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You sound like a closet case Flat Earther! in the same way, ​fundamentalist preachers rail against 'homo's' you rail against all manner of perceived irrationality while deeply believing the earth is flat!
You know it's true:-)

whaaaa... check the dates on your medication man

Your initial premises are so absurd and so full of bias in this post that it warrants absurd responses.
It's not the first time I've had to deal with closet cases, but dealing with my first closet FE is truly unique.
Look, please stop trying to save all of us from our outlandish irrationality.... We can handle nuance, complexity, ​and paradox.....

Good that you concede, though, that pharma meds can be bad for people....Or in the words of Trump, very, very, very, bad!
Hey, I'm curious, are you a climate change denier, too? Do you believe that the officials at the IPCC are lying? Or do you believe C.C. is real?