in health •  5 years ago 

In today's world, where people are constantly experiencing stress and anxiety, headache becomes almost a daily phenomenon. This disease is one of the most common nervous system disorders, and statistically 90% of people experience it at least once a year.
David Perlmutter, a member of the American College of Nutrition, a neurologist of the first category, gives advice that will help to cope with headaches.

Be active and play sports
People have been very active for centuries, until recently. Modern technology has become a window to the world of seating for us. You should agree that almost everything we need can be obtained today without making any efforts: sometimes you don't even have to get out of bed. But do not forget that over millions of years our genome has evolved in a state of constant tension, because the man was in constant search for food. We can say that the body requires regular physical activity to survive. But, unfortunately, only a few of us today have such a desire. And as a consequence - the growth of chronic diseases, constant headaches, insomnia and poor memory.

To avoid all this, try to be more active during the day. When talking on the phone, walk; prefer to climb the stairs rather than take the elevator; do your exercises and take a walk before going to bed more often. All of this relaxes and relieves stress and pain in the head.

Determine the time of sleep and awakening

Sleep Wake Up is the shortest way to get rid of headaches. The main thing is to determine for yourself what time it is convenient for you to wake up and what time to go to bed. It is important to remember that sleep should last at least 7-8 hours. It is the constancy of the cycle of "sleep-wake up" helps to maintain homeostasis - the state of the body when it balances all the physiological processes.

Think about nutrition

Do not miss meals and get rid of the habit of eating disorderly. Like sleep, your diet controls many hormonal processes, which in turn affect the risk of headaches.

Remember how many cups of coffee and tea you drink a day? Caffeine is a substance that actively causes headaches. But eating foods that contain healthy fats, such as omega-3, will help to strengthen our brain and even make it work more effectively. Therefore, often eat avocado, fish, add nuts to your diet and dressing salads with oils such as sesame, olive or linen.

Try to control your emotions

Anxiety, anxiety and anxiety... These emotions are among the most common triggering factors for headaches. People with migraine are usually sensitive to stressful events. And it triggers the release of certain chemicals in the brain that can cause vascular changes and cause migraine.

Therefore, learn to manage these negative emotions, maybe through meditation or physical and breathing exercises.

Track the patterns of headaches

This helps to identify the moments when you are most at risk and to pay special attention to them. In women, for example, they may often be associated with the menstrual cycle.

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