What Doesn't Kill You Makes You More Indifferent

in health •  8 years ago  (edited)

There is a popular saying that "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger". I beg to differ. This might be true if you are a cat or if you going through a rigorous exercise regime. In reality, if you really come face to face with death by having your well being severely compromised, you are more likely to become indifferent about most things around you.

I had some pretty tough challenges from physical trauma. Having faced death a couple of times, I can tell you that what didn't kill me made desensitized to things that once mattered. Money didn't seem to have the same value as before. Instead, I am ok if I have enough to survive and pay for medical bills.

Things that brought me together in groups of people together such as sports, music and philosophical meetings dropped completely off my radar. Even casual socializing became boring to the point of avoidance. This was not depression as many people believe. I just lost complete interest. Most things around me started looking pedantic and more or less pointless.

Instead, my attention shifted towards long walks in the park and tending to my garden. Fixing anything that fell into my hands also gave me great joy. What didn't kill me, framed reality differently. Daily Issues became less serious, less complicated. Facing the possibility being obliterated from existence does sort out one's priorities in life. We take so many things around us for granted. In fact, it is rather ridiculous how much people obsess over pointless matters. Life is an extremely fragile concept.

source: miriadna.com

Most people gain this form of wisdom only when they get older. Watching our bodies falling apart little by little, we start building up antifragility towards the concept of death. This is part of the reason the older we get, the less we care about most things.

Younger people feel untouchable because their bodies are much more robust. This is also the reason the younger we are the more active and enthusiastic we tend to be. Trauma scrapes away things that might once appealed to us. Our own body shuts off the reward system.

I am not even sure if this feeling is positive or negative. Definitely, not for everyone. I don't feel sad or happy, just a breeze of continual content. Indifference can really suck up the life from most things including feelings of joy or pain from loss. The feeling is similar to buying a new exciting video game with the cheat codes being downloaded in your mind.

Part of being alive is being able to change emotional states dramatically. Expressing feelings of sadness, joy, excitement spices up thing in life. Variation is key, heck some argue that it is the very definition of life. Indifference on the other hand, feels like eating your favorite food every day for 5 years straight. You just eat to stay alive. There is no pleasure to it.

I am writing this because some people that didn't go through some life threatening experiences might have the audacity to advice others to be stronger. Experience though beats sophistry any time of the day. It is better to be considerate and just ask for more extra information rather than trying to project popular quotes onto others. After all, indifference might even be considered to be a form of toughness.

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A guy I once met said "What doesn't kill you makes you stranger"

I can't resist posting this:)

I hate that guy. Wish I was able to kill him bit he is too much fun

Batman: [in the interrogation room] Then why do you want to kill me?

The Joker: [giggling] I don't, I don't want to kill you! What would I do without you? Go back to ripping off mob dealers? No, no, NO! No. You... you... complete me.


Yes, my biography made a good movie. I still have to deal on a daily base with the effects of that specific interrogation. I almost broke my hand there. Very good re-enactment

Thou salt not take the lord's name in vain...

also very true

To me this doesn't happen, Thank God ! ! But family problems exist. On my last job there was a "burnout". I'm so tired, that I'm was like coil spring, that long, long twisted). And she time, and broke. Became indifferent to everything. I don't react to any thing, like a dummy. Gradually it became easier.

Everything will pass and this too shall pass (as was said by the ancient philosophers)

yeap, burnouts are very real

I'm about a year then was pulled myself on the light. It was hard. Tried to walk more (like You), play with the dog, squeeze my cats=)

that works wonders really

I agree with You)

While I haven't been through a near-death experience, the last 10 years have definitely rearranged my priorities. While I can't speak for my wife, I'm fairly certain she feels the same.

By all standards we should have been upper-middle class, I had 25+ years experience in a skilled career and my wife had graduated with honors from one of the top law schools in the country. And yet, on Christmas Eve of 2012 I turned the keys of our modest house over to the bank and we spent the next 16 months without a mailing address. I hesitate to use the term homeless because we never actually had to sleep in the car but we moved 9 times during that period, including a 2 month stay in a hotel room and several long weekends in a friend's RV.

I don't feel indifferent to what the vast majority of Muricans find "important", I feel more like the kid in the Emperor's New Clothes trying to point out that none of them are wearing any clothes.

Thank you for sharing this. It does indeed put things in perspective. Life can surely throw us curveballs that end up affecting us differently.

That happens a lot and it's very true. You have felt it with because of a huge thing, but in happens with the small things as well. That's why people tend to get more "cynical" with age. But in the end, I think that indifference actually leads to more objectiveness.

It does. I relate to everything you just said.

I'm glad to hear that.

Totally agree @kyriacos. I've been through life threatening situations and bad things have happened to me. I don't think it made me stronger, it probably just made me indifferent to those situations. If they happen again, I don't think Id feel anything, definitely not stronger.

Some called me weak, but I don't think I'm weak since I've lived through it all and I'm still here, giving out love and positivity even though I may have none left.

Cheers :) great post!!

Yeap, weak and strong are really peculiar words

When I was nineteen, I died...and remained dead for about two and a half minutes.

I have experienced life-threatening situations, spent time hiding in bomb shelters while air raid sirens blared outside and I have seen people die and get killed. And all I can say is that life doesn't weaken you, and neither does it strengthen you. It just provides the stressors and the challenges - it's totally up to you on how you react to those things.

Every saying I have ever heard is domain-specific, as in it requires detailed background and context to be understood and interpreted correctly. Life is too nuanced for it to be any different:)

I like this and I think it's true (the stoics would agree):
"indifference might even be considered to be a form of toughness"

Thank you for sharing this. I also adhere to much of the Stoic philosophy.

wow thanks for sharing your story!

You are welcome:) Reading what I wrote, it seems more dramatic written down than I remember it in my head:)

Indifference is a form a strength and toughness, and we perceive it as such. That scene in the Dirty Harry movie where Clint keeps on chewing on his hot dog while popping off 44 magnum rounds at a criminal immediately comes to mind.

Haha, Dirty Harry is the personification of toughness!

I do agree that the things which have a high strain on us emotionally and mentality make us more resilient towards other things that have a similarity.
It also can be dedined as making you stronger but in reality it has a dumbing effect on us.
Some find it good others fins it bad.
Cheers and best of wishes from me.

I concur. Whoever came up with that stupid platitude obviously has never been abducted, held at gunpoint and a number of other things. You realize that the society you thought was, at least, a little bit orderly isn't at all orderly and that everything is far worse than it appears, far worse than most people know, and that leaves you with very little in common with everyone else. At least, that's how it went for me. Good article. It's nice to know that other people realize what a stupid thing that is to say.

I think most people have turned most concepts into a meme and when reality does kick their door down only then they realize the bullshit they have been saying.

I'm sorry to hear you had near death experiences... that would be so scary. I agree, sometimes telling people what doesn't kill you makes you stronger is not the best advice.

I was recently talking to a friend who use to be in the army... and he has the exact same symptoms as you. It's hard for him to feel motivated because he is so desensitized. Things that would normally freak him out no longer do that...

Everyone's healing and coping process is different. I think the best thing you can do for someone is to just be there for them.

It wasn't scary really. More like a mind numbing experience. it feels curious. weird.

ahh I can only imagine. Thanks for sharing your story.

It depends on someone's personality actually. When you are in severe pain be it emotionally or physically you are just ecstatic those days that you are not in pain. That's all it matters. For others it turns into resentment and jealousy because they see people enjoying their lives while they can't. Many people in pain become tougher and misanthropic, you can see this in many movies actually, Al Pacino in scent of a woman who was incredibly mean and bitter because he was blind. Remember also Tom Hanks in Forrest Gump. Leautenant Dan was extremely cruel with others because he lost his legs in the war. He kept that anger for years until he made peace with himself after meeting Forest Gamp.


This is a good post. Makes sense. I find the older I get the more pissed off I get about how screwed up and uncontrollable things really are. It's a shame to me that such a small percentage of the population get to control the masses. Anyway, that's a whole other post but I just wanted to say how my feelings boil up over the subject. I can relate to your post in the way of how mundane things or situations don't effect me like they did when I was younger. I don't really care for how people perceive me or what I do. I'm no where near the social butterfly I once was and really enjoy my own company at this point along with the hobbies I've chosen to learn over the years. My family is most important and by that I mean the wife and kids not the in-laws or the estranged cousins or uncle Mike that I rarely see. The sun on my face, the wind in my hair and my child's hand in mine is something to be treasured. All else is rather pointless. Enjoyed as always.

Well said. thank you for sharing this.

Finally! Someone that thinks like I do. I can totally relate to your blog and your thoughts. I, myself feel the same way 😊 People are always thinking I'm mad, upset or depressed because I want to be alone or because I'm quiet. After the things I've been through...sometimes I just have nothing to say.
Great post!

I think many people related to this. I am glad you reached out.

You're welcome. Hope you have a great week-end

You're welcome. Have a great weekend.

Life is grand how ever you look at it. Sure it has its bad days and good days, but overall its amazing. If you are alive that is pure bliss to me, I love life and everything that I do or see or experience I try not to take for granted. Ive had a few near death experiences myself, and major bouts of depression, have also even lost my father recently. So now I look at life differently, how precious it is and how amazing it can be.


One of the best posts I've read in a while @kyriacos. Agree with you. We are too quick to throw around catch phrases. Upvoted and resteemed. Thank you!

Glad you enjoyed it @nolnocluap

Im not sure. My tribulations definitely made me stronger in a sense. I learned that i can endure a lot more then i ever thought possible. Its like..oh my parent is mortally ill...and? Life is like..so? And? And im like well if i managed to get through this, then there is no point of getging aggitated or scared or stressed for the small insignificant things that i used to. When you reach to about level 30 in the game called life, it has usually thrown so much shit at you, so you are abld to unfuck yourself when life fucks you. But i enjoyd the post.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

It can yes. But I found out that sometimes is the combination of things that chisels away your "passion" . Like I mention at the end, indifference might even be perceived as toughness.

Not my meaning to be "difficult" :D But I have become a lot less indifferent as I have grown older. After getting a wife, a kid, and something useful to do with my life, everything means a lot more to me than when I was younger - despite the world constantly fucking me. However, when I was younger AND indifferent, the world couldn't fuck me - cause I was exactly that - indifferent. I had nothing going for me, I had nothing other than playing computer games and lift weights (yeah, those were my passions in my early 20s) that I cared for. So nothing could touch me. Now that I'm exposed to more..I have more money and investments - something could go wrong in the markets, I have a family - something could happen to them (or me) etc etc , so I have a lot more to lose. But despite having a lot more to lose now, I'm a lot tougher mentally. I RISK MORE, and live more, yet I tackle more things with ease.

But..I agree to an extent. I was bullied in school and I didn't have a great family life growing up. Those things definitely didn't make me stronger. It made me weaker than those who didn't experience that. But once I decided that what happened in the past should not define who I could become, I grew past most of my peers (in my opinion :) ) I'm not sure if that passion would have been lit if everything was just a stroll in the park for me. Maybe it would be an easier and more carefree life, I don't know. But I don't think an easy and carefree life is a good life. I have also suffered from panic attacks and a lot of anxiety - and by changing my mindset and looking at it as a blessing, a chance to really build my self up from scratch - just being able to reset my self , putting it all behind was really a blessing. I don't think I'd ever make it to this point, living this life if it wasn't for my panic attacks and anxiety. Sorry bout the rant! :D

Indeed, exposure can really make us feel vulnerable but also heal us. I like how you first paragraph completes and answers to the first.

All my experciences and tragities has made me into the bull I am today. Bottom line

good for you gangster. take my follow ,upvote, catch'ya on a flipside



what doesn't kill me - i don't do that stuff =)

What u have said is a valid point but it's friends or any other close to us will try to make us feel happy that's the only reason they throw quotes on others being suffered in order make them happy.... The point of life is be grateful for whatever we have


I think that the same actually goes for managing money or investing/gambling. Once you learn to lose, get used to watching shit go wrong, you just stop "caring". Ofc, you still care, it's just that shit happening (financially) no longer messes with your emotions.

I've recently had a lot of losses and bad news, and the only thing I can say I'm feeling is apathy. Guess it's a defense mechanism.

in a way it is yes.

After reading this, I would suggest u to read jiddu krishnamurti, or even search him on YouTube

I've read him 10 years ago.

This is deep yet so simple, but not to those who take every minute of life for granted, which is unfortunately most people. I, too, have been through life-threatening situations and I can relate to this post on a personal level. Except, I was pretty insightful when I was younger. I seemed to stand in a different corner than my friends, so to speak. I was labeled "weird" and "air-headed" but it was just that I saw the world differently, and still do. Like, for example, have you ever just paused and took a moment to consciously be aware of your breathing? I wonder how many people have never done that. Or, actually open the ears and try to hear everything that you can in the moment that you are in? Like, birds chirping, bugs buzzing, cars going by, people laughing, the wind blowing, just everything in that moment. How many have never done that? It is a cool experience and makes you go, "Wow. The things we don't even normally notice."

@kyriacos, this is a very high-energy attracting post. Have you read "Power vs. Force"? I think everyone should read that book. And I think more posts such as this one should be put up. It inspires me to do so as well.

The world is making a paradigm shift into a very dark direction, and it began with individual mindsets going in dark directions.

Great post!

Like, for example, have you ever just paused and took a moment to consciously be aware of your breathing? I wonder how many people have never done that. Or, actually open the ears and try to hear everything that you can in the moment that you are in? Like, birds chirping, bugs buzzing, cars going by, people laughing, the wind blowing, just everything in that moment. How many have never done that? It is a cool experience and makes you go, "Wow. The things we don't even normally notice."

Yeap, it helps especially if you are in nature.

@kyriacos, this is a very high-energy attracting post. Have you read "Power vs. Force"? I think everyone should read that book. And I think more posts such as this one should be put up. It inspires me to do so as well.

nop but i will make sure to check it out.

The world is making a paradigm shift into a very dark direction, and it began with individual mindsets going in dark directions.
Great post!

thank you

May i resteem and post have you for me. Please help me.
Follow Me @tantawi

I think the older we get, the more we respect the small things in life.

indeed. I have found this to be true as well.

Really true....some people just feel that they can advice peole about life experiences while they themselves have no hint about what life has got to offer.


Quite unsettling piece. Indeed, most people would say you're depressed. Losing interest in things you used to enjoy is considered a sign of depression. Good thing nobody convinced you to go on some happy pills.
However, I'm a little troubled but a contradiction in the way you describe your life (at least, that's what it seems to me)
Here you say:
"I don't feel sad or happy, just a breeze of continual content."
But later on:
"Indifference on the other hand, feels like eating your favorite food every day for 5 years straight. You just eat to stay alive. There is no pleasure to it."
This last statement doesn't ring like content, there's a feeling of resentment somehow.

I would describe content as "neutral". maybe it was a bad choice of word.

Your title made me chuckle...Isn't that the truth...
"What Doesn't Kill You Makes You More Indifferent".

Thanks for another excellent post!

glad you enjoyed it

Yeah, I feel you here. I definitely have experienced this

Hello Friend Nice Post by You

Please see my post also under the title
"Please Check the POST"

Thank you very much

I have experienced death - thought I was going to be stuck there... but came back. In clock-time was only a few minutes - in experiential-time seemed like an age. A deep sense of the void, of peace, of home, and deep indifference and compassion for the noise of this world.

it is kinda different for everyone I guess

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Sometimes, I think that what doesn't kill us make us nothing...Some people still do not change even they hurt!

true. this can apply as well

Good addition to your previous post.

And: Been there (twice), and what you say sounds about right.

it feels weirdly satisfying having other relating to your experiences.

You will forgive me for being terse about it; I'm not that social on social media.

not many are

At this point, after all the shit I've been through - having nearly died a gazillion times - living itself is "like eating your favorite food every day for 5 years straight....just eat to stay alive...[with] no pleasure to it."

The body outlives the spirit, not vice versa :'D


Maybe it only made you realized that there are far more important things that you needed to do than just continue doing what you've been doing for a while.

maybe, but I didn't change my ways. I just shifted the gravity of my attention to some things while removing it from other.

Because there's a fraction in your mind that tells you to do it. You may not realize it, but in times that our hearts is at low pace, our minds works at its best.


thats one side of a medal, what about another? :) think about it too and you will see life is genius for everyone you just have to think right thats all :)




That's a good article. I think that it can be reversed also.

What doesn't kill you makes you indifferent
Being indifferent 'kills' others

I can see how this can apply

i really connect with you

Thank you for sharing your story

I like the title thats' so true your post is very deep thanks a lot for sharing it and keep on posting ;)

glad you enjoyed it

Highly informative

thank you

This post makes sense. I'm older now and the things I really wanted in my 20's and 30's don't mean much anymore. I do get peace in my little food garden.

yeap. I think most of us feel the same way.

What doesn't kill you, simply makes you stranger! ♠


i feel your indiference.
the proximiy of death opened my eyes in a different way. at first i had to ignore/lose the irrelevant things (the most part are the things that make a society function) and consume all of life. after a while i realized that this pure consumption did not satisfy me. so i went into indifferent mode. there i saw that we make the meaning of things. with this knowledge i've come back from flatland (no good no bad). flatland is a shelter too attend your wounds. you can see everything from there but feel so little.
it's a unique experience being indifferent. i agree with you,it is like toughness, but have to disagree too. if you don't feel the pain you cannot be tough. you are absent.
for everyone experiencing this i hope you come back.

nice one. Thank you for sharing your experience. Most of the time we look each other and we take everything for granted when there is so much we don't know about how each of us has been crafted.

true, but some things are equal for all of us

Indifference is stronger. So the saying is still right ;-)


What didn't kill me, framed reality differently. Daily Issues became less serious, less complicated.

Maybe that is your version of stronger...

Younger people feel untouchable because their bodies are much more robust.

So true; I actually felt immortal when I was younger, not metaphorically, I mean actually immortal. I couldn't understand why people aged, I thought that I must be different, that I would never age.

I looked at old people walking down the street, and I just wondered why they didn't walk normally.

Now, I still feel great (:-) ) However now, I'm hoping on technology to transport me into immortality, I still wanna live forever!


PS: Don't want you to think I'm being rude, but I'll be back to vote on this one, I am trying an experiment this week, with later voting. :-)

Now, I still feel great (:-) ) However now, I'm hoping on technology to transport me into immortality, I still wanna live forever!

I think that transhumanism has really become the next step of religion. Both concepts practically aim for the same thing :)

PS: Don't want you to think I'm being rude, but I'll be back to vote on this one, I am trying an experiment this week, with later voting. :-)

oh i don't mind. heck I wouldn't even noticed if you haven't told me.

Yes, I suppose it is kind of like a next step. Although I don't worship the technology in anyway, and don't put any kind of anthropomorphic personality on it.

I just think it would be cool to see what the future holds in the next few centuries and beyond :-)


I am not even sure if I want to be immortal.

Q from Star Trek put me into some deep thoughts on the matter

I know, I'm not sure myself; I like what people in Ian M. Bank's Culture do to escape the boredom of immortality. They get the Minds to put them in suspended animation, and then tell them to wake them when; "something interesting happens" :-)


I guess that works too! :D

Even some quantum physics theories propose that actually we never die. So we may not even need technology, in a practical sense, to be immortal.

Yeah, whilst our atoms never do, the consciousness definitely does die; so we're gonna need tech :-)


wisdom comes with age!
We lose our physical abilities but we are still alive

You have a great point. I agree..

Homie, you are dropping truth bombs here.


Great post! Indifferent...or simply being, having more space to see what is important and having the openness to respond to others and the world from that space.

Facing death really makes you value whats important, alternatively, remembering that you will someday die also gives you a subtle feeling of that.


Totally agree... although I experienced the withdrawal from others and back to the basics as more of an inability to relate to the masses. Because the little Day to day things truly do not matter once death is experienced. It's an evolution of the spirit. Nice post. Glad there are others out there :)

evolution of the spirit

I guess this is another way to put it.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Your post made a excellent read and I could relate myself to lot of your experiences. I didn't myself go through life threatening experiences but I lost someone very close to me in my family rather tragically 5 years back and a lot has changed. Most things don't interest me anymore and I don't care about keeping in touch with most people or engaging in small talk. I am relatively young- and my perspectives on life have changed though once in a while my inner persona starts behaving with the same old energy and excitement as before.

hank you for sharing this. it does put things in perspective doesn't it?

It is very true a lot of us take life for granted, when we do appreciate life it's to late. Most people our caught up in material things or where they are going to spend their weekends. We forget about the important things family, friends, and the memories we create. These are the things we should be looking forward to in life; not only when facing death but all the time. Some people don't have their eyes open till they face a serious life threatening situation. My advice is live life to the fullest like everydays your last. Dope Post 🙏🙏

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

yeap, nonetheless, reality wakes all up sooner or later

well, does the indifference also make you a little less passionate?


Good point. I think there may be degrees to this concept. For example, PTSD will definitely make you numb to portions of reality. While lower degree challenges in life may develop your emotional muscle and strengthen resilience in you over time.

intensity matters. always.

Great post.
My life has changed considerably over the past year. I have had medical people tell me that I am grieving the things I had before. They didn't ask me if I even desired to regain those things, just decided in there wisdom to tell me.
In spite of illness that of course brings times of suffering I have never been more grateful for the things that I do have.
Even if someone was to be experiencing grief or loss, the medicalisation of such a state sends a message that emotions other than ecstatic happiness are states of illness.
The latest edition of mental health diagnostic criteria actually states a time frame to which a person should contain there grief.
I definitely think indifference, containment of emotions and even denial are very important self preserving strategies that should be protected rather than dismissed and minimalised.
Sometimes life events do in fact deplete, traumatise and desensitize us. Perhaps rather than strength we should call it resilience.

thank you for sharing this. I guess time is the best healer.

The German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche's original line was “Was mich nicht umbringt macht mich stärker." The saying comes from the “Maxims and Arrows” section of Nietzsche’s book, Twilight of the the Idols (1888). It is usually translated into English as "what does not kill me makes me stronger."

Here is a link to the actual reading. Read what Nietzsche argues before spending so much time misunderstanding his point. Just a thought . . .


I am aware of it. It didn't come primarily from him. Even if it did, this is not how it is applied today. Everything has context and surely almost nobody relates the saying with Nietzsche’s words.

Uh, it did come "primarily" from Nietzsche. As to how it is "applied today", who exactly makes that determination? Invoking context might work among those that think that means something, but surely almost nobody relates context to one's mere belief . . . right?

I am not sure how many people do it voluntarily of involuntary.

Depression its not indifference exactly. Some claim that it is but its not. You seem indifferent but you are not. Some claim that depression is the exact opposite of indifference. You hold strong emotions about something. Depression is linked to holding very strong emotions about something, you care too much that's why you get depressed. When you stop taking things too seriously depression goes away.

I didn't say depression is indifference. I said others claim that I am depressed for being indifferent.

What doesn't kill you gives you one heck of a twisted humour. Good article. Upvoted..

nice one

Dear, this happens with the person when he enters the different dimension. The world has many dimensions and people change their dimensions throughout the life. So you must be in a phase of transformation. Sometimes you might be feeling an intense fear or shivering due to cold but do not be afraid you will be alright. In our Hindu religion, this has been explained properly many saints have shared their mystic experiences and I have met them personally.

Nicely summarized
Thanks for sharing this intellectualy written Article

glad you enjoyed it

Every fragment of the post was sharp and to the point. I am glad I got to read it.

glad you enjoyed man.

That's so true man, like I broke my left arm the bone called the humor and like on a scientific level of explanation it did make the bone stronger after healing up naturally(yeah didn't go through the surgery and all) but mainly it made things indifferent around me. For instance I fell of a ledge and broke it so now I'm not so afraid of ledges anymore because I know it can only get as bad as an arm(not entirely but just go with it).

Stronger in a way but more indifferent for sure. Just putting it out there! Cheers!


Thank you for sharing this

Its a world of duality.. you have to hit bottom hard so you branches can grow up in the sky.

not always. sometimes you just hit the bottom and stay there.