Real Martial Arts

in health •  8 years ago 


They Ain't What They Used To Be

These days the martial arts have morphed so drastically from the original intent as well as practice.

The original Arts were practiced and taught as a full spectrum life model. They combined health, meditation and life protection methods, (note I did not say fighting or sport).



Might as well get this out of the way first... this is a sport, and it is not really even mixed anymore. When the concept started with the first UFC match, you would see different stylists working their sport with another style... it was mixed. However now they all train the same "style"... they even dress alike, it is no longer mixed.

And they have a ton of rules in which they need to observe... all good for the safety factor, but a sport then by definition.


The Old Ways

Going by the historical documentation of the original methods we see a completely different modality.

The old ways were not all about fighting, they were about forging a complete warrior... as subtle as that sounds it is of great importance. A warrior needed a completely different mindset and spirit... you did not go into battle to fight, you went in to conquer.

Fighting is a prolonged process of back and forth, give and take. In battle you can not play this game, you go through the opponent you do not square off with them.

We hear the tales of old warriors that defeat 100 opponents in a battle. We always placed that in our mind as folklore or myth, but that is only because we do not have the mentality or spirit that was developed through a life of battle and conquest. And so few of us today can even comprehend this as possible. But let's diverge a bit to more fully understand its possibility through modern example.

Take Steve Jobs, Sir Richard Branson, or any of those few who conquered all as it seemed to simply fall before them. The weapons changed but the mindset did not. Or consider a warrior like Michael Phelps... accomplishing what others would only consider impossible or just tales of old.

So what separates the warrior from the soldier?

They did not fight, or engage in conflict, instead they walked through the opposition without stopping to engage.

The Reality

The Old Arts trained the mind and spirit, the body also forged as it followed and knew no physical limitation. Today people tend to take the opposite path whereas they work to forge the body, but neglect the spirit and mind. They play sport with physicality instead of limitless possibility of mind and spirit.

The Old Arts worked first with meditation, to eliminate the mental boundaries. Then with breath to coordinate and control it from its natural and societal limitation and structure.

Next it work to stop human life or function immediately. This does not rely on defensive action, but rather a proactive mindset, spirit and deep understanding of human anatomy and physiology. They attacked the inner man not the shell as almost all modern adaptions do. As example and as opposed to merely striking the head with a fist, the attack is directed to nerves and or vascular tissue to cause internal imbalance and trauma.

An example of the body mapping with proper targets, tools and affects will be in the next article.

Our Journey

Our journey into real Martial endeavor will begin at the end, then work through the development of the Martial way.

It will be done in this manner so that the reader can fully understand the need, use and reason for this ancient training.

We will start with one weakness of the human body, how the ancients secretly passed the information generationally and its use.

Then we will delve into the conditioning of mind, body and spirit required in forging the warrior.

In this conditioning you will learn breath control, active meditation (during physical exertion and stress), not the passive meditation that is more difficult to rely on in real life. And you will forge a body of steel, all within a single quick exercise for you to gain ancient wisdom, method and ability to pass on to your next generation.

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Good Health – Evan Pantazi #Kyusho

Image Credits: wallpapers, alphacoders, maifhq

life philosophy health kyusho

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Cool article!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Thank you... something that lasts millennia, has got to be good.

The show is about to start!

I started this blog with health, as each Old Instructor was also the doctor of the town... this will be a look of real martial arts of old and a new perspective for most.

I remember chinese martial arts movies during my childhood days.

This will be a bit different, but those old movies had little bits inside for those that could see them.

You make excellent points in this post. In particular the fact that you correctly articulated the crucial difference between sport fighting and true martial arts in the traditional context. I have been in martial arts for 35 years and I agree with what you have to say and look forward to seeing more.