Why is exercise good for us?

in health •  7 years ago  (edited)


Regular exercise is important because it keeps bones joints and muscles healthy. during any physical exertion, the rate at which the heart beats increases, as it pumps more oxygenated blood around the body. how quickly the heart rate returns to normal after exercise is one way to assess how fit someone is and how exercise is actually improving their fitness. once almost everyone did manual work of some kind. it was essential for the inactivelives many of us now lead. that is why exercise is important for good health.


When you exercise your muscles contract and produce an acid known as lactic acid. this acid acts like a poison the effect of this lactic acid is to make you tired, by making muscles feel tired. if the acid is removed from a tired muscles, it stops feeling tired and can go right to work again. so ffeeling tired after muscular exercise is reallythe result of a kind of internar 'poisoning' that goes on in the body. but the body needs this feeling of tiredness so that it will want to rest. during rest the joints of the body replace the supplies of lubricants they have used up.

Fact File


Swimming is a very good form of exercise as it uses lost of muscles without causing strain. it is important to stretch your muscles before and after exercise to distribute the lactic acid.

resources: Tell me Why (Chancellor Press)
image 1: https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/766/this-is-how-much-exercise-you-need-to-do-to-reap-health-benefits-main-1492711201.jpg?resize=768:*
image 2: https://banner.kisspng.com/20180222/lyq/kisspng-sliding-swimming-pool-friction-clip-art-man-swimming-cartoon-5a8f645a655999.4162933315193467784151.jpg
image 3: https://xgym.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/lacid.jpg


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Exercise is important to keep health absolutely. But doing regular exercise is difficult always.

You are right both are important excercise must be regular ^^