How To Heal Varicose Natural

in health •  8 years ago 

Our body pumps blood from the whole body to the part of the heart organ. One of the blood vessels that became the path of transport is the vein. When a person develops varicose veins, what happens is bending, swelling, enlargement or veining of the veins causing blockage or restrained blood flow to the heart.

Normally, varicose veins occur in the ankle and calf areas. The cause of this condition is quite a lot, ranging from excess body weight (obesity), being pregnant and too long standing or sitting. If this time you or your family is experiencing it, some ways to heal these varicose naturally hopefully can help.

Grape seeds

Apparently not only the grape that has many benefits, seeds also proved to have a lot of good content, especially for patients with varicose veins. Grape seeds have a composition of vitamin E, linoleic acid, antioxidants and flavonoids are very rich. Its complex antioxidant, ie oligomeric proantocyanidin or in western medical language abbreviated as OPC is an effective natural ingredient for getting rid of varicose veins. This OPC also has the property to protect the capillary blood vessels and even the arteries.

In addition to the seeds, it turns out good substances are also found in the skin of wine. So there is no harm to you consume this fruit consistently. Moreover, who does not like wine?

In addition to consumed, grape seeds can also be used as oil. But the processing may be a bit complicated for the layman. You can find grape seed oil at department stores or pharmacies.

Pine bark

In addition to grape seeds, it turns pine bark also contains antioxidants Oligomeric Proanthocyanidin complexes (OPC). OPC contained in the bark of pine trees has the property of herbs to repair tissues in the body. In addition, the bark of this tree is also believed to be a natural remedy for varicose veins. You who consume it will feel the benefits are very good, ranging from increased blood flow, strengthening of vein walls and increase capillary strength.

Usually pine bark is processed into an extract. In addition to overcome the problem of varicose veins, this natural ingredient is also commonly used to reduce chronic inflammation and to improve the effectiveness of vitamins C and E.

Essential oil

Some types of essential oils have the ability to increase blood flow in the human body if applied appropriately with the right amount. You can try the essential oil and apply it in an area where there are varicose lumps.

In addition, essential oils can also be used every day while using a warm towel for cleaning and soothing. In addition to essential oils, you can also use geranium oil, lemon, rosemary, orange and spruce.


Cabbage is a delicious vegetable eaten when combined with other vegetables. In addition, cabbage also proved to have abundant nutritional content, ranging from vitamins A, E, C, K, B1 and B2. Cabbage also contains magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium, copper, sulfur, forfor and fiber. All these ingredients are a good blend for you dieters. In addition, some of the existing content also plays a good role to treat varicose veins.

Sulfur substances contained in cabbage are able to destroy the fermentation of blood that usually causes infection, pain and swelling. You can make cream from cabbage by chopping it until smooth and mix it until it becomes like pasta. After that, you can apply the ingredients to the varicose veins.

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