Shortage of PPE (personal protection equipment)

in health •  5 years ago 

I know what you are thinking. Again another Covid-19 post from this girl. Isn't she complaining enough about what is going on. And I get that but feel free to skip this post, because this is just frustration being put on paper (or put digital on the blockchain better said). My frustration is about where priorities in the world are, and how I am also non-prioritizing myself.


So I work in a hospital as some of you are already are aware of. And apart from that hospital are usually already not the best valued jobs (start explaining at home that your day contained of placenta falling over your feet, being kicked by patients who are waking up, being vomitted over by people with low name it, I was there), with the Covid-19 virus amongst us this isn't always the sweetest place to be hanging out in.

Taking care of patients is a good thing, it is a rewarding job. But putting your own health at risk is a different thing for the appreciation which sometimes comes back for it. This week another round of voting for higher salaries in healthcare in Holland took place, and for the third time this has been rejected. I get it, we need to save the economy so its okay. But getting the proper protective equipment for the people who are not able to self quarantine when it is necessary, is not too ask to ask for right? Because that what is the law at the moment. If you have an infected family member or when you came out of an area of risk...You stay home. Unless........You work in healthcare. Then you can go and infect all your colleagues and your patients who are already not in the best of condition.Pretty screwed up right? But when the healthcare workers stay home. Then it all collapses. But this isn't helping the problem

And again. I get it. Because the demand for masks is so high at the moment in all sectors that it is hard to order and receive your stuff. Maybe....just maybe....government should put in a little more effort in support businesses who are making proper masks, or at least put in some stimulation for people to start businesses like there. That would be the best reward you can give people who work in health care. To do their job without putting their own life at risk ...Or is that to simple of a thought?

So yeah we can all be super excited that maybe some music events will pull through, or that a small business has another chance of still existing. But as long as this problem is not fixed, the influx of new health care workers (and daaaaamn we need them) will stagnate and others will drop out. Take care of your workers Holland. Provide them the stuff they need and then go back to your voting chambers for other trivial problems please?

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