When tiredness is actually suppression - The QCK Files

in health •  8 years ago 

In the above video I discuss a session with a client who was facing an issue of feeling tired and lethargic. He wanted to know if QCK could pinpoint for him what was going on in the deeper levels of his mind that was causing him to feel this way.

In a nutshell, what tested out for him was that this experience of lethargy and tiredness was a physical consequence of him having gone into energy experiences of joyfulness, playfulness and feeling amused which 'depleted' his body's energy so to speak. This 'depletion' of our body's energy, or 'life' if you will, happens when we use those positive feelings and experiences to suppress and hide other points within ourselves.

For instance, on more subconscious and unconscious levels of his mind he had throughout his life developed a personality of anger, criticism, hostility and selfishness - something he had primarily copied from his father - however on a conscious mind level these were traits he had come to judge about his father and thus also about himself. This judgment then led him to want to hide and suppress these experiences in his mind and believe he must, especially around his family, exert a personality of joyfulness, playfulness and amusement.

This internal fighting against deep-rooted personality designs as we try to live up to an idea of what is "better" according to judgments in our mind would ultimately cause us to become quite exhausted as that forceful attempt to make ourselves feel a certain way puts a strain on our mind and body, leaving us with an experience of lethargy and tiredness.

That experience of lethargy and tiredness is our body's way of showing us that we need to be honest with ourselves about the words we are living and how we are living them. Living and embodying words like playfulness, joy and amusement should not be in suppression of ourselves because if it is, then what is joy? Can we truly say we are enjoying ourselves when on deeper levels we are judging, fighting against and denying parts of ourselves?

QCK is there as a tool of support to help you see what such experiences like lethargy or tiredness that you are showing you about the deeper levels of yourself in your mind and body so you can claim your power to change such issues. It assists you to start using your own body and mind as your guide to get to know your own mind and start living words like enjoyment as an expression rather than a suppression of yourself.

Thanks for reading.

Kim Amourette
Quantum Change Kinesiologist

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Sometimes we need the whole life to understand ourself.

Yes ilonalt, unfortunately it can take an entire lifetime or years to realize that there are some things we need to change about ourselves. I've found QCK to be an amazing tool to quantify that process of realization and understanding so we don't need to waste years of our life to get to the necessary realizations on our journey of self-creation.

Great to see you Kim ... if only for a New York minute! :)

Great video. Congratulations!

Thanks rtdcs

Awesome Kim :)