Eka Setiowati-Binahong is very well known as an herbal plant to treat some diseases. Plant that has been famous since ancient times is not without reason why it can be made obet.Hal is in because binahong content such as saponins, alkaloids, oleanotic acid, essential oils, ascorbate and antioxidant.
Well one of the compounds in this binahong leaf like alkanoid can cure diabetes.Seperti reported from (8/4/2017) the compound tersebt very powerful to increase insulin levels of pancreas.Sehingga very powerful to break down the sugar in blood.
As for how to make this herb from binahong leaf like:
Provide 20 pieces of binahong leaves.
Wash thoroughly and then squeeze until slimy.
Then you enter the pan with 6 glasses of water.
Then boiled until the water only 3 cups.
Then you strain after that you drink when it's cold.
Drink 3 times a day, the rest you can put in the refrigerator.
By consuming this herb regularly then the production of oinsulin in your body will increase so as to be able to break down glucose in darh into energi.Nah that's how to make binahong leaf potion for diabetes.Semoga can be useful for you umpteen and thank you. Do not forget to share ya buddy Ucer?