What began with a conversation between husband and wife has evolved into an interesting scientific discovery. The findings, published in the British Medical Journal, show a link between cyclical solar storms, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), giant cell arteriosclerosis (GCA), and two debilitating autoimmune diseases. Their findings have been the result of a rare collaboration between physicists and medical researchers and suggest a link between solar episodes and the incidence of these diseases. This enables us to take preventive measures to protect against the risk of infection if one can have a causal link.
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and giant cell arteriosclerosis (GCA) are immune diseases that make the body attack itself by mistake and attack its own organs and tissues.
Arthritis causes rheumatoid arthritis and can cause paralysis if left untreated. Giant cell arteriosclerosis (GCA) leads to inflammation of the artery wall, leading to headaches, jaw pain, vision problems and even blindness in severe cases. Their inspiration in this study is conversations between Simon Wing, a physicist at the University Johns Hopkins, and his wife, Lisa Ryder, vice president of a unit of the Environmental Self-Immunity Group at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences at the National Institutes of Health, and found that RA cases and giant cell arteriosclerosis (GCA) came close to sun cycles for 10 Years. "Only a few things in nature have sessions that occur every 10-11 years and the solar cycle is one of them."
He collaborated with physicist Jay Johnson of the US Department of State Princeton Energy Laboratory in Plasma Physics, a longtime collaborator, to continue the investigation, in addition to Eric Mattison, head of the Rheumatology Department at Mayo Clinic, which tracked physical phenomena and discovered cases of RA and GCA near Of the annual solar cycle.
Results that found an increased incidence of both RA and GCA would be in concert with the periodic magnetic activity cycle of the sun.
During the solar cycle, and the dramatic changes that could affect space weather near the Earth in which the sun revolves around the maximum solar energy, for example, electrically charged plasma gas against Earth's magnetic activity, and the magnetic field that surrounds the planet. It can disrupt cell phone service, satellite and hit power grids.
More importantly, during the phase of low-cap solar high-speed currents arise in the direction of the solar wind that consists of plasma flowing from the sun. These currents lead to enhanced geomagnetic activity at high latitudes.
The interaction of diseases with both terrestrial magnetic activity and ultraviolet radiation and solar radiation has been detected. The incidence of the disease has been recorded at this time for five successive decades and the physicists have compared the data containing the ultraviolet radiation indicators for the years 1950 to 2007 and Earth Magnetic Activity Indicators from 1966 to 2007.
The study included 207 cases of GCA and 1179 RA that occurred during the periods mentioned and collected in a long-term study led by Sherine Jibril and Mayo Clinic. Although assumptions are confirmed, there is no clear explanation for any of the hypotheses currently. However, the prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis and giant cell arteritis has been detected during solar patrols.
As a result of decreased production of melatonin, an anti-inflammatory hormone that helps to promote immunity, and confirmed the study of the proportion of melatonin, which decreased by 21 percent in the days when the increase in geomagnetic activity. After reaching these discoveries, which is an important step towards the development of mitigation strategies Of the impact of the activity on individuals most vulnerable to the disease.
Such strategies should include the development of new methods to address the direct factors that can be controlled by terrestrial magnetism. For the time being, the authors say, their results call for more investigations that need longer periods of time and we are waiting for more.
Dear reader: Science and ambition have no limits, do not lose hope that if you are infected with the disease there is always a glimmer of hope soon will be achieved.