the environment and animal life. But you won't find any evidence of how dangerous this Is In vaccines, even though we know there's lots of mercury In vaccines.
We are living In a society that has been mass poisoned by vaccines. I the writer of this article know this to be true because of suffering a lifetime of Ill health after my nervous system was damaged by an Injection I had when I was a teenager.
The number of vaccines required to be Injected In to children keeps rising, because the vaccine Industry, which now has blanket legal Immunity, In the US, to all law suits regarding vaccine damage and vaccine side effects keeps asserting we need to add this vaccine and then another vaccine to the requirement list. We are now at the point where the average US child Is getting more than one hundred different vaccines. Many of them are combined In to one shot so It's not necessarily one hundred Injections. Many times these children are given these shots one after another In rapid sequence, totally over loading the Immune and nervous system. So what this does Is add this toxic metal burden, to the child's body, all at once. Many doctors blindly trust the vaccines are clean and safe. These doctors have been brainwashed about vaccines, thinking there some kind of magical shield against disease, not even questioning the contaminants that are In the vaccines. Contaminants like Mercury, Aluminum, Squalene, Nagalase Molecules, MSG, Formaldehyde, Artificial Colouring, Preservatives. A toxic cocktail of poison, that Is literally playing Russian roulette with your children. Unfortunately for many children the gun goes off and seriously destroys a child's heath or In many cases kills the child. All these Injections, all at once and In many cases forty eight hours later they've had a seizure or a fever and the child Is Autistic or has passed away. Because In many cases the burden of heavy metals Is just too much, It was a tipping point and It damaged their brains permanently. Some children can overcome this barrage, their body's eliminate the Mercury and other heavy metals before they can cause serious damage.
But they still suffer, they still Incur cognitive damage that makes them have lower IQ and It also shuts down the cognitive function of their brains. So they don't develop properly and can't think rationally anymore, they can't learn as well anymore and this Is what we're seeing across society.
The Chicken Pox Vaccine has WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts, which contain human fetal lung cells, aborted human fetus's. Their lungs are harvested and ground up and put In to the chicken pox vaccines, to be Injected In to other children. How did we get to a point like this, we got here through not paying attention and being Ignorant, It's time to wake up and start paying attention again. Today's youth Is being exposed to a far greater level of toxic substances, In vaccines, than ever before. There's something wrong with mellennials In the US, their, most likely, victims of heavy metals poisoning.
Recently the state of New York, eliminated Its literacy tests for school teachers because too many school teachers couldn't pass the states school literacy test. So they just decided to scrap the test, so teachers don't even need to be literate to teach the students anymore. In Detroit 47% of the population of the City of Detroit Is functionally Illiterate. It's astonishing, we are living In an age of mass heavy metals poisoning and It's being predominately administered by vaccines.
We are being systematically poisoned by a criminal, Illuminati, Cabal bent on the dumbing down, destruction and control of the United States and the human population. This Isn't being done by accident, vaccines have long ago been weaponized against the people. Society looks Increasingly like It's going to collapse and break down and, I repeat, this Is no accident, this has been deliberately planned and executed. We are seeing a complete breakdown of logic and reason within society.
The Roman Empire collapsed due to Lead poisoning In the aqua ducts, that poisoned the entire roman population. Driving many of them mad and collapsing the empire. Now the United States and much of the modern world today Is headed for a catastrophic collapse via vaccines, heavy metals, Aluminum, Mercury, poisoning and the poisoning of the environment by heavy metals within chem trails.
When you destroy the minds of the people In society, when you destroy the cognitive function of the members of that society, the outcome can only be chaos and collapse. We must all wake up to this fast.
In science the authority argument is worth nothing. No matter how much patents do you have registered or how many Nobel prizes do you have, you still have to show evidences about your hypothesis, and Dr Adams has shown nothing.
Since 2001 childhood vaccines in the US do not contain mercury anymore:
There is no evidence at all about massive side effects of vaccines. Hundreads of studies had been made and no significant increase in any disease depending of the number of vaccines applied has found.
Doctors do not have to believe in vaccines being a magical shield about illness, his protection mechanism is well documented and there is a strong correlation between vaccine application and the infection cases rapidly dropping for evey virus.
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Vaccines are being used as a weapon to take the United States down, this Is a fact. I'm not saying vaccines couldn't be used for good, but the people In charge are deliberately poisoning people.
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Why the people in charge may be interested in taking USA down?
If thats the objective, why the use of vaccines in other developed countries is as high as in USA? Why the use of vaccines in USA is not obligatory?
How can we differentiate between vaccines used for good and vaccines used for poisoning?
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You are either fast asleep or most likely a troll of the elites.
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In my country now it is 23:29 now. As it is impossible to proof there is no conspiracy, the burden of proof must be carried by those who think there is.
Anyway, at least you recognized that vaccines can be used for good and thats more than the majority of conspiranoics would admit.
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There's no debate about whether there Is a conspiracy, read my article on United States Is a Privately Owned Company, It's a Corporation. A knife can be used for good but It can also be used for evil.
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In your article, you mentioned WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts. These are harvested from ABORTED fetuses, meaning that the fetus wouldn't have had a chance to live, so why let life-saving ingredients go to waste? They save lives every year. And also, in your article, you mention that modern society is becoming illiterate; how can you attribute this to vaccines, and not another variable in society's complex mix? You blame vaccines on mental health issues, yet what proof do you have that this is the case? Why not fidget spinners, or Persian cats? The mental health of a society is usually attributed to the quality of life in said country; not vaccines. If a country has poor job security, low salaries, and low quality of life, which the U.S. happens to have [somewhat], mental health in said country wouldn't be the best it could be. For a country that is the opposite of said conditions, say Switzerland, you see overall mental health as being quite good. You don't see much civil unrest in Switzerland, do you? And they have vaccines in Switzerland, too. The main point of your article, vaccines being an evil Illuminati ploy to dumb down the population, is quite weak overall. No direct proof, mostly just accusations; obscure and biased references; combined with poor grammar and spelling, make your article quite weak. Added to the fact that life before vaccines had much higher child mortality rates; I'd say that if there was a delete function on Steemit, you'd be better off deleting this article. Welp, cheerio mate, I've got to do actual research on relevant subjects! P.S. try to reply with something that does not involve the Illuminati, I dare you.
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The Cabal are undoubtedly using vaccines as a means of depopulation, as part of the UN Agenda 30. Vaccines are full of Aluminum, Mercury, Nagalase and Squalene.
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... any proof m8? they actually stopped using mercury in them in 2001, so chill. And there are VERY small amounts of those heavy metals, and life without vaccines would see a sharp decline in population. I'd say that humanity's population would drop by a significant amount without vaccines.
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The Cabal, running things, are using these vaccines to take over the United States, by putting heavy metals In to them to dumb the population down. Their also putting Nagalase In to them, to put the cancer rates up, making more profits for the drug companies. Why vaccines could be used for good we Increasingly see them being used as a weapon and for depopulation.
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... and any proof? Also, cancer death rates have seen a decline as medical science progress, so your argument is bull.
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OK Rothschild troll, you keep trying to stop the Truth, the Truth always comes out In the end. Freedoms not free, you have to fight for It.
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what exactly is a "Rothschild troll"? and I'm not trying to stop the "truth", just commenting on how poorly written your article and viewpoint is. Since you can't think of a comeback, you just blurt accusations. 0/10 go to debate school
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If you don't know who the Rothschild's are, you're either fast asleep or your one of their trolls.
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awesome great detailed information that is exactly what we need thank you !!
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Can you please repost my article, you will most likely find that It will be censored with hardly any views. It will show that dark forces are now causing steemit censorship.
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nah its just that your article isn't the greatest of articles... to be blunt it's horrible
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These are Mike Adams words, they are true. You are defending the criminals who push this poison.
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Vaccines are for the Yellow Listers; people on the Blue and Red lists refuse vaccines and would never willfully take them or any flu shots for that matter.
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No one should take any vaccines. We must continue to get the message out, they are attempting to censor the Information.
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