I have 30,000 amazing people to help me with chelation therapy. After Christmas i start my first round!

in health •  7 years ago 

Andrew Cutler.jpg
Dr Andy Cutler


He is a Chemist, and a savior to thousands. Andy is responsible for the book "Amalgam illness" - And if it wasn't for him, personally coaching people through chelation therapy, there would be some very sick people out there. Andy's success stories have carried on coaching people through chelation since his passing. When you are mercury toxic, reading and understanding information is impossible. Those that are healed or are going through chelation therapy, answer questions of those wanting to get better, sometimes answering the same question multiple times (the amalgam illness memory) and helping them make safe choices when starting the chelation journey.

When traditional doctors don't take you seriously, The 30,000 STRONG facebook group share the same frustrations. Many of them have been misdiagnosed with MS. Many of them left with a chronic illness nobody can treat. Apart from Andy Cutler! And after almost an entire year being chronically ill with a "Mystery illness" and only coming across my cheltion family a few months ago with the help of @teamsteem getting me a diagnoses, I am nervous and excited to be starting...

The Andy Cutler Protocol

Frequent low dose chelation therapy. To remove the mercury from my organs, and then my brain. It's not pretty, it's not a nice thing to go through, but being poisoned isn't the desirable option! many are healing themselves & their children with autism.


DMSA is my first friend in the process. Needing to be taken every 4 hours, even through the night for 3 days on, then a rest period of 4 days. I will supplement with vitamin C, Zinc, Vitamin E and magnesium as these will be depleted in the process. I will talk more about it in another post, the protocol is complicated, I just wanted to share my excitement with finally being able to start chelation therapy. If anyone needs help, you can buy the book Amalgam Illness from Amazon, or join the Facebook group (Who I want to come to Steemit) here at Andy Cutler Chelation: Safe Mercury and Heavy Metal Detox My mercury poisoning was from my Silver "amalgam" fillings, which are mercury. In the new year we are getting the use of amalgams banned in New Zealand. Other people get heavy metal poisoning from vaccines & other sources, and they are finding success in The Andy Cutler protocol. Read some beautiful success stories HERE.


Healthy Holidays everyone!

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DMSA is really powerful stuff. Hopefully you're well advice on its use.

Absolutely. The DMSA is super low dose frequent chelation moving the metals around and out instead of redistributing which can make you pretty sick. I'd never advise anyone to start something like this without first researching and being sure. Thank you @teamsteem Merry Christmas xxx

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Merry Christmas :)

Yeah! Kay Kunoichi Merry Christmas
@kaykunoichi #HappyNavidad #Prospero #Año #Nuevo

How did you find out about this? It makes you feel quezy at first?

How did I find out about chelation therapy? From research I guess. Merry Christmas @alao xx

When I first saw it I thought it was chemotherapy..

Noo thank goodness <3

Definitely think twice about using chelation therapy. Yea it might remove the heavy metals but it can also really mess up your body chemistry overall.

Yeah for sure I agree, you're right. Chelation has made some people very sick. Some of the more dangerous ones are IV chelation, and IV glutathione. The Andy Cutler Protocol is probably one of the most safest ones. Andy had a Ph.D in chemistry. The doses are very low & frequent which doesn't allow the metals to be redistributed & cause more harm, especially with the brain. I guess I can't talk about how well it works, until I try it. I don't have other options as I am sick with mercury poisoning & refuse to have IV chelation. Thanks @mattmcclanahan Merry Xmas!