Best Home Remedies for Common Colds

in health •  8 years ago 

Few things are as annoying as being knocked out by something as banal as a cold.  To avoid getting affected, be sure to get enough sleep. Sleep is the best insurance against the common cold. When you sleep, your body can concentrate on rattling out any viruses that lie and cause trouble in your system.

You have probably experienced going to bed early because of experiencing mild irritation, then waking up feeling perfectly well the following day? Well, sometimes the colds attack us before we know it, and when that happens, I recommend you try the following home remedies before trying various conventional medication.

1. Drink hot liquids

It is important that you get enough fluid when you are cold. Hot drinks relieve bad throats and coughs. Therefore, drink warm tea or hot water with honey and lemon. A little spicy chicken soup with ginger, garlic and chili is also good. 

2. Swallow a tablespoon of honey

If you cough a lot, try eating a tablespoon of honey before sleeping. This should relieve due to the honey laying itself like a thin and soothing film in your sore throat.

3. Gargle salt water

Lots of slime in your throat? Try to gargle hot salt water. It helps and also kills some bacteria. Repeat as often as you feel the need.

4. Use saline for your nose

If your nose feels clogged, try rinsing with lukewarm salt water. It cleans up your airway in a gentle way and, as mentioned above, kills bacteria as well. Plain nasal spray is effective, but interferes with the mucous membranes, thus quickly closing down. Many people feel that they are addicted to nasal spray and that is not good as it may hurt the mucous membranes.

5. Keep the indoor air moist

It's only when the mucous membranes become dirty that viruses attack. That's why you often may get a cold when you fly. The dry air air allows the virus to attack. Therefore, you should drink water when you fly. But at home too, air gets dry quickly. Especially during the winter when you rely on firewood to keep you warm. To quickly acheive moist indoor air, put a bowl of water near your heater, or buy a humidifier.

Cozying up on the couch also helps!

When you are experiencing a cold, you should calm down and cozy up on the couch. Enjoy hot drinks and watch some of your favorite series on DVD, or read a good book. The more you calm down when the cold is attacking, the sooner you get well again!

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My time tried, trusted remedy is high-potency Garlic pills (Kyolic, Aged Garlic Extract) along with a high dose (100mg) Vitamin C supplement and a glass (or two) of red wine every night. Take the Garlic and Vitamin C after dinner and a glass of red wine an hour before going to bed. Works like a charm & keeps the vampires away too ;-)

The saltwater gargle helps lots!

that's pretty helpful I will try these cause I have this problem ;)

Hopefully it'll help you! Get better soon :)

Thank you, it's useful :)

No problem. Hopefully you wont need the tips anytime soon :) Stay healthy!

the best of the best for cold is simply: GINGER!

but yes, honey, lemon, garlic, cinnamon and other things also can help a lot!

Loads of ways to help cure the common cold!

Yes, I agree! Ginger and Turmeric work really well to boost the immune system and keep you healthy! People I know take the flu vaccine shots - but I urge people to look into the various ways in which natural remedies like garlic, ginger and turmeric can have a huge positive effect on your health...

Definitely. I would go with the natural ways before choosing to get shot. ;)