Health Benefits of Pomegranate

in health •  7 years ago  (edited)

I went to the supermarket and was browsing the produce aisle when I saw some nice looking pomegranates on sale so I bought a couple. Not only are pomegranates delicious but they have several health benefits. They are loaded with vitamin C, K , potassium, and fiber. Pomegranate juice has more anti-oxidants than red wine or green tea. Pomegranates help prevent and treat cancer, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and inflammation. They reduce arthritis and joint pain, fight bacterial infections, improve heart health and improve memory.



If you are looking for a power packed fruit loaded with anti-oxidants, the pomegranate would be an excellent choice. After trying pomegranate I will now include it in my diet.


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Must beautiful fruit i adore it with red color like a beautiful blonde woman in red dress

It is delicious and has that vibrant red color that is beautiful!

It is definitely worth eating for the taste and the health benefits!

for all the guys out there, pomegranate also increases testosterone!

Do you eat the seeds? Do you eat the whole inside? I always see it at the grocery store and want to buy it and never have, I will now though thanks for this post, hugs!❤️

Eat the seeds. Do not eat the white part separating the seed clusters. I was the same way and always saw it at the grocery store but never thought to buy it until a friend had me try some:)