RE: "Spiritual Drugs" Are Bullshit

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"Spiritual Drugs" Are Bullshit

in health •  8 years ago 

There is a reason why LSD and DMT are known in the society as "spiritual" drugs in the first place!

truth is not a democracy. many people believe in aliens and angels. doesn't make them true trough.

My friend , Steve Jobs , who revolutionized technology through his vision of smart phone and personal computers himself quoted in an interview - " LSD was one of the most important things in my life to which I owe my success".

irrelevant. this was the same guy that refuse to take proper cancer medication and died by drinking hippy juices.

Jobs said that taking LSD opened his inner thoughts and he was spiritually overwhelmed.This changed his entire personality and made him a visionery . He became very determined due to it and developed the courage to change the world with "Apple".

if that worked consistently and scientifically most people that had LSD would be successful as Steve Jobs. Instead most of them are wothless hippies living on the dol.

Even the " BEATLES" member JOHN LENNON, who revolutionized the music industry in the 1960's, through songs like "HEY JUDE", admitted in an interview that he took LSD.

I tool LSD. plenty of times. so what? doesn't prove anything "spiritual".

So I think, you are condemning spiritual drugs because you had a bad trip due to them.I assure you, if u would ever like to experiment with spiritual drugs again, do it with a calm and peaceful mind and trust me you will have the best experience of your entire life!

Actually I never had a single bad trip about them. They just numbing your brain and induce hallucinations much like you will experience in dreams. Many people have died by losing control, jumping off buildings..etc.

Speaking about DMT, it is a spirit molecule. DMT is the most powerful drug and its experience are the most powerful ones too.

no evidence. what the fuck is a "spirit" anyways?

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