Get Rid of Body and Feet Odour for Good

in health •  7 years ago 

Stench Free
Body and Feet Odor
Freedom to Live Your Life

Table of Content
Understanding Odor
Road to Freedom
Home Remedies
Diet (What and How You Eat)
Processed Foods
Fried Foods
Smokers and Drinkers
Spicy Foods
Keep Clean
Dress Appropriately
Health Conditions
Eliminate Stress
The Panacea (Solution in Sight)
The Application Process
Final Notes

Have you ever experienced unnecessary exclusion from certain activities from people around you or someone you’re talking to suddenly starts looking uncomfortable and taking few steps back from you.
People suddenly buy you gifts of perfumes and body wash; people whom you do not have close ties with for that matter. At the office colleagues are always talking under their nose when you’re around or the gathering suddenly disperses when you come around. These and many more embarrassing situations are clear cut signs that you may have offensive body odor.
The fact is that we all have a stench really but some are mild and pleasant while others smell like rotten fish. It is difficult for one to know the smell due to the sensory adaptation we all possess, you become accustomed to it and your sense of smell cannot really differentiate if its offensive or not. However some people become very sensitive about it if their attention has been drawn to it by someone close to them.

Body odor can have very devastating effect on social life and professional life. Self esteem can hit rock bottom while dealing with odor issues as the general perception about people with body odor is that they are dirty.
One thing you have to know is that you’re not alone and there are many other people experiencing same situations in their respective lives with damaging effects. It is hard to land a job with this condition, while some find it hard to keep jobs. The most hurtful will be socializing, as people find it difficult to be around you no matter how nice of a person you are.

This e-book will walk you through some of the measures I took to become odor free using inexpensive methods that can see you save a chunk of money spent on buying deodorants, (in fact you can even throw them away after applying the methods in this e-book). Understanding your body and knowing that what works for someone else may not work for you is paramount to beating your odor issues.

Understanding Odor:
Odor can be explained as a by product of the metabolic process of bacteria which comprises mainly of Corynebacteria and micrococci, these bacteria breakdown organic substances found on the human skin, sweat even on the clothes we wear.
These odor causing bacteria breed and survive well in moist warm areas. This is why the armpit and feet are the most affected and smelliest areas. The human skin surface in its entirety is covered by bacteria, hidden down within the skin pores and sweat glands.
It is important to understand that bacteria are not necessarily bad as studies have shown. The key is having a natural balance of it on the skin. The problem usually emanates when there is an imbalance of the bacteria corynebacteria and micrococci on the skin hence odor can be noticed under warm conditions. Odor conditions can worsen by using too many commercial antiperspirants and deodorants.
By adhering to the guidelines provided in this e-book on how to rid yourself of the pain and shame body odor has dealt you, you will be free of it and be able to do those things you have always wanted to do, flail your arms as you so desire, be able to take off your shoes at a friend’s house or for airport security checks with no worries at all.

Road to Freedom:
My journey to becoming odor free was a long one. First I was ignorant about it through high school and you occasionally get people making certain comments but you will not think much of it at the time. Thank goodness I was able to date a girl in high school who cared much about me that she called into a radio station program to tell the presenter that her boyfriend had odor problems.
She inquired if I listened to the radio program at that time and my response was no, but she went further to persuade me to listen to it on the next program. I did just that and heard the presenter say things along these lines: “one of our female callers said her bf (boyfriend) has body odor problems and it hinders both of them from making out”. Then the presenter gave an advice of bathing in warm water before getting together.
What I am trying to say here is that people (at least does that care) will look for ways to mirror your body odor issues back to you. My story is one amongst many of the embarrassing scenarios you must have been facing the worst being a social/public disgrace.
I tried so many remedies, soaps deodorant of different concentration but none seemed to work for me. Before one can be odor free you have to attack the problem from the root of it, hence masking it with layers and layers of aerosols and cologne is not going to cut it.
In this e-book I will highlight the various home remedies for body odor, and you will find out for yourself why some are just temporary measures and not a permanent solution. I will also share with you the things I did personally on my journey becoming odor free.

Home Remedies:
There are so many home remedies for body odor out there but I have selected a few as to what I have tried and the effectiveness of each remedy. There are several remedies out there of which most of them either masks the odor or just stops it temporarily. Below is some of the home remedies people use;

  1. Witch Hazel

  2. Vinegar

  3. Lemon

  4. Baking soda + Lime

  5. Baking soda + Cornstarch

  6. Apple Cider

  7. Tea Tree Oil

  8. Sage herb

  9. Rosemary herb

  10. Wheatgrass juice

  11. Turnip juice

  12. Tomato juice

  13. Homemade Natural Deodorant

  14. Homemade Herbal Deodorant

  15. Unscented Liquid Alum Deodorant

  16. Etc...
    Most of these remedies you have probably tried at some point in your own journey to becoming odor free. In my journey to being odor free body I tried countless remedies medicated soap of different brands, lime, and hydrogen peroxide to no avail.
    However I began to notice a progressive pattern to my odor problems, when I made certain changes in my lifestyle, what I ate and became more aware of my health. Findings show that people with certain sicknesses may give off a foul smelling odor which is sometimes caused by the medication they are on.
    In my journey to becoming odor free I came up with three very important factors I call the “3 Point Agenda”, as you will discover that getting rid of your odor problems is not so much about using a product or taking medication but a question of what and how you eat, live and most importantly how you maintain good health (Diet, Lifestyle and Health).
    Diet (What and How You Eat):
    When it comes to body odor, the saying “you are what you eat” cannot be over emphasized. You have to be concerned about what goes into your body as it directly affects how you smell. Hence omission of these odor causing foods needs to be eliminated from your diet.
    Always Stay Hydrated
    Processed Foods: recommend you avoid all sorts of processed foods i.e. refined sugar, white flour and fats etc. These are mostly found in junk fast foods as they not only encourage your odor issues but they also cause many other health problems.

    Fried Foods: recommend you limit the consumption of fried meat and any fried food that has been made in rancid oil. These types of foods do not digest easily and end up accumulating in the body producing toxins.

Smokers and Drinkers: Smokers are very susceptible to body odor. If you are a smoker or make use of tobacco in any form stopping it will increase your chances of becoming odor free. People who drink alcohol and caffeinated beverages like tea, coffee, colas are not speared from emitting strange and offensive odor.

Spicy Foods: I like spicy food and most people do too but the fact remains that over eating spicy meals which contain onions, garlic and so on can increase your odor problems or begin them even if you did not have odor issues before. Eating onions and garlic including many other species are beneficial to our health but over doing it leads to the excess being excreted from the body hence causing strong (most often) offensive odor.

Most times in life, the problems and challenges we face as humans can be traced to the quality of life we live. Miracles can begin to happen when people have a renewed mind set and start doing certain things differently. You cannot expect things to change or have new results if you continue to do things the way you have always done.

Keep Yourself and Surrounding Clean Always

Keep Clean:
Basic daily and proper grooming is one of the easiest ways to manage your body odor issues and these are things you probably do on a daily but you may be doing those simple things wrongly. Bathing regularly helps to eliminate the bacteria that causes body odor.
Scrubbing your underarms and your feet when bathing is very vital because these are two areas where odor causing bacteria are mostly found. Using antibacterial soaps are really not important as most soap is made to get rid of bacteria.
For females trying to eliminate genital odor, it’s recommended that you avoid washing the inside parts of your vagina with soap. A healthy vagina will release a clear and odourless discharge because it is naturally designed to keep itself clean. Once itching or strange odor is noticed you are advised to see a gynaecologist.

Dress Appropriately:
Wearing clothes made out of wool, cotton or silk will help you stay cool and fresh as they absorb moisture. This type of clothing helps your skin to breathe better compared to some certain synthetic materials that almost suffocate your skin. Washing your clothes and underpants after wearing them once is important and washing underpants with bleach helps kill bacteria in them.

Health Conditions:
“Health is Wealth”, how very true this saying is. I remember one time when I was very sick and I was so sick that nothing mattered to me at that point; all I wanted was to get well. I could not even eat the foods I once enjoyed nor think about other activities that I normally did.
Certain medical conditions can make the body give off strange odor which sometimes comes from the medication that is being administered.
A study has it that some people have unexplained body odor and may have actually inherited a metabolic disorder. You may have probably heard of the term Trimethylaminuria (TMAU) which is a disease that impairs the ability of an enzyme to metabolize or transform the compound trimethylamine (TMA). It generally has a fishy odor but at lower concentrations, the odor of TMA may be perceived as unpleasant or “garbage-like”.

TMA is usually produced from foods rich in Chaolin such as meats, eggs, certain legumes and salt water fish. The excess of TMA can be perceived from breath and excreted as sweat, saliva and urine.
To control TMAU changes have to be made to your diet as have shared with you in this e-book.
If your gut is not working properly especially when you are having problems digesting certain foods, it can result to body odor. It is recommended you schedule a visit to a medical practitioner if this is your situation. There are also ways to promote your gut health naturally and you can do it at the comfort of your home. You can do this by taking pro-biotic supplement to help boost your intestinal flora quality. Taking digestive enzymes with your meals helps as well as some apple cider vinegar to help aid your digestion.
Detoxifying your gut especially if your odor problem comes from your inside can go a long way to reduce your body odor. There are lots of different types of detoxes, so it is best to talk to your doctor before you attempt one, especially one of the more rigorous ones (most importantly if you have health problems).
Eliminate Stress:
Stress does a lot of damage to our health both physically and mentally. Stress is known to stimulate the apocrine glands which causes body odor. It will appear that when you are anxious or angry you are more likely to smell due to increased sweating, however note that the human sweat is odourless until it comes in contact with the bacteria on your skin.
You can deal with stress by meditating for at least 20 minutes each day. Yoga is very effective to calm your stressful mind and body or playing a soothing musical sound that you like.

The Panacea (Solution in Sight):
In my journey to becoming odor free I tried so many remedies before finding what finally works. The lasting solution to totally getting rid of your odor problems depends on balancing the good and bad bacteria on your skin.
You can do this using isopropyl alcohol (popularly known as rubbing alcohol). You can purchase one at a convenience store near you. Applying rubbing alcohol to your skin is not enough as the result you hope for will come based on its application.

The Application Process:
After your first shower of the day dry your body with a clean towel and apply the isopropyl alcohol (usually about 70% concentration, is best).
You can buy a spray can from a shop near you, this makes application easier. Rub the alcohol in gently into your underarms using a circular motion for about 30 seconds. This you will do for both underarms. For the first three days it is recommended you apply it at least 3 times daily repeating the same process each time while making sure to shower twice daily and changing your clothes and underwear each time.
Never repeat your clothing especially underwear. Always wash them after each wear, ironing then is not a bad idea but not everyone has the time to iron their under wears.
Some people begin to notice changes on the first day after application and during this period you should avoid perfumes and you can stop using deodorant after day 3 of applying the rubbing alcohol, this helps the skin pores stay clear from clogging.
Some underarm odor is very difficult to deal with as your armpit continues to stink even after using this technique for 10 days which is recommended. If your odor refuses to go after 10 days I recommend you continue applying the rubbing alcohol for another 10 days, making sure you adhere to the dos and don’ts.

The same process is applicable in the case of foot odor but remember to disinfect your shoes by spraying the rubbing alcohol on them and allowing the shoes to dry completely before wearing them. The reason you must not repeat any clothes or shoes without washing and cleaning is to prevent re-infecting yourself with the bacteria you have gotten rid from your skin already.

Final Notes:
Life is full of challenges, in fact life will constantly throw these challenges and obstacles at you, but your power lies on how you respond. You may feel that your circumstances cannot be changed, never lose hope for many have suffered even more and have conquered it all. You have to develop a renewed mind set to life as this will help reshape your world and your perception of it. It is our choices that determines the outcome of events in our lives, make a decision to make better informed choices for your life and never allow anybody tell you that you cannot do or have what you so desire. I leave you with the quote below which I have made my daily mantra;
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frighten us. We ask ourselves who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that others won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the Glory of God that is within us. It’s not in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others”.
Believe; live free, Stench free...

This information is solely for informational purposes. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. Neither the author nor publisher take responsibility for any possible consequences from any treatment, procedure, exercise, dietary modification, action or application of medication which results from reading or following the information contained in this information. The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider. This regimen may or may not work for everyone.

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Nice article man! Keep it up!

@jwolf thank you