The Cavity-Reversing Tooth Powder That Makes Going to the Dentist Unnecessary

in health •  8 years ago 

The Cavity-Reversing Tooth Powder That Makes Going to the Dentist Unnecessary

 My remineralizing toothpaste is one of my most visited posts and I’ve  gotten a lot of emails from people who have switched and love it. After  my husband and I both remineralized our teeth and reversed cavities,  I’m definitely a convert to natural toothpastes and a supportive diet.  Many Americans today are prone to tooth decay because of their food  choices. 

 Through observation I have witnessed the powerful anti-nutritional  effects of a diet high in phytate-rich grains on my family members, with  many health problems as a result, including tooth decay. 

 The only downfall to my homemade toothpaste is that it can leave a  residue on sinks and there can be some concerns with the coconut oil if  you have a septic system. I’ve also recently discovered the many benefits of  healing clays and wanted to figure out how to incorporate this into our oral health  regimen, but there were some definite texture issues with the clays and  coconut oil. I wondered if a healing tooth powder would work and I couldn’t be happier with the results. It is easier to make than the toothpaste and you can use actual powdered herbs and spices instead of the  essential oils which saves money. I’ve recently started using a mix of  this and OraWellness Brushing Blend and my teeth have never felt cleaner  (and are continuing to whiten!). 

 Why Tooth Powder?

The main ingredient in this tooth powder is Bentonite Clay, which  I’ve recently become a huge fan of. Not only does it bind to and draw  out heavy metals and toxins  (a huge plus for the mouth!), but it is alkaline and full of minerals. It can be taken internally to help with toxin removal so it is safe for use in the mouth and it contains calcium, magnesium and silica which are nourishing for the teeth!  

 Bentonite is a swelling clay. When it becomes mixed with water it  rapidly swells open like a highly porous sponge. From here the toxins.are drawn into the sponge through electrical attraction and once there, they are bound. 

 It is also extremely gentle and has a milder taste for kids. I also  use Bentonite Clay for facial masks, healing poultices and when drying  hair naturally to keep color on. The other ingredients are supportive of the mouth as well:  

  • Baking soda is alkaline and contains minerals. It also helps remove stains.
  • Calcium powder provides extra calcium and magnesium to provide minerals and whiten.
  • Cloves powder is naturally antibacterial and gives a great taste.
  • Cinnamon is also antibacterial, tastes great and helps discourage bacterial growth in the mouth.
  • Mint tastes great and is soothing to the gums.
  • Xylitol– completely optional and adds sweetness.

Tooth Powder Recipe


  • 4 Tablespoons Bentonite Clay
  • 3 Tablespoons Calcium Powder
  • 1 Tablespoon Baking Soda (optional)
  • 2 Tablespoons Powdered Mint Leaf (optional, or can use essential oil)- Powder in blender, food processor or coffee grinder.
  • 1 tablespoon Cinnamon Powder (or this kind)
  • 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon of Cloves Powder
  • 1 Tablespoon (or more to taste) Xylitol Powder
  • Essential oils for taste- completely optional but Peppermint, Spearmint and Cinnamon are good.


  1. Mix the ingredients in a bowl or pint size mason jar  and store in a small glass jar with a lid. We actually have a separate  small glass jar for each family member since we dip our toothbrushes in  it. Mix with a spoon or shake to incorporate ingredients. This recipe  makes about ¾ cup of tooth powder which lasts us for months. You can  adjust the recipe up or down (use teaspoons instead of tablespoons for  smaller amounts).

This will last indefinitely on the counter since there are no liquid  ingredients and all of the ingredients naturally discourage bacterial  growth. You can customize the powder to your taste and all of the herbal  ingredients are optional. Bentonite or baking soda would actually work alone or together as a  tooth powder, this one just tastes great. You could also add more  cloves, mint and cinnamon for an even more concentrated powder. This  type of cinnamon has a higher concentration of beneficial oils and  tastes sweeter. 

How to Use Tooth Powder

Wet the toothbrush  (I use a Bass brush from OraWellness since it is super gentle on the  gums and cleans better) and dip into the powder. Brush using the Bass Brushing Technique  until teeth are clean(you can google it and watch  a video to learn how). Rinse with cool water. Can be used daily (or  multiple times daily) and is fine for adults and kids. 

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