Benefits and dangers of cannabis for health

in health •  7 years ago 

Cannabis is a very powerful drug that is identified consisting of 483 different chemical constituents. 66 of them are called cannabinoids - marijuana compounds that play an important role in the quality of marijuana as a medicine. But that does not mean there are 66 different cannabinoid effects / interactions. Here are the most obvious compounds of cannabis presence and its benefits:

  • THC (Delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol)

THC is the most active compound in the psychological marijuana, and it is also one of the most therapeutic for its users. THC has an analgesic effect, anti-spasmodic, anti-vibration, anti-inflammatory properties, appetite and anti-vomiting stimulants used for various diseases such as: eating disorders , Side effects of chemotherapy, multiple sclerosis [autoimmune disease affecting the brain and spinal cord (central nervous system)], spasticity (constant and unwanted contraction of one or more muscle groups as a result of stroke or other to the brain or spinal cord ], Convulsions and others. In addition, THC has been known to reduce tumor growth and reduce the development of atherosclerosis [constriction of blood vessels caused by excess fat in artery walls] in mice.

  • (E) -BCP (Beta-caryophyllene)

(E) -BCP is a powerful and natural anti-inflammatory component that is also found in foods such as black pepper, oregano, basil, lime, cinnamon, carrots, and celery. Unlike THC, these cannabinoids do not affect the brain, which means they do not produce psychotropic effects. The researchers said (E) -BCP could be an effective treatment for pain, arthritis, cirrhosis, nausea, osteoarthritis [joint disease], atherosclerosis [a condition in which the artery wall thickens as A result of excess fat such as cholesterol], and other diseases without making the patient feel "high".

  • CBC (Cannabichromene)

Often, cannabinoids work together to create healing properties in cannabis. CBC is a good example of that, because CBC encourages the effects of THC. CBC also has sedative and analgesic effects.

  • CBD (Cannabidiol)

CBD is a non-psychoactive component of cannabis, which means it is not intoxicating. It is believed that the presence of CBD in cannabis can suppress euphoria effects of THC [* mental and emotional states are defined as a sense of peace / relaxation]. CBD has anti-inflammatory, anti-biotic, anti-depressant, anti-psychotic, anti-oxidant, sedative, immunomodulatory properties, as well as to relieve seizures, inflammation, anxiety, and nausea. CBD needs to work with THC to treat chronic pain. In 2001, GW Pharmaceuticals found that only the combination of CBD and THC was the one that offered the analgesic effect on the patient. If used separately, CBD or THC are not as effective as treating chronic pain as if they were used simultaneously.

-CBG (Cannabigerol)

CBG is the first cannabinoid produced by this plant. CBG is the biogenetic originator of all marijuana compounds. CBG has sedative effects and antimicrobial properties, and causes drowsiness. Studies show that CBG can reduce intraocular pressure in glaucoma patients (patients with eye disorders in which the optic nerve is damaged in permanent vision and may lead to blindness if untreated) and contribute to the antibiotic properties of cannabis itself .

Often we see on television or newspaper shows showing people arrested for possession or use of marijuana or marijuana, as if the use of drugs has become a trend or lifestyle of young people now. Cannabis is one of the illicit drugs that its use and its circulation A has been regulated by law.

Marijuan itself comes from grass-like plants, although marijuana is a kind of medicine but not known as a drug. Cannabis is a type of narcotics, for those who consume it can cause an unconscious effect, in its use as a narcotic goods, marijuana is usually consumed in the form of cigarettes or eaten. In consuming marijuana is usually mixed with other types of liquor and other narcotics.

Since time immemorial has been used, in India itself is often referred to as bhang, charas, or Ghana. In the State of Egypt called hasish, in African countries call it kef and in developed countries call it marijuana. Central to the human nervous system can be affected by consumption of marijuana. Frequent marijuana addicts are those whose emotions are unstable or involved in crime.

Statement from the Encyclopedia Britannica that there will be illusions or strange things in mind for those who smoke cannabis, usually people who smoke cannabis will feel, hungry, thirsty and want sweet food. Someone when using marijuana looks wistful, feeling himself the greatest, sleepy, and even feel being tortured. Road accidents happen a lot because of the influence of cannabis consumption.

Abuse of cannabis use is often done among young people, usually they use to improve self-confidence. People who use marijuana can not control laughter and like to talk rambling, in a conscious condition the effects of cannabis can cause people who consume it has excessive fear, delirium, sadness.

A worse possibility is that those who accidentally try to smoke marijuana will often be a heroin or morphine exploit all at once, then they will fall into a heroin or morphine addict.

The existence of research on marijuana and mental health says 40 percent can increase the risk of developing mental illness by using drugs, doctors appeal to the authorities for health problems, in order to remind youth about the dangers of cannabis on the mind. The conclusions are based on 35 studies that examine the delusion, the frequency of schizophrenia, hallucinations, mental illness and the confusion of thoughts experienced by cannabis users.

Effects of cannabis users

  1. Loss of control
    One of the most well-known cannabis effects in the wider community is that cannabis can cause a person to lose control, causing Hallucinations, Amnesia, increased sensation, eurofia. Therefore, the ingredients of these drugs are illegal in our country, because of course very dangerous especially those who usually consume narcotics is the young people who are the hope of the nation in the future.

  2. Lung problems
    Users of marijuana usually have lung problems, especially breathing, by consuming marijuana 3-4 marijuana butts as dangerous as consuming cigarettes 20 butts. In addition to respiratory problems will appear various other problems in the lungs. Even marijuana is more at risk of causing lung disorders than cigarettes in Steadyhealth lansir.

  3. Addiction
    Marijuana has a high content of addictive substances that can cause dependence and the danger is that marijuana users from day to day will consume more cannabis because of dependence, therefore can cause various negative effects to overdose.

  4. Mental illness
    This one effect is a continuation of the previous effect of losing control, due to excessive marijuana use of this effect will appear. The flower will gradually lose control of himself at some point the user will be completely unable to control himself and experience mental disorders.

  5. Disturbing the production system
    Through the research process is known that marijuana makes the hormone testosterone therefore can reduce the number of sperm, and the effect is a decrease in male vitality or can be barren.

  6. Increased criminality
    Many may ask what the crime relates to marijuana, I explain marijuana makes people dependence for people who do not have a lot of money would be trying to get money and buy marijuana. At certain times where the user has been heavily dependent on marijuana he is doing anything to get marijuana even with the criminal means though.

  7. Go to jail
    This is a definite impact if you use marijuana because our country is licensing this one, at least this will be your strong reason for refusing cannabis. And the punishment is also not light for marijuana users.


  1. Understanding of marijuana

(Cannabis sativa syn Cannabis indica) is a fiber-producing plant, but is better known for its narcotic substances in its seeds, tetrahydrokanabinol (THC, tetra-hydro-cannabinol) that can make the wearer euphoric. Marijuana plants are usually made into marijuana cigarettes.
These annual crops can reach up to 2 meters high. Leaf menjari with male and female flowers are in different plants (two homes). The flowers are small in dompolan at the end of twigs. Cannabis only grows in tropical mountains with altitude above 1,000 meters above sea level.

  1. Types of Cannabis
    Purple Passion
    Hash piant
    Hawaiian Sativa
    Hollywood 0.6.
    Misty Haze
    Mc. Nice
    Rowdy 06
    Sove Diesel
    Supper Bubble
    Supper Silver Kush
    TV 06 Kush
    White widon
    Xmas Kush

  2. Effects of cannabis use
    Users of marijuana easily lose concentration, pulse tends to increase, balance and coordination of the body becomes bad, fear, panic easily, depression, confusion and hallucinations

  3. Utilization of Cannabis
    In a number of countries marijuana planting is completely prohibited. In some other countries, cannabis planting is allowed for the benefit of fiber utilization. The requirement is that the planted varieties should contain very low or no narcotic substances.
    Before there was a strict prohibition against the planting of marijuana, in Aceh the leaves of marijuana became a vegetable component and were generally served.
    For its users, dried cannabis leaves are burned and smoked like cigarettes, and can also be sucked with a special tool called a bong tube.

  4. Long Term Effects of Cannabis Use

  • High risk of bronchitis, lung cancer and respiratory diseases (cannabis contains twice as much tar than cigarettes).
  • Loss of interest and passion to perform activities,
  • Loss of energy and boredom.
  • Short-term memory damage, logical thinking and coordination of body movement.
  • The sex drive decreases.
  • Reduced sperm count (in men), irregular menstrual cycle (in women).
  • Symptoms of severe psychiatric disorders.
  • Damage to the immune system.
  • Addiction.
    1. Law and Drugs
      Having, wearing, storing or selling marijuana in Indonesia is a violation of the law and may be subject to imprisonment and / or severe fines. Anyone convicted of drug-related charges will have a criminal record. This can lead to other problems in life; From the difficulty of getting a job or travel visa to the difficulty of getting educational opportunities at home and abroad
    2. Tips to Stay Away from Drugs
  • Determined to be free from drugs.
  • Often remind yourself of personal determination to be free from drugs.
  • Select a friend.
  • Be aware of the dangers.
  • How to say NO to marijuana offer
    "I do not need it"
    "No, thank you"
    "My parents would not agree"
    "I do not have time for that
  • Suggestions

Based on the discussion, the author's suggestion is as follows.

  1. Never try drugs even if it is just a little.
  2. The government must combat drug trafficking in Indonesia.
  3. Parents should pay more attention to their children not to fall into the abyss of drugs.
  4. Perlu increase cooperation between the community and the apparatus to combat drug trafficking.
  5. Teenagers must be noticed by all parties so as not to fall into drug abuse.

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Marijuana usually doesn't lead to morhpine or heroin addiction. Also you don't get physically addicted to cannabis but rather mentally dependent if you use it regularly. Depression or fear can be caused by smoking too much but if you have someone watching out for you he could calm you down. You don't hallucinate after smoking marijuana. The closest you can get to hallucinating is with extreme doses you can get closed eye visuals or CEVs. Research better if you put out an article like that.

Nice post, beautifully presented!!, Upvoted :)

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thanks @ksvvb