"The MAGIC" Series. The Greatest WEALTH is HEALTH. Practice Day #4. My REA[d] and HwZ entry by@ZAINENN

in health •  6 years ago 


Here is my entry for @zainenn awesome incentive of inviting people to read books since reading is really knowledge.
I really love the idea of this incentive because we can hear the experiences and recommendations of some amazing books which is very cool.
Here is the original link of the awesome @zainenn's post.

So this is definitely my favorite subject and practice of this book since health is the one and only the most precious and the most important thing in our lives and the sad thing is that most people take it for granted, till it's too late.

I really love the quotes in this chapter (Day 4) of this magical book which really is a life changing book and so I would love to share it with you:

by Virgil

"Whoever has gratitude (for health) will be given more, and he or she will have an abundance. Whoever does not have gratitude (for health), even what he or she has will be taken from him or her."

by John Henry Jowett

There is also an Italian proverb which says:


I absolutely love all of these quotes since they really speak out the truth and really show us what is the most important thing in our lives and we should be grateful for it daily becuase HEALTH is a gift of LIFE.

Few examples of what we should be thankful for and repeat the magic words, "thank you, thank you, thank you, and really mean it and feel it, by thinking and saying why you are grateful are:

Thank you for my legs and feet that are my main transportation.
Thank you for my arms, hands and fingers which are the major tools of our life.
Thank you for my amazing sense of taste so that I can enjoy the delicious food.
Thank you for my sense of smell, sense of touch.
Thank you for my eyes which allow me to see my loved ones and the gorgeous nature colors.
Thank you for my hearing which allow me to hear the voice of my loved ones and birds singing etc.
Thank you for my brain and my beautiful mind which control pretty much every part of my body.
Thank you for my organs working properly which clean and filter and renew everything within my body.

For today's practice you will take a piece of paper or card and write on it in bold, big letters:


Put the piece of paper somewhere where you will see it most often and on at least four occasions read and feel these words and feel really, really grateful for it.

Day 3 Practice:

  • Make a list of 10 blessings and why you are grateful for them.
  • piece of paper or card and write on it in bold, big letters: THE GIFT OF HEALTH IS KEEPING ME ALIVE. At least of four occations read it very slowly with as much gratitude as you can.
  • Use the magic rock and say the magic words for the best thing that happen to you today.

Hope this was helpful and maybe it can inspire you and I wish you all a wonderful Thursday.
Love @joalvarez

Please support @surpassinggoogle for making this community a better place.
Here is the link to his original post, about the #ublog which he has created, so please check it out:

I am a great supporter of @familyprotection who is working very hard to help the families stay together and this project is the most amazing project that I would suggest for everyone on this steemit community to check it out and support it and by doing it we are helping people in need who are trying to keep their kids safe from being taken away (kidnapped) by the Social Services. Here is the link Click here

I am also a part of one of the most amazing projects here on steemit and that is @gratefulvibes project where you can also join @gratefulvibes Discord chat group, where we support the newcomers and just have an amazing time.

Thank you for visiting my post. If you like it, please don't forget to Upvote, Follow, and Resteem, it is very, very appreciated. Any suggestions are always very welcome so that I can keep improving in this community.
God Bless!


Image created by my beautiful friend @sunnylife.

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Hejka! :-) obejrzałem cały film. Nie znam angielskiego bardzo dobrze i będe wdzięczny jak napiszesz trzy,cztery zdania o tym co mówiłaś bo słyszałem ciekawe słowa i emocje od Ciebie. Pozdrawiam z Polski! :-) ps. U nas dzisiaj piękny słoneczny dzień.

Posted using Partiko Android

Mój blog opowiada o książce, która jest podzielona na 28 części, dni, w których pokazuje nam, jak możemy żyć naszym wymarzonym życiem, ćwicząc bycie wdzięcznym.

Dzisiaj jest dzień 4, który mówi o zdrowiu, za co powinniśmy być wdzięczni. Bardzo podoba mi się cytaty:

"Największym bogactwem jest zdrowie"

"Ten, kto cieszy się dobrym zdrowiem, jest bogaty, chociaż nie wie o tym."

"Kto ma wdzięczność za zdrowie, otrzyma więcej i będzie miał obfitość. Kto nie ma wdzięczności za to, nawet to co ma, zostanie mu odebrane." Z biblii.

"Wdzięczność jest szczepionką, antytoksyną i środkiem antyseptycznym."

"Zdrowie jest darem życia i powinniśmy być mu za to codziennie wdzięczni."

Dziękuję za obejrzenie mojego filmu i mam nadzieję, że było to trochę pomocne.
Wspaniale było usłyszeć od ciebie i cieszę się, że mieliscie słoneczny dzień.
Pozdrowienia z El Salvador.

In this life a good health is a treasure in itself because no one can pay for that ability to walk, drink and eat with enjoyment, sleep normally, eat normally and all that normal people do. @joalvarez so everything around will be just a bonus.